Sunday, February 20, 2011


I have to say I am appalled, and saddened by what's happening in WI.

The lies that are being spread by Gov. Walker and his minions are so easily seen through, but they just keep repeating them. The right wing media repeat them. I would like to call the so-called right-wing talk radio type news people, but that is impossible. A couple of them are actually crazy. The rest are in the pocket of business.

People today know they have to negotiate in good faith. Probably pay more for insurance and pensions. That does not mean that they should not be able to negotiate these things. Walker and his group have decided that the public unions should not be able to negotiate. This is wrong. People have fought and died to be able to negotiate.

I hear the argument that business is hurting, well join the club, we are all hurting. Their argument would hold more weight if the very same people who say this weren't shipping jobs over seas, and getting huge tax breaks. Mobil Exxon is one of the most profitable companies on earth, yet they received huge tax breaks. The Koch brothers are behind most of this. They are two of the most wealthy people in this country, when is enough, enough?

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