Monday, September 14, 2009


I have had several different discussions with people about politics ranging from the health care debate to the Iraq war and everything in between. I do not have all the answers, and never claim to. My question for these people is when you have facts and the proof of those facts why do they still ignore them and cling to their wrong ideas? One of the answers I get from them is that the main stream media is biased. Then they put their faith in cable talking heads. I mean for God sakes how does people like Limbaugh, or Hannity, or Mathews become experts on anything and everything. I think they take their talking points from what ever side they are supporting and go from there. How many times have they been wrong? I would say mostly. There are sources that check facts. They are not biased in my opinion. Now if you find a site that always agrees with you, I would say you should question those results. Hopefully this folly will stop, and we as a country move forward making all of our lives better.

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