Friday, March 25, 2011


What is a False Flag Operation? It's pretending to be with you, and then stabbing you in the back.

During the on-going dispute in Wisconsin with the Governor and the Public Unions, Governor Walker received many e-mails. One he received gave this suggestion. "If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions' cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you). you could discredit the unions".

As everyone knows there are many loony nuts in this world. The thing that makes this one stand out is the fact that it came from the deputy Johnson County Ind. Prosecutor. Carlos F. Lam. When confronted he originally denied it saying that was going to far. He has now admitted it, and resigned.

This is the second guy from Indiana who has suggested crazy things. Jeffrey Cox the Deputy Attorney General, who suggested the use of live ammunition against the protesters at the Capitol.

It begs the question. What is wrong with the elected officials in Indiana? Are they all completely nuts!

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