Friday, November 22, 2013


In the last election I had my dream team for the Republicans. Michelle Bachmann and Governor Perry from Texas. This was tongue and cheek just because Bachmann is completely crazy, and Perry is stupid as a rock. to my chagrin Romney and Ryan got the nod. I know it's early but I think my new dream team is going to be Rand Paul, and Steve King of Iowa. This was a hard choice because there are so many people in the Republican party who are scrambling to the lowest common denominator. I know this is a blanket statement, but from what I can tell most Republicans are not interested in the welfare of the country or the people in it, unless you're are wealthy and in big business or banking.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


It’s amazing how stores like Wal-Mart, K-Mart and the like put money ahead of everything.  Forcing people to work Thanksgiving to satisfy their greed is despicable.  They have no problem using their employee’s regardless of what it does to family time.  They don’t pay their employee’s a living wage, but that‘s not good enough maybe they can destroy Thanksgiving for these people as well.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


You would expect that kind of excuse from a 2nd grader, but not from a sitting United States Senator.  Rand Paul (R-KY) is the person in question.  He has been caught plagiarizing a part of a lot of his speeches and op-ed articles.  First he wouldn't  acknowledge it, and then he blamed the people pointing out his plagiarism.  He called those people “hacks and haters” What you see from Rand Paul is a petulant little person who won’t admit when he’s wrong, and not as smart as he thinks he is. He thinks other people are stupid, and he has to lead them down the right path in life. Basically he’s unethical, and immoral.