Friday, December 16, 2011


The Republicans in Wisconsin are going to file a lawsuit trying to stop the recall of slime-ball Governor Scott Walker.  They claim this recall is violating the Governors rights under the 14th amendment. This is the same group that has gone out of its way to circumvent rules in the legislature to pass their anti-labor laws.  This is the same group that is trying to make it harder to vote. This is the same group that has been against activist’s judges, now they want one to help them because they are running scared.  The will of the people be damned.  If they are so sure that they are right let the people decide.  They have all the money courtesy of the corporations and unlimited Pac money.  They shouldn’t be afraid should they?

Thursday, December 15, 2011


The war in Iraq is officially over the flag was lowered for the last time today.   A war that I was against from the beginning and argued with so many people about the reasons for attacking Iraq.  I have never understood the reasons for going there and never will.  There were so many signs that the reasons for going there were wrong. Today there are several politicians that don’t want us to leave they would rather put more Americans at risk.  I personally think they are still trying to justify their votes for the war. I have two questions.  What did we gain by going there, and what did we lose by going there.  I am willing to bet the negatives out weight any gains.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Newt Gingrich the front-runner in the GOP race for President has taken a pledge supporting family values, and not to cheat on his current wife.  I don‘t care if this guy cheats on his wife, as long as he doesn’t tell me or anyone else how to lead their lives. Of course this is not the case with Mr. Gingrich.  He has all kinds of advice for just about everyone.  The thing is he has been a crook and a liar as long as he has been in public life. I can’t really understand why any Republican would want this guy President.  I hope they do nominate him, but it does put the people who vote for him in a bad light.  Either they are very gullible or just plain stupid.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This is stretch I know, but the comparison is something I couldn’t resist.  I assume everyone has heard of the fire department in Tennessee that was called to a house fire where they stood by and watched the house burn down.  The reason was that the people living there hadn’t paid the $75.00 fee.  Tennessee is a right to work state which means that if you work anywhere that has a union you don’t have to join, and pay dues.  The only thing that is different about the fee the fire department wants and the union dues you don’t have to pay is that the person who doesn’t pay the union dues still gets representation from the union no matter what.  I am willing to bet that the people who came up with the fee for the fire department  and stand by letting a house burn down would be all up in arms if the union didn’t represent the non-dues paying  person .

Monday, December 5, 2011


Eric Bolling a goof from Fox News is upset because he thinks the new Muppets movie is teaching young children that being rich and owning a business is bad. He is so upset that they are teaching those young children. I wish he would have taken a stand when one of his colleagues Mike Huckabee came out with a set of history books geared to young children. These books slant everything to the right wing way of thinking, and they have the nerve to call them unbiased.  What a joke. Mr. Bolling is the same guy who said “America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008. I don’t remember any attacks on American soil during that period of time.” I guess 9/11/2001 slipped his mind. Of course anything that happened under a Republican administration has to be forgotten, or maybe he has been reading Mike Huckabee’s books for children.

Friday, December 2, 2011


John Danforth the former Republican Senator from Missouri recently stated that watching the GOP debates is ‘embarrassing’.  I wonder why, could it have to do with the incompetency of the candidates?  I would dare suggest that is so.  It also doesn’t help that the audiences for these debates cheer the stupidest things. Let’s take a look at some of the goings on.  Herman Cain.  Not ready for prime time.  Doesn’t have a clue about anything. That also goes for Perry, Bachmann, and the rest.  Perry I am quite sure is not even sure where he is most of the time.  Bachmann gets the facts wrongs so often and then has the nerve to say she has never misstated anything.  Romney doesn’t even have a position on anything for more than one day.  Gringrich, I really think this guy is a big scam artist, trying to line his own pockets. He also changes his positions to suit the situation.  As for the audiences of these debates, they cheer death. They cheer letting people die without insurance. Senator Danforth should be embarrassed; if I was a Republican I would be embarrassed too. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


As I stated in my last post Plutomony one of the things worrying the rich is the fact we still have one person one vote in this country, The Republicans are going all out trying to suppress and make it harder to vote. Of course they only are going after the voters that don’t vote for them. At least one of them has the guts or stupidity to state the truth.  New Hampshire Speaker William O’Brien (R) said recently that allowing people to register and vote on Election Day led to “the kids coming out of the schools and basically doing what I did when I was a kid, which is voting as a liberal. That’s what kids do — they don’t have life experience, and they just vote their feelings.” The truth is that he wants to protect industry and the rich at the expense of the people who need help or just a fair shake in this country.  BTW the term liberal is something to be proud of; it means you care about people and this country.  Republicans of today are only interested in lining their own pockets and the people who line them.