Sunday, January 29, 2012


The Culture and Media Institute, which aims to "preserve and help restore America's culture, character, traditional values, and morals against the assault of the liberal media elite, are attacking Miley Cyrus for “disgusting and sleazy behavior”.  This is what is wrong with these holier than thou groups.  They attack Miley because she is an easy target.  I have never heard them attack all those Republicans who have a propensity to cheat on their wives or who make racist statements.  Like Newt Gingrich who has no shame when it comes to his various wives. Or Joe Walsh a congressman from Illinois who refuses to pay his ex-wife child support. No problem with those guys, but poor Miley she is such a bad influence that she has to be singled out by this sick group.

Friday, January 27, 2012


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) suggested that people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil rights instead of dying in the streets.  This is one of the more stupid things the bully of New Jersey has said. If he thinks that during that time of protests that people, and by people he means black people would have won any kind of civil rights, he’s crazy.  Being a minority almost assures you that you are not going to gain anything. Of course no one wants to die or get arrested for what you believe in, but that was the only way for people to be seen the same under the law.  I would suggest to Mr. Christie that we have a referendum on whether very obese people can shoot their mouths off at will and hold office. I don’t think his answer would be the same.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Michele Bachmann in June of last year when she announced that she was going to run for President stated she was not going to actively run for her congressional seat in Minnesota.   Guess what?  Now that she found out what everyone else knew, that she is the punch line for every political joke in this country, she has decided to run for Congress again. She is so much the quintessential political whore. She has to be in the limelight.  She hasn’t done a thing in her terms in Congress, and there is no expectation that she ever  will if elected again.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Tim Thomas the goalie for the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League has refused to go to the White House with the rest of his team to meet President Obama.  This is a tradition in recent years to have winning teams come to the White House.  This is Thomas’s right, but the reason he gives is so phony.  He states this isn’t political.  Then we come to find out Glenn Beck is sort of like a hero to this guy.  Leaving aside that Glen Beck is completely nuts, he should have said he doesn’t agree with the President’s policies, or if he wants to be like his hero he could have said he is a racist and doesn’t want that man to be President.  The real sad thing is that he and his sort buy into what people like Beck, or Limbaugh say, and never actually check out if the things these guys say are true. It’s not hard.  The reason they don’t is they want to believe.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today the dream died.  My dream team is no more.  Way back when this circus known as the GOP primary’s started I stated that my dream team for the next election was Rick Perry, and Michelle Bachmann.  Today Perry dropped out thus killing my last hope for one of these two people to run for President.  My hope was based on the fact that these two people had to be the dumbest people on earth.  What we are left with are 4 men who in varying degrees are challenged by different t things. Ron Paul seems to be an all-out racist.  Santorum seems to be focused on sex, and by that I mean anyone else’s sexual activities.  Romney is just a rich guy who hasn’t a clue about how the rest of us live, and will take any position at any time to please the person who is asking.  That leaves Gingrich.    His problem is all of the above.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The quest to find 540,000 people to sign the petition to recall Governor Scott Walker (R) of Wisconsin has succeeded.  The people who turned in the petitions claim over 1 million people have signed the petition.   I am glad to say I was one of them.   Now the next step is to find a qualified person to run against him.  This may be the hardest thing to accomplish.  There are several possibilities, but they might have to be talked into it. If the people of Wisconsin fail to recall this guy I am really worried about the future of our country.   

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Speaker Mike O’Neal (R) Kansas House speaker  had to apologize about an email he sent to his fellow Republicans.  The email characterized Mrs. Obama as Yo Mama and the Grinch. What does this jerk do next; he emails another one to his colleagues. This one was a Bible Verse Psalm 109.  Part of the verse states “Let his days be few” and calls for his children to be without a father and his wife to be widowed.  To me or to any normal thinking person means he wants the death of President Obama.  O’Neal says he only means he wants the end of the Presidents days in office. This is why this country is screwed up and the Republican Party in general are people who should not be taken seriously and I mean for God’s sake these guys especially should be thrown out of office and ostracized.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning asked Mitt Romney if he thought the questions being asked about Wall Street and the distribution of wealth was fair or not. Mr. Romney’s answer was it was purely an “envy-oriented” attack on “millionaires and billionaires and executives and Wall Street”:  Other than the moronic quality of that answer, it goes into the insight of these kinds of people.  First no one should have the right to question their decisions.  These are the kind of people who know what is best for you.  They never take responsibility for their actions, because most of them never think they can do anything wrong. The questions about Wall Street or the distribution of wealth has nothing to do with envy.  The questions are being asked about ethics morality and honesty.  All the people are asking is that if they are being cheated they want the cheaters to suffer consequences.  They have trouble understanding how the people who cause so much grief in this country walk off with huge paydays, and never suffer the consequences. Romney has a silver spoon life.  I don’t begrudge him any of it. The problem is he hasn’t a clue about how the rest of us live. If you have listened to some of his comments you will soon understand how out of touch he is.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


When Governor Walker of Wisconsin decided to try and take away union rights, and claim it was only done to help the economy of Wisconsin he always stated he would create a business climate in Wisconsin that would bring in so many businesses and jobs.  Well as everyone knows his policies are not to everyone’s liking.  Hopefully he will be recalled this year. Back to his claim about jobs in the state.  The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia found that Wisconsin was last in job creation among the 50 states.  All this guy has accomplished in office is to take money out of peoples pay checks, and cause the state to be ridiculed.  Good job Governor Walker!  Maybe in your next job working for Fox or the Koch brothers, forget the Koch brothers they don’t want a clown like you either, you can screw some other people who won’t fight back.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Everyone is aware of the troubles with labor in Wisconsin.  The Republicans said it was about the budget.  We all know that is a flat out lie.  Now a person was sent home from his state job because he wore a T-shirt with a union logo on it.  The next day the state said it was okay to wear those kinds of shirts.  Since there was no uniform of any kind required this was a blatant attempt by someone in the state to keep any mention of unions out of their facility.  If it wasn't for public outcry the person with the shirt would probably still be off work.   Governor Walker has been running around the state lately saying he should have taken more time to explain his policies.  Does anyone actually think this guy would be saying anything like that if he wasn’t in the process of being recalled?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


In the recent months I have been trying to point out that the majority of Republicans are nuts. So I thought maybe I would make a New Year’s resolution and try and be a kinder gentler person to the GOP.  Then I read that the Republicans in Virginia want to require that all people that vote in the primary there sign a loyalty oath that they will support the eventual Republican nominee in the general election.  If they don’t sign this oath they cannot vote in the primary.   So much for kinder gentler.  These people are nuts and there doesn’t seem to be any hope for them. They have no concept of what Democracy is or what the United States of America is supposed to stand for.

Monday, January 2, 2012


The Iowa GOP caucuses are coming up soon.  All you have heard in the last couple months is who is up or who is down.  The reason in my opinion for this is none of the candidates are capable, but that is beside the point.  My question is why does the media and pundits focus on this so-called election?  First of all it is just a caucus and the winner of this laughable event is more than likely going to be someone who has no chance to be elected in November. Most of the people who win this event are gone by the time South Carolina comes around, and even the news media likes to point that out.  This is just a waste of time for everyone who doesn’t live in Iowa.