Friday, June 29, 2012


The Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Health Care Act. I wasn’t surprised, but I was surprised who the 5th vote was. Justice Roberts. I have to give him credit for voting on the law instead of his political leanings. Unlike Thomas, Alito, and scalia who only vote on political leanings instead of the law. Of course the Republicans will cry and whine and try and make political hay out of the ruling, but they have to get over it and move on and actually try and do something for this country instead of being obstructionist.

By-the-way I intentionally left scalia’s name uncapitalized, he doesn’t deserve it.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Most politicians say things that are untrue.  Most politicians when shown their mistake will retract what they said, or at least stop repeating the lie.  Most politicians are not Mitt Romney.  He says things that have been proven wrong, and what does he do, he keeps right on repeating the lie.  Is this the kind of person this country needs as President?  Someone who will lie and continue lying because it serves his purpose.  This is the same guy who tries to have it both ways with Donald Trump.  Trump is a birther moron, and runs around spouting his inane conspiracy theories about President Obama.  Romney says he thinks the President is an American citizen, but won’t renounce Trump.  Why?  Trump brings in money.  Romney seems to have no ethics or backbone.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Plutomony 2

Every state that has a Republican majority has been trying to restricting voters rights and attack labor.  This has been a big thing for awhile.  Last year I had a little article that I posted called Plutomony.  I wish anyone who reads this would go back and look at that post.  The rich and powerful had a plan and it's taking shape and no one seems to understand that we are losing our country to a bunch of fatcat bozo's who don't care about anything except exploiting the earth and workers for their own gains.