Friday, October 24, 2014


When does the craziness stop? Congressman Peter King of New York (do I even have to say he's a Republican) has decided that the doctors and scientists are wrong and Ebola is an airborne spread disease. I realize these kind of people are nuts, but they are elected officials in the United States and are spreading hysteria at every chance. They are completely ignorant or outright lying. Ted Cruz's chief of staff tried to equate the outbreak of Ebola in the U.S. To Obamacare. He might as well blamed it on the partial eclipse of the sun yesterday, they have the same amount of culpability. This goes on and on with this sleaze balls. I know they have a right to state their ignorant views, but there is no reason their views have to keep being reported in the media. Lets ignore these fools.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


George Will the self-anointed expert on rape, has anointed himself an expert on Ebola. This clown who actually thinks he is important went into his fear mongering role by saying Ebola experts think the disease is spread in the air. The people who he claimed to get the information from came out after Mr. Wills statement and said he totally took it out of context. Other than the fact the most GOP pundits take things out of context, the only thing served by his stupid utterance was to spread fear amongst the population. I for the life of me can't figure out why any news organization would hire this guy, or any newspaper run his column. The guy is incompetent. In fact he has become a laughing stock!

Friday, October 10, 2014


Billionaire and GOP donor Peter Thiel says GOP candidates have a lower IQ. This statement is fact in my opinion. He should have included many of the GOP office holders in general. I do have to credit someone in the GOP, they have hit upon a strategy that works for them. They pander to the fears of the less intelligent in the country especially the southern male. I don't mean to suggest that all southerns are stupid, but the majority of the GOP's base are white males from the south. To a smaller degree in the rest of the country. The GOP panders to them in the sense they tell them that they are victims of liberals. They tell them that they would be farther ahead in their lives if they Democrats wouldn't be giving their jobs to minorities, or the government would be better off if they would they would stop giving out food stamps or welfare or taxing them so much. If you pay attention to the GOP you see in their attacks that they only focus on the so-called entitlement programs. If you pay attention you will also see they give themselves all the benefits from the government they can scoop up. All you have to do is look at the Farm Bill. They cut food stamps, but left in payments to farms which many of the GOP get. They see no problem with that. They try to make voting harder because they are scared of the minority vote. They use the excuse they are trying to prevent voter fraud. We all know that is a lie, but the GOP base fall for that excuse. When you have a base who can be swayed so easily it's no wonder the GOP can lie with no fear of being held accountable.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I have a brother who is anti-government and is constantly telling me that the government is broke. He is against everything the government does. I was having a conversation with him the other day and for some reason he goes off on his little rant. I have to preface this with the facts that he is on Social Security and took out a student loan years ago. He never paid back the loan. I mentioned this to him and he wouldn't take responsibility for that loan. He blamed the government for giving him that loan. This is the logic of most of these Republican goofs. They always have to blame the government and take no responsibility for their own actions. They hide behind religion or something in their minds that exonerates anything they do, but accuses the other people of causing harm. All you have to do is listen to the Republican Senators and Congressman who constantly blame the government and say they want smaller government, but will do anything to get a government job. Talk about deadbeats, they get great benefits and a great salary for working very little, and they take no responsibility for anything. The welfare and safety of this country means nothing to them, they are leeches of the first order.