Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Ever since the election ended you’ve been hearing from the democratic talking heads on how the Republican Party has to reach out to different constituents to expand their voter base.  My question is who the hell cares what the Republican’s do or don’t do?  The Democrat’s should be trying to figure out how to connect to more white working class males. The Democratic polices should appeal to the working class. The Dem’s have to figure out how to get their message through.  The Democrat’s have to take on the NRA.  The NRA’s argument against Democrat’s is a lie. The Democrat’s haven’t tried to push through any gun-control legislation that would affect the second amendment. It’s time to face these bozo’s down.  In the uproar in Wisconsin last year about union rights the National Democratic Party was nowhere to be found including President Obama.  They should have been in the forefront of the fight.  The Democrat’s can’t be complacent, they have to be proactive and be a little less compromising and stand up for the working class in this country.

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