Saturday, September 17, 2016


Normally I would put a question mark at the end of that title. In this case there is no reason to question if Trump is a liar. I don't think he actually knows fact from lie. Mentally Trump is at about 7 years old. The media refuses to call him out on his lies. I have never seen such a week and pathetic example of media's response to him and his surrogates.

I can give example after example of his lies, but there really is no point. The people who support him won't believe them and the media refuses to do their job. I think the latest example proves my point. Trump was in Flint Michigan at a church. He started to wander off into his stump speech, and the pastor walked up to him and calmly told him that wasn't why he was there. Trump said oh, oh, okay.
Later on Fox the disinformation station he said the pastor was a nervous mess, and he knew something was up. He also is omniscient, because he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Anyway he also said when the pastor stopped his scripted attack on Hillary Clinton the audience yelled out let him speak let him speak. People who were there said it didn't happen like that. Then a video pops up showing Trump as a flat out liar, just like always. BTW some news outlets said Trump misstated what happened. Come on a lie is a lie.

How can anyone trust this clown?

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Donald Trump has a slogan that says “Make America Great Again”

My question is when people use that term when do they think America was great?
Personally I think this country has always been great. We have had a lot of times where there have been difficulties, but that doesn't mean the country wasn't great.

When you ask the question of the people who spout such nonsense to give you a time when they think it was great you get nothing.

I am sure most of these people would say during Ronald Reagan's terms as President. Of course we had interest rates about 15%, unemployment that ran in double digits for awhile. We also has a President who ran like a scared rabbit when we lost over 200 marines in Lebanon. He also was illegally selling arms to Iran. I guess maybe they wouldn't call that great if that happened today.

We can go back to the 1930's which is as far back that anyone alive today could possibly remember. We had the great depression, 25% unemployment, and I am sure since the President was a Democrat they wouldn't consider that great.

The 1940's we had the Second World War, no one in their right mind would consider that great. And besides we still had a Democratic President.

The 1950's We had a Republican President, but we also had those very same Republicans on a witch hunt for communists. I guess the people who want great would think that was just fine considering some of the things they propose today. We also had school children who learned to hide under desks in case of a nuclear attack. People lived in fear. I can't see that as a decade that was great.

The 1960's again we had a Democratic President, but he was assassinated along with Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy, Republicans might think that was great, but no sane person would. We also had the Vietnam war which was a disaster that caused protests and riots.

The 1970's All I need to mention is Watergate and all the unseemly thinks Richard Nixon was doing should take the 70's out of contention for great, plus Jimmy Carter was President for 4 years, a Democrat.

The 80's I have already mentioned.
The 1990's again a Democrat President.

The 2000's a Republican President. 9/11 happened, can't call that great. The economy tanked, can't call that great.

Now we have a Democratic President who the Republicans hate. They have no real reasons to hate him, so they make stuff up. Can't call this time great.

I guess there really is no time that the Republicans can actually point to as great, but like everything else they do or say they'll lie, and after awhile they start believing their own lies.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The Republicans said at the beginning of this election cycle they had so many great candidates, I think the term they used was “deep bench”. Lets look at some of them.

Donald Trump; The establishment hates him, the moderates hate him. The only group he has in his corner are the crazies. They have flocked to him.

Jeb Bush; Not much to say other than he is an incompetent boob.

Marco Rubio; Honestly how can anyone think this guy is ready for prime time. He is a Senator who doesn't do that job, what makes anyone think he can handle being President?

Ted Cruz; This guy will do and say anything to try an win. He actually just lied about his health care coverage. Not to be trusted in anyway shape or form.

The rest of the clown car are just that clowns.

The Oscar controversy; I'm sorry but this diversity argument is BS. I keep hearing about all these old white guys who make up the academy. Aren't they the same guys who have nominated Wil Smith, Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker, Halle Berry, etc. Their performances warranted a nomination. If your performance or movie doesn't measure up so be it.

Facebook; If you take the time to look at peoples Facebook pages you'll find so many untrue posts. The people who post untrue things could easily find out of they're true, but since it doesn't fit the point they're trying to make they can't be bothered. Recently I saw a picture of Hillary Clinton shaking hands with Osama Bin Laden. The caption was remember this when voting. The picture was absolutely photo-shopped. In fact at one time it had Condoleeza Rice shaking Bin Ladens hand.

Planned Parenthood; The so-called videos showing PP. In a terrible light have actually been debunked, but that doesn't stop the GOP crazies.

Benghazi; The Republicans have spent millions of dollars and found nothing, but they still keep bringing it up. The reason just like the Planned Parenthood videos is to try and play to the right wing loons.

The Flint water crisis; The Governor and his ilk denied it, then they said it wasn't as bad as it was made out to be, then they tried to blame the Flint City Council who actually had no power since the state take over. Now Governor Snyder is trying to blame it on a couple of civil service employees. He also wants the Federal Government to pay for everything, Typical Republican blame everyone and everything. I always thought the Republicans were the party of personal responsibility?