Thursday, March 27, 2014


A recent article about what states get back more Federal money than they put in showed that most of the states are deeply Republican, and in the south, these are the same people complaining about the government at every turn. You have heard all the stupid things they complain about; socialism, communism, nanny state and so on. A blogger that I have read put it in perspective. “ If the USA were to cast off all the red states then the welfare problem would cease to exist.” The Republicans who lead these states are not looking out for the people, they want to keep them poor and uneducated. There is another quote that kind of fits these states. “ A hellhole inhabited by folks who were to poor to leave or to ignorant to know that there were better places.” They don't want health insurance for their poor, they don't want unions for all the obvious reasons, because they offer a better live. They foster divisions in race. What it comes down to is that the only way this is going to change is for the people to wake up and vote these people out of office. Of course the Republicans' know this too. Why do you think they are restricting voting anyway they can?

Monday, March 24, 2014


I was reading a discussion on “Library thing” which is a site to keep a record of books that you own. The question that was being discussed was the moon landing in 1969 real or fake. The people on this site are very well educated. I was shocked that quite a few of them think it might have been faked. Conspiracy theories are so common, but the fact is there is no proof to support those theories. We can go back to the JFK, and RFK assassinations; the moon landing, 9/11 was really staged by our own government and so on. I'm willing to bet that 90% of these people are the same people who think that President Obama is a Kenyan and a Muslim. They believe in God which is good, but there is no proof that God actually exists. They take this on faith. There is more proof that all the so-called conspiracies actually happened, but these people don't accept them. Why, you make ask? I think whatever doesn't fit into their out look on life can't be true.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Of course if you're State Senator Phil Jensen (R-SD) he doesn't think so. He thinks you should be able to discriminate against anyone you want if you are in business. He thinks businesses would go out of business when people find out you discriminate. That never seemed to be the case in the south during Jim Crow, but you know this self-appointed emissary from God knows best. It's so obvious that this guy is unworthy to be in any kind of position where he makes decisions that affect people. The sad thing is that people elect these guys knowing that they're racists of some sort. This kind of behavior is becoming normal with in the GOP, and no one pays the price. In away I think the GOP likes these things in the news because it keeps the public's mind off the fact they have no ideas to help the country, and in fact they don't want to improve the country. They just want to kiss the ass of the 1%.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Ken Langone, a GOP mega-donor who co-founded Home Depot made a stupid remark like his fellow billionaires who can't seem to help themselves when they compare themselves to Jews in Hitlers' Germany in the 1930's. They misconstrue the discussion about wealth inequality. They think it has to do with “envy or jealousy." All it has to do with is that the vast majority of people are being left behind do to no fault of their own.

Here is what they really think and what they want. This is from a memo written by Citigroup who by the way received 45 billion dollars from the government.

`If we are right, that the rich are going to keep getting richer over the coming years Despite being in great shape, we think that global capitalists are going to be getting an even greater share of the wealth pie over the next few years, as capitalists benefit disproportionately from globalization and the productivity boom, at the relative expense of labor. For the poorest in society, high gas and petrol prices are a problem. But while they are many in number, they are few in spending power, and their economic influence is just not important enough to offset the economic confidence, well-being and spending of the rich. We expect the global pool of labor in developing economies to keep wage inflation in check, and profit margins rising – good for the wealth of capitalists, relatively bad for developed market unskilled/outsource-able labor. This bodes well for companies selling to or servicing the rich."

Furthermore, the rising wealth gap between the rich and poor will probably at some point lead to a political backlash. Whilst the rich are getting a greater share of the wealth, and the poor a lesser share, political enfranchisement remains as was – one person, one vote. At some point it is likely that labor will fight back against the rising profit share of the rich and there will be a political backlash against the rising wealth of the rich. This could be felt through higher taxation (on the rich or indirectly though higher corporate taxes/regulation) or through trying to protect indigenous laborers, in a push-back on globalization – either anti-immigration, or protectionism. We don’t see this happening yet, though there are signs of rising political tensions.

The rich know exactly what they are doing and why. The sad thing is that many many people buy into this. They are so easily brainwashed against their better interests.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Paul Ryan is backing away as fast as he can from his most recent stupid statement. He said “ We got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities in particular of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and culture on work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with.” He's basically blaming the problems of the country on black and Hispanic men who haven't got a job, maybe if he helped the President when his jobs bill was put forward we would be lowering the unemployment rate.

Then we have the Catholic leader Austin Ruse who said that liberal academics should be “ taken out and shot “ Now he is claiming he really didn't mean that,he loves everyone and so on. Another phony who got called out and now is back peddling. This is so common among the Republican goofs. A state senator Pat Garofolo said that 70% of the NBA could fold and no one would notice except there would be a rise in street crime. This of course is another attack on minorities that trys to blame everything on them. He has since given what I would call an insincere apology citing his work in the inner city.

Speaking of goofs, I think maybe calling Pat Robertson a goof is to kind, I think maybe he is just plain crazy. He has a history of saying stupid things. His most recent one was when he said that God caused a brief power outage in Washington D.C. To mock Senate Democrats who held a late night discussion about climate change. It always amazes me that this guy thinks he has a direct line to God, and of course God agrees with everything that Robertson thinks.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Stuart Varney and Brian Kilmeade two of the stooges at Fox News are playing the victim again. They are upset because some states are still finding ways to help the people of their states by giving food stamps to the needy. They're upset because they are going around the law in their respective small minds. I can't help but wonder why they are not upset when states make up phony rules to limit abortion, or deny people medicaid, and access to the Affordable Care Act. The simple answer to this is that they are only interested in Republican talking points, and don't care about most of the people in this country, only the 1% and the corporations.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Chris Christie the Republican Governor of New Jersey said in his speech at CPAC that “media can’t define who we are” He should be happy that the media is defining them because they are taking it easy on these wacko’s. Lets start with the recent problems in the Ukraine. A lot of the conservative wacko’s, including McCain, Rubio, Paul, have actually praised Putin and denigrated President Obama. In my opinion that is aiding and abetting a foreign power in a time of crisis. It comes awful close to treason in my mind. What about the wacko’s who claim that government is the problem, you know the people Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Christie, Mitt Romney, all of them would sell their soul's to be a bigger part of that government they profess to detest. Then we have the unhinged wacko's Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Steve Stockman, Michelle Bachmann, there are so many of them I can't name them all, but you get the idea if you follow politics. There is Paul Ryan a man who has a lot of trouble with the truth. Finally I can't leave out Lindsay Graham a man that is so pathetic. I'm not sure what category to put him in. He is a little of all of them I guess. I actually worry for his safety because I am sure he knows how pathetic he is. He might just end it all. If people actually took the time to look into these people they would be startled to find out that the media portrays them a lot better than they deserve. You may ask what do these people have in common? They are all Republican's and most are living off the government they claim to despise,and they all have a disdain for the average American.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Anyone who reads what I write should know I am very pro-union. I am open to arguments from people who are anti-union. I was reading a article on Yahoo about the VW plant in Tennessee. I thought it was propaganda from the union haters, so I went to the web page who actually wrote it. The thing was the page has a very union friendly sounding name. It was all propaganda against unions. They are entitled to their opinion. The thing was though that I couldn't find a name of anyone on the page. The articles were all written by the “editor” the contact page had no one to directly contact. If you go to the union I belong to United Steel Workers you can find everyone's name. So my question to this web page is who is behind your page? When you hide your names it would seem to me you are ashamed or just afraid to put your name out there.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


John McCain (R-AR.) Lindsey Graham (R-SC.) Mike Rogers (R.MI.) all took to the airwaves to denounce President Obama's dealing with Putin's Ukrainian excursion. McCain said that “the naivete of Barack Obama and John Kerry is stunning.” Lindsay Graham said “Every time the president goes on national television and threatens Putin or anyone like Putin, everybody's eyes roll, including mine. We have a weak and indecisive president, that invites aggression. President Obama needs to do something.” and finally Mike Rogers said “ Putin is playing chess and I think we are playing marbles-and I don't think it's even close.” “They've been running circles around us.”

There used to be something that was done in a time of crisis. You stood with your president at least until you actually know what's going on. These 3 clowns are constantly on television complaining about the President. John McCain is like a little boy. He is has been crying and whining ever since he lost the Presidency to Obama. He takes shots all the time. Graham who really is an idiot and shouldn't be opening his mouth about anything, especially the possibility of war. Mike Rogers is another guy who claims he knows what's happening in the world. He said that Americans weren't safe at the recent Olympics. If I was Putin and was listening to these guys I would take assurance in the fact that American is not talking with one voice. In fact I would be ecstatic. By the way these war-mongers who haven't found a war they didn't love, and spout their support for the troops, recently voted against veterans benefits. That should tell you all you need to know about these clowns.