Friday, November 9, 2012


Now that the election has been over for a few days, the right wing blame game is in full throttle.  Of course it was Romney’s fault, he wasn’t conservative enough. Never mind the fact the GOP electorate chose him, and forgetting the fact he really didn’t have a plan for anything, and in my opinion wasn’t a very truthful person.  Who do they think would have done better, Santorum or Gingrich? Don’t make me laugh. Romney and his advisors were pathetic.  They said stupid things and the next day said stupider things.  People like Dick Morris and Karl Rove the Fox propaganda station said the polls were wrong except for theirs. Guess what?  The polls were exactly right, and theirs was wrong. I guess they want to blame the storm for their downfall too.  Oh, I forgot it must be Gov. Christie’s fault too.  The President was doing his job and Christie was trying to help his state and his people, reprehensible according to the right-wing loons.   If President Obama hadn’t been sleep walking in the first debate this would have been a bigger blow out that it was.   If the GOP doesn’t stop listening to the Limbaugh’s and the Fox propaganda machine they are never going to win much of anything.  Good people with good ideas should matter more that agendas. 

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