Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Who is Paul Stanley? He's is a state senator from Tennessee. He rants and raves against gays, and preaches abstinence, He got caught having an affair with a 22 yr old. When will these guys learn? The following was something I think is totally approriprate. I found it as one of the comments on the story.

"Whatever I stood for and advocated, I still believe to be true," except for ME. God loves me and I can do whatever I want. I am a little fuzzy about the 22 year old, though. I am not sure God is going to forgive her. It might even be her fault that I broke all the rules I believe in - sex outside of marriage and stuff like that.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As most of you know Vick was just released from incarceration. Now there is this big debate whether he should be reinstated in the NFL. I have been hearing how the Commissioner of the NFL has too much power. The argument goes that he shouldn't be able to suspend Vick, because he has served his time. I have news for these people. I work in the paper industry, and one of rules is, if you get convicted of a crime, you can be fired. So I think the apologists for Michael Vick should be happy that the the Commissioner is actually thinking of letting him play again.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have been listening to all the hubbub about President Obama's birth certificate, or lack there of. I hate to keep repeating myself, but are all those non-believers crazy? I don't think they will believe any kind of evidence. Well, they don't want to believe it. they don't have much else to hang their hats on. The thing that really bothers me is why they get so much air time. I know Fox has as a vested interest in it, but why the other networks? I guess the other stuff is just to hard for them. Hopefully, in the near future this will end.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I was in Fort Gordon Georgia, getting ready to go to a movie when I heard man landed on the moon. It doesn't seem like such a big deal now, but then it was truly amazing. Not surprisingly, I don't remember the movie. What is truly astounding, is that there are so many conspiracy buffs who claim it never happened. Of course these are the same people who believe in area 51, and we blew up our own pentagon, and the list goes on and on.

The men who landed on the moon should never be forgotten.

Friday, July 17, 2009


This clown shows his true colors. Of all the people to choose. He just happens to choose 2 black people. Other than the fact that he's a racist, he's also ignorant. This half-witted argument could be made for anything. Anyone who dies, or their unborn children might have done something to benefit mankind.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I work out of town, and usually only make it home on the weekends. This weekend when I went home my 12 yr old daughter was gone for the weekend with a friend and friends parent. She went to the Mall of America in Minneapolis. I guess it just struck me that she is growing up so fast, and how much I actually missed her when she wasn't there. My daughter is a non-stop talker and it was so quiet. She made it home Sunday night about midnight. It sounded like she had a great time. She talked of doing it again in a few weeks. I guess I am the only one who isn't looking forward to that. I know she is growing up, but I was hoping it would take a little longer.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I was leaving work today, and the person who replaces me is a rabid right- wing conservative. Nothing wrong with that. I asked anything going on today? He said President Obama was caught checking out this young girl. Well, I am not one who really cares about those kind of things. but I see where the anti-Obama faction would be delighted. I got home and looked at the video. Not even close. My God! how low have these people sunk to try an infer that he was checking out that girl? Is that all they can do, don't they have any ideas of their own to offer?

Just so the people understand even if he did that, it is a programmed response in men. You can ask a man why he looked at some women, and a lot of times he won't even remember or know he did it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I read a lot of blogs and I have come to the conclusion that so many people are pessimistic about the direction of our country. I have thought about this, and have some advice for these people. ' GET OVER IT' What makes these people so negative? They don't like the new President. It's sad in a way. Every 4 years we have an election and there are always disappointed people. Maybe it's that everyone has access to make their thoughts known to the rest of us, and they feed off each other. I think the most disturbing think is that there are people in the public arena that make their living off of being negative. They get caught lying and go merrily on their way like nothing happened. To be fair there are people on the left and right who indulge in this kind of behaviour. The thing is most of us are closer to the middle, and have lives to lead . So to all you negative people, if the disaster of the day doesn't come true, and you just move on to the next one, stop and think about it and ask why you were so worked up. The main thing to do is not to just listen to one side, take the time to research the issue from both sides, and then make up your own mind.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I didn't really want to write about Sarah Palin, but I guess I can't resist it.

I am not sure why anyone really cares about what she says or does, but they seem to, especially my crazy right-wing friends. The thing is she has quit both of her state government jobs early. That doesn't bode well for her reliability. Bill Clinton, George Bush, and even President Obama get raked over the coals, and they stick it out and do the job. You may not like them, but they were elected, and they did their jobs. My main problem with her is that she is a whiner, I mean she whines about everything. So hopefully she will sail off into the sunset and we never hear from her again.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I know Independence Day is to honor our creation, but I got to thinking about the best fireworks display I have seen. I have been up to Duluth many times and their display is magnificent. However, I think the best one I have seen was when I was in the army at Ft. Hood Texas. I was guarding a entrance gate by myself, and the fireworks started, I had no idea it was coming, They were terrific, I think just because it was so dark, and I was by myself made them that great.

I hope your holiday weekend is as good as it can be, but keep in mind the reason for it. I sometimes think people loose the reason for the holidays.