Thursday, November 17, 2011


The GOP moron squad is at work again.  Rick Perry the great conservative dope, oh sorry, I meant hope who is sinking faster than the setting sun has put out a couple of brilliant statements.  He wants to debate Nancy Pelosi the minority leader in the House of Representatives.  I didn’t know she was running for the GOP’s Presidential nomination.  He also said President Obama’s life has been too easy.  What that has to do with anything even if it was true.  Your guess is as good as mine.

Herman Cain another one of the stooges, I would have said 3 stooges, but there seems to be more than that in the GOP at this moment.  Mr. Cain says so many stupid things it’s hard to pick one.  I will just say this man shouldn’t be involved in politics.  The man is politically stupid.  He tries to spin this as an asset. Like what this country needs is a person running it who absolutely knows nothing.

Newt Gingrich the one time darling and now again sweetheart of the GOP said he was paid about $1,800,000 dollars because he offered a historical perspective to Fannie Mae.  If Republicans buy this there really is no hope for those people. How anyone could believe that a financial institution would pay someone with no special insight other than that he could lobby his Republican colleagues is beyond me. As most people know Newt speaks out of both sides of his mouth all the time.  Newt said the individual mandate concerning health care reform is fundamentally wrong and unconstitutional.  His own center for health transformation states a mandate is a key element of reform for health care.  He thinks he can say and do anything and the people of his own party are stupid enough to fall for it.

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