Thursday, May 26, 2011


Eric Cantor (R-Va.) thinks providing help to the many victims of the many tornados and floods mostly in the Midwest and the South is something we should do only if they take money from other programs to pay for the help. Sorry Mr. Cantor, you are a jerk! This country helps the people in need if you don’t understand that you should not be in politics, in fact I am not sure what a guy like you should do. Maybe a con man I know they don’t care about their victims. You would fit right in there. Hopefully a disaster doesn’t strike your area. I am sure you would change your tune. If not I think your constituents would run you out of town.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I had a 90 minute meeting with Tarryl Clark and several other people from where I work. Tarryl Clark is a former state legislator, and ran an unsuccessful campaign against Michelle Bachman last year. This meeting really wasn’t about politics; it was more about what we can do about creating jobs. Ms. Clark is working for the blue green alliance. This is collaboration between several unions and a lot of conservation organizations. This was basically a grassroots informational meeting asking the local people what they think could be done. Ms. Clark is a very nice person who wants to solve problems, create jobs, and generally just help people. I hope she can make a difference.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


In Minnesota the legislators in the state capitol invited a so called pastor by the name of Bradlee Dean to give the opening prayer. Dean thought he should question President Obama’s believe in Jesus. Mr. Dean is a well-known gay basher. This really backfired on the Republicans. The thing I found strange was that the people who invited him claim now that they didn’t know anything about his so-called preaching. Of course Michelle Bachman is one of his big supporters in the state. There are two ways to look at this either the legislators are complete idiots, I think I hold to this belief, or they don’t know who Michelle Bachman is. It was kind of coincidental that this was the same day the assembly was going to bring up a gay marriage bill.

Friday, May 20, 2011


We have a new allegation about Lance Armstrong. Tyler Hamilton is going on 60 minutes on CBS to state that Armstrong used performance enhancing drugs. He says he saw him shoot up. I don’t know and really don’t care if this is true. My problem is that Hamilton is writing a book and now he comes forward with something he said he saw in the 1990’s. Dan Patrick is a sports announcer and talk show host. His logic is that it just makes sense that he is guilty because all those other guys got caught. So the logic goes Armstrong must be guilty too. When he is presented with the fact that Armstrong has had at least 500 hundred drug tests and has passed them all, this is ignored with the simple argument that Sammy Sosa never failed a test. No logic to that. Sosa never took many tests. Innocent until proven guilty is a concept this country was supposed to be built on. Sports personalities don’t seem to have that presumption.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Cesar Chavez a labor leader and civil rights leader in the sixties is being honored by the navy by naming a support ship after him. Controversy followed, who would have guessed. Duncan Hunter Jr. a conservative congressman from California doesn’t like this; he states this is a political statement. It would be nice if we could take him at his word, but the conservatives have been trying to discredit and even take Mr. Chavez out of text books for years. If you have been following the news lately you know that the Republicans have been waging an all-out war against labor as a favor to big business.Why would they want to honor a labor leader. This is just another petty attempt to do away with something they don’t like.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Some people love Notre Dame some hate them, but this has nothing to do with sports. Notre Dame will not let their memorabilia be made in China. A standards code adopted by the Catholic university in 1997 requires freedom of association and the “right for workers to organize and form independent labor unions of their own choosing.” It implemented the ban on Chinese products four years later. If more places in this country had principles other than greed, we would be doing so much better.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The Republican freshman have a novel idea. Let’s forgive and forget. They don’t want the Democrats to use the vote they cast for the Ryan budget against them in the upcoming election. I guess it was okay for them to use every underhanded and untruthful attack they could against Democrats in the last election, but now they think that wasn’t the thing to do. How can anyone believe these pathetic clowns, who would sell their own mothers if they thought that would keep them in office? Democrats can’t be fair with these kinds of people; they look at kindness, or fairness as a weakness to be exploited. My advice is to use everything you can against these people.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I am breaking my own rule. I didn’t want to talk about Donald Trump. Now that he has embarrassed himself, I guess I will. I couldn’t take him seriously, so why write about him, The Republicans took him seriously for a while, but even they have seen through this clown. The only thing interesting about the whole experience is that the Republicans will buy into anyone. What is the reason? They have no one who is going to be a decent candidate at this time. So enter the Donald. Nice side show, but no substance

Sunday, May 8, 2011


John Yoo the little creep lawyer from the Bush administration that wrote the torture memos that justified “enhanced interrogation” let’s just call it what it is “torture” had the nerve to say President Obama was afraid to take Bin Laden alive.
David Koch says the President Obama deserves no credit for killing Bin Laden
Andy Card former Bush top official says President Obama “has pounded his chest” too much.
Rick Santorum says 9/11 families and everybody else in America should be furious at this President. That he’s walking around taking credit for, you know, getting Osama bin laden. He didn’t get Osama bin laden. If you notice the words “this President” maybe President Bush should get the credit, but as far as I know President Bush hasn’t been in office for a couple of years. It sort of reminds me when President George W. Bush was in office. Everything that happened that was bad was President Clinton’s fault, and during President Clinton’s two terms when anything good happened it was President Reagan’s doing. I personally think most of these Republicans live in a strange science fiction world in their minds.
The thing is Osama bin laden was an enemy of all Americans. For these petty people to say President Obama doesn’t deserve credit is ludicrous.

Friday, May 6, 2011


A couple of weeks ago a man was explaining why gas prices go up immediately when the price of a barrel of oil goes up. His reasoning was that the gas stations know they will have to pay more for their next shipment. My question is why the reverse doesn’t apply? Doesn’t this mean that the next shipment will cost less? Gas has dropped almost 12 dollars a barrel. The price has come down ten cents. It seems the logic of this is way off. Let’s attribute it to greed.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


The Republican scumbags in the House of Representatives in their infinite wisdom decided not to pass a resolution honoring the seal team that took down Bin Laden. Of course the resolution also honored President Obama. We all know that the Republicans could never accept that President Obama does anything right. Their excuse is that they changed the rules when they took power. Fine, if they actually stood by all those rules. In fact they broke their rules on their very first bill they offered this session.

I would bet anyone that if this happened under President Bush they would have made an exception. By-the-way the Senate passed the resolution 97 to 0.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I would like to thank President Franklin Roosevelt for starting the OSS the precursor to the CIA in taking down Osama Bin Laden. Since almost all the Republicans are doing their best to credit President George W. Bush for his policies in the killing of Bin Laden I guess I can really go to the man who actually started our intelligence agencies. Is this stupid? Yes, but that has never stopped a Republican for taking credit or assigning blame to others. Every congress has their loony tune contingent, but this year’s Republican Party has to be the pettiest, immature, and uninformed, actually I think the word is stupid group that ever has been.