“ That's a bunch of garbage,” Graham said. “That's a complete bunch of garbage.” This quote from Republican Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina on the report that came out from his own party that was investigating Benghazi found nothing much to fault the administration's handling of the incident. This is a symptom of ignoring facts, and sticking with conspiracies theories that fit into his warped sense of reality. Senator Graham is not alone in this thinking. Fox News; Limbaugh, Will, Gingrich, and assorted right-wing wing-nuts fit into this category. They choose not to believe anything that doesn't fit into their perception of what is right and wrong.
This phenomenon isn't anything new. You can find instances of this throughout history.
In President Kennedy's time a congressman from Texas denounced President Kennedy on the house floor for assuming “almost unlimited power” and using “dictatorial tactics.” The right-wing also said that Kennedy's use of executive orders that by-pass Congress would transform our Republic into a dictatorship.
When the Affordable Care Act was proposed you heard about all kinds of things that could happen, including death panels. When Medicare was proposed the same term was used, of course that never happened, but it doesn't stop the right-wing of doing it again.
Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater two of the icons of right-wing thinking had this to say about Medicare.
Ronald Reagan: “If you don't [stop Medicare] and I don't do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was like in America when men were free.” 1961
Barry Goldwater: “Having given our pensioners their medical care in kind, why not food baskets, why not public housing accommodations, why not vacation resorts, why not a ration of cigarettes for those who smoke and of beer for those who drink.”
It's obvious that these two dove off the shallow end of the pool once to often and hit their heads. If these two guys and the other people who were against medicare or the
Affordable Care Act had legitimate arguments against them they sure didn't show up in the absurd comments made then and today. None of the things these people have
said has come true or has caused us as a country to suffer. All it has done is make life easier and better for the elderly.
I used Benghazi and Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act as examples. There are many more things that have been said by these people that are out of touch with reality. I think this quote by former Senator, Vice-President of the United States Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota sums them up nicely.
Whole communities “can be afflicted with emotional instability, frustrations, and irrational behavior. That emotional instability that affects a significant but small minority in our midst that some call extreme right. They still see the world in total black and white they are still substituting dogma for creative thought. They are angry, fearful, deeply and fundamentally disturbed by the world around them”
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
“Minnesota is ranked the second-most liberal state in the union a study by The Hill concluded. How is that working for us? By contrast, Wisconsin seems to get it right for the most part.”
That is an excerpt from “letters to the editor” from the local newspaper. I can't figure out how anyone could actually say that with a straight face. If you pay any attention to the facts, you would see that Minnesota's unemployment rate is almost a point and half better than Wisconsin's. Job creation is much better in Minnesota. Wisconsin is trailing in jobs recovered after the recession. Since this was suppose to be Walker's strong point, I guess you really have to hide your head in the sand to not see that. The budget's are like night and day. Wisconsin has at least a projected 1.8 billion dollar deficit. I think it actually is going to be worse than that. The state is floating increases in transportation taxes do to a huge shortfall there. Minnesota has a 1.2 billion dollar surplus which is being used to lower taxes on individuals and small business.
I am sure most of us have had the same experience with relatives and friends that send you emails that make fun of or state untrue facts about Democrats, a lot of them have so much misinformation in them it's ridiculous. I have many times debunked the email with actual facts and send it back to the sender. They actually get upset with me for doing that. The thing is it doesn't deter them, they just keep sending me made up stuff. These people are not stupid, so what is it?
The question that needs to be asked and answered is how can Democrats get through to these kind of people. It's obvious that people who spout this kind of misinformation have no idea of what's actually happening in the world, but they also have no intention of finding out. Is it all ideology, or just a strong hatred for liberals?
That is an excerpt from “letters to the editor” from the local newspaper. I can't figure out how anyone could actually say that with a straight face. If you pay any attention to the facts, you would see that Minnesota's unemployment rate is almost a point and half better than Wisconsin's. Job creation is much better in Minnesota. Wisconsin is trailing in jobs recovered after the recession. Since this was suppose to be Walker's strong point, I guess you really have to hide your head in the sand to not see that. The budget's are like night and day. Wisconsin has at least a projected 1.8 billion dollar deficit. I think it actually is going to be worse than that. The state is floating increases in transportation taxes do to a huge shortfall there. Minnesota has a 1.2 billion dollar surplus which is being used to lower taxes on individuals and small business.
I am sure most of us have had the same experience with relatives and friends that send you emails that make fun of or state untrue facts about Democrats, a lot of them have so much misinformation in them it's ridiculous. I have many times debunked the email with actual facts and send it back to the sender. They actually get upset with me for doing that. The thing is it doesn't deter them, they just keep sending me made up stuff. These people are not stupid, so what is it?
The question that needs to be asked and answered is how can Democrats get through to these kind of people. It's obvious that people who spout this kind of misinformation have no idea of what's actually happening in the world, but they also have no intention of finding out. Is it all ideology, or just a strong hatred for liberals?
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Ray Merrick a Kansas legislator and a “Legislator of the Year” according to the American Legislative Exchange Council ( ALEC). He was addressing the disaster that they call the Kansas budget. His answer was to cut some more. He stated that “Government employees produce nothing.” That means the public employee's in Kansas can expect to bare the brunt of the next round of cuts. I hope Merrick is not a product of the public school system, because it's obvious he's an idiot. He doesn't seem to understand that he is a Government employee. If he wants to help out Kansas he should resign his job and go into chicken farming, of course, that may be a stretch, because the chickens might out -smart him on a regular basis.
I was at the Minnesota State Capitol a few years ago after the Republicans had taken control of the capitol. I was in a meeting with some legislators when a women walked in and tried to take control. She stated that public employee jobs weren't real jobs and seen no use for them. It just so happened that there were several public employee's in the group, one was a prison guard who spoke up and said if his job wasn't real then he wanted to know who the people were that were threatening him everyday. This women got up and left the meeting without answering any questions. It came to light later that she thought she was in a meeting with her supporters. The point is these people care nothing about people that can't push there careers forward, or offer them some incentive. If this country is not careful were going to go back to bread lines and huge unemployment, because the Republican's have every intention of gutting all safety net programs.
I was at the Minnesota State Capitol a few years ago after the Republicans had taken control of the capitol. I was in a meeting with some legislators when a women walked in and tried to take control. She stated that public employee jobs weren't real jobs and seen no use for them. It just so happened that there were several public employee's in the group, one was a prison guard who spoke up and said if his job wasn't real then he wanted to know who the people were that were threatening him everyday. This women got up and left the meeting without answering any questions. It came to light later that she thought she was in a meeting with her supporters. The point is these people care nothing about people that can't push there careers forward, or offer them some incentive. If this country is not careful were going to go back to bread lines and huge unemployment, because the Republican's have every intention of gutting all safety net programs.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
I like Elizabeth Warren. I would like it if she were my Senator. That being said, this call for her to run for President is disturbing. In my opinion she is not qualified to be President at this time, maybe in the future she would be. The same goes for Senator Bernie Sanders. I voted twice for President Obama, but I would have liked someone a little more battle hardened. The Republicans have gone down the path of exclusion in recent years. Senator Warren, from the get-go would alienate many many people, and make them feel excluded. Her manner is that of college professor, she goes into the I am the teacher and you are the student mode, much to often for my likening. She would have the problem of trying to get along with Congress. When I say Congress I mean her own party in Congress.
President Obama has had the same problem, and you can see where that has gotten us.
Erica Sagrans the campaign manager for Ready for Warren says that Warren “is the kind of Democrat that the Democrats have been yearning for.” This may be true to a point. She may say all the right things, but I don't think the electorate would buy into it. The problem is, I think, she will be perceived as a egghead with no back bone when it comes to foreign policy. There was a woman Martha Coakly from Elizabeth Warren's very own liberal state of Massachusetts who lost the Governors race, and who in my opinion, Elizabeth Warren would be looked at the same way by the country as a whole. This is the same problem President Obama faces. Of course, it isn't true, but the people in this country are constantly hearing this from the media in this country. I think she would make a terrific Secretary of the Treasury. This is her strong suit, and a perfect fit.
Hillary Clinton would not be my first choice for President, but I am more amenable to her. She does have experience. She was a Senator, and a Secretary of State. I am pretty sure she could stand up to all the criticisms she would receive. She is tough, and not afraid of taking on her opponents. I do have problems with her, but I can't think of any person that I wouldn't have problems with. Bill Clinton's Presidency restored our economy and did a lot to make us a better country. Except for the NAFTA treaty I was on board with him. Hillary is her own person, but I think she actually wants what's best for this country unlike the Republicans.
The main problem with the Democrats is that they don't appeal to the whites in this country. This is a topic that most people shy away from, but it has to be addressed. I think I understand why the party doesn't appeal to whites. If you listen to the Democrats talk, what do you hear coming out of their months? They constantly talk about immigration; minimum wage, student loan reform, gun-control, and abortion. These are all good things that should be talked about, with the exception of the minimum wage none of this appeals to the white working class in this country. The working class who doesn't have a lot of time to analyze every issue hear that Democrats want to take their guns away, and raise taxes to support people who are sitting around doing nothing, and getting government checks. This isn't right, but look at the recent past. Wisconsin had huge labor issues with the Republican Governor. The national Democratic party mostly ignored them. The same goes for Ohio, and Michigan. The Democratic party is perceived by most of the working class in this country as a party of give me something for nothing. This isn't true, but the democrats have to make themselves heard about issues that mean something to them. There are Democratic politicians that do this, but on a much smaller scale. The national party should take their cues from this people.
President Obama has had the same problem, and you can see where that has gotten us.
Erica Sagrans the campaign manager for Ready for Warren says that Warren “is the kind of Democrat that the Democrats have been yearning for.” This may be true to a point. She may say all the right things, but I don't think the electorate would buy into it. The problem is, I think, she will be perceived as a egghead with no back bone when it comes to foreign policy. There was a woman Martha Coakly from Elizabeth Warren's very own liberal state of Massachusetts who lost the Governors race, and who in my opinion, Elizabeth Warren would be looked at the same way by the country as a whole. This is the same problem President Obama faces. Of course, it isn't true, but the people in this country are constantly hearing this from the media in this country. I think she would make a terrific Secretary of the Treasury. This is her strong suit, and a perfect fit.
Hillary Clinton would not be my first choice for President, but I am more amenable to her. She does have experience. She was a Senator, and a Secretary of State. I am pretty sure she could stand up to all the criticisms she would receive. She is tough, and not afraid of taking on her opponents. I do have problems with her, but I can't think of any person that I wouldn't have problems with. Bill Clinton's Presidency restored our economy and did a lot to make us a better country. Except for the NAFTA treaty I was on board with him. Hillary is her own person, but I think she actually wants what's best for this country unlike the Republicans.
The main problem with the Democrats is that they don't appeal to the whites in this country. This is a topic that most people shy away from, but it has to be addressed. I think I understand why the party doesn't appeal to whites. If you listen to the Democrats talk, what do you hear coming out of their months? They constantly talk about immigration; minimum wage, student loan reform, gun-control, and abortion. These are all good things that should be talked about, with the exception of the minimum wage none of this appeals to the white working class in this country. The working class who doesn't have a lot of time to analyze every issue hear that Democrats want to take their guns away, and raise taxes to support people who are sitting around doing nothing, and getting government checks. This isn't right, but look at the recent past. Wisconsin had huge labor issues with the Republican Governor. The national Democratic party mostly ignored them. The same goes for Ohio, and Michigan. The Democratic party is perceived by most of the working class in this country as a party of give me something for nothing. This isn't true, but the democrats have to make themselves heard about issues that mean something to them. There are Democratic politicians that do this, but on a much smaller scale. The national party should take their cues from this people.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Stanley Hubbard owns Hubbard broadcasting. He owns the station in Minneapolis KSTP-TV that aired the picture of the mayor of Minneapolis Betsy Hodges and a black individual pointing. The claim was that the mayor was making a gang sign. The station has come under fire for the story, rightfully so. What people have to understand Hubbard broadcasting is the same group that refused to air certain political ads by Democratic Congressman Rick Nolan in the recent election. They decided that there were factual errors in the ad. No other stations in the state seemed to find a problem with them. I have written before about this. In the recent episode Mr. Hubbard was asked to apologize for the story. His answer was that the people upset have “been sucked in” by the media coverage. He said he wouldn't give an on-air apology “No, of course not, that's ridiculous” Hubbard a well known conservative has decided that his opinion is the only one that matters. The conservatives in this country claim there is a liberal bias in the media, well if a liberal station,(if there are any left) did this, the outrage from the conservatives would be deafening. So far I haven't heard anything from Fox News, and I don't expect to. A side note to this story is Hubbard said that “multiple law enforcement” officials put him on to the picture and the gang signs. The Mayor and the police have a strained relationship do to the fact the Mayor said “some officers abuse the trust that is afforded to them, and take advantage of their roles to do harm rather than prevent it.”
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
The newly re-elected Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has decided he wants to drug test people who get government aid. This is not a new idea, Florida tried it, and it was found unconstitutional. This won't stop Walker. He has some dubious ways of looking at laws. This idea puts his name in the national spotlight. My problem with this whole thing is that he wants to pick and choose who gets tested. He leaves out all the other people who get money from the Government, and since corporations are people now according to the Supreme Court I guess they should be tested to. The Congress who recently cut money to the food stamp program, but left in subsidies to farmers some of which went to the same disgusting politicians who voted to cut the food stamp program. They don't consider that a government handout. How about all the money that goes out to assist businesses relocate or move into an area? That is tax payer money. Public employees will have to be tested. This includes elected officials because they are public employees, even though they claim to despise public employees. Most of these government haters sell their souls to get a public employee job. In my mind they don't care about the country, but how much they can serve their real masters, and how much money they can accumulate in their time in office. Of course they also get a great pension and medical care. That is so different than the regular working people, because in their minds they deserve it because they are special. These people don't see themselves as public employee's, they see themselves as the anointed ones who are going to save us from the great unwashed hordes who threaten our way of life.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Pope has demoted the Cardinal Raymond Burke who is the highest ranking United States Cardinal at the Vatican. This Cardinal is a strict conservative, and doesn't really believe in what the Pope is trying to do, namely move the Catholic Church into the 21st century.
Let me say from the start that I am a Catholic, or at least raised a Catholic. I have an on-going discussion with a Catholic Priest in my area who is constantly comparing Democrats to Nazi's, Communists, and Socialists, he never seems to get his insults straight. When the issue of the pedophile priests come up he makes all the excuses that you hear from the church. He always says it was such a small number and he actually doesn't believe that those figures are even true. The point I try to get across to him unsuccessfully is that my problem with the church isn't the priests themselves. People make mistakes, and none of us are immune. The problem is with the cover up the church has employed, and to some degree are still perpetrating. William Donohue who was the head of the Catholic League tried to justify the abuse by saying that most of the abused were not children, but 15 or 16 years old. I guess it's alright to abuse someone when they become teenagers. This Priest found out where I lived and sent me a letter telling me I was ignorant and needed to make a good confession. I had to laugh because in his mind a good confession would make everything all right.
The Pope has a tough road ahead of him with these kind of Priests; Bishops, and Cardinals. Hopefully he will stick with it and get rid of the malcontents.
Too bad for the conservative clergy they don't have the same system as our government. They could just threaten to impeach him, because they don't agree.
Let me say from the start that I am a Catholic, or at least raised a Catholic. I have an on-going discussion with a Catholic Priest in my area who is constantly comparing Democrats to Nazi's, Communists, and Socialists, he never seems to get his insults straight. When the issue of the pedophile priests come up he makes all the excuses that you hear from the church. He always says it was such a small number and he actually doesn't believe that those figures are even true. The point I try to get across to him unsuccessfully is that my problem with the church isn't the priests themselves. People make mistakes, and none of us are immune. The problem is with the cover up the church has employed, and to some degree are still perpetrating. William Donohue who was the head of the Catholic League tried to justify the abuse by saying that most of the abused were not children, but 15 or 16 years old. I guess it's alright to abuse someone when they become teenagers. This Priest found out where I lived and sent me a letter telling me I was ignorant and needed to make a good confession. I had to laugh because in his mind a good confession would make everything all right.
The Pope has a tough road ahead of him with these kind of Priests; Bishops, and Cardinals. Hopefully he will stick with it and get rid of the malcontents.
Too bad for the conservative clergy they don't have the same system as our government. They could just threaten to impeach him, because they don't agree.
Monday, November 17, 2014
The main reason the Dems got crushed was that the voters they rely on are not reliable.
We have the young and minorities who only seem to vote in great numbers during Presidential elections. The reliable voters are labor who have been successfully demonized by the right with the help of the media. Newspapers run articles like this one awhile back on Labor Day. “Are unions evil” Unions are blamed for the downfall of cities and the debt that states have. The Democratic party doesn't fight back on these issues. In Wisconsin where the Governor stripped public unions of most of their rights, very few national Democrats spoke out or came to Wisconsin to stand with the workers.
President Obama should have shown up in Wisconsin, but of course he didn't want to take sides.
The media which has been painted by the right as a liberal bastion is a fantasy that people have bought into. The networks, and newspapers are owned by corporations who are dictating editorial policy. All you have to do is watch any so-called news program on any network especially on the weekend and who do you see? John McCain, or Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, or Ted Cruz Another example of this is the paper in Duluth Mn. Duluth is a relatively liberal area. The paper endorsed almost all Republicans during the recent election. Of course if you look at the actual endorsements none of them came from the local editorial staff. They all were from the corporate owners from out of the state. The paper is doing a disservice to the community. One of the states television channels wouldn't run some ads by the Democrat in a congressional district claiming there were false claims made. The thing is the owner of that television station was a supporter of the Dems opponent, and a dyed in the wool conservative who only believes in fairness if it benefits him. Basically he was picking and choosing which ads to air based on his political bent.
Finally the democrats have some really bad candidates. We had Grimes in Kentucky who refused to say who she voted for in the previous Presidential election. We had a candidate for Governor in Massachusetts who was an embarrassment and this was not the first time she screwed up an election. Who are the people nominating this person. The list goes on and on. The Democrats let the Republicans define them. They use gun-rights or abortion as a gun to their head. They can't seem to refute that background checks are not gun control. They never mention the fact that abortion will not go away even if it is repealed. Back alley abortions will kill more women like it used to. They never push the Republicans on their warped reading of the Bible.
Democrats have to get tougher and quit trying to placate the Republicans
We have the young and minorities who only seem to vote in great numbers during Presidential elections. The reliable voters are labor who have been successfully demonized by the right with the help of the media. Newspapers run articles like this one awhile back on Labor Day. “Are unions evil” Unions are blamed for the downfall of cities and the debt that states have. The Democratic party doesn't fight back on these issues. In Wisconsin where the Governor stripped public unions of most of their rights, very few national Democrats spoke out or came to Wisconsin to stand with the workers.
President Obama should have shown up in Wisconsin, but of course he didn't want to take sides.
The media which has been painted by the right as a liberal bastion is a fantasy that people have bought into. The networks, and newspapers are owned by corporations who are dictating editorial policy. All you have to do is watch any so-called news program on any network especially on the weekend and who do you see? John McCain, or Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, or Ted Cruz Another example of this is the paper in Duluth Mn. Duluth is a relatively liberal area. The paper endorsed almost all Republicans during the recent election. Of course if you look at the actual endorsements none of them came from the local editorial staff. They all were from the corporate owners from out of the state. The paper is doing a disservice to the community. One of the states television channels wouldn't run some ads by the Democrat in a congressional district claiming there were false claims made. The thing is the owner of that television station was a supporter of the Dems opponent, and a dyed in the wool conservative who only believes in fairness if it benefits him. Basically he was picking and choosing which ads to air based on his political bent.
Finally the democrats have some really bad candidates. We had Grimes in Kentucky who refused to say who she voted for in the previous Presidential election. We had a candidate for Governor in Massachusetts who was an embarrassment and this was not the first time she screwed up an election. Who are the people nominating this person. The list goes on and on. The Democrats let the Republicans define them. They use gun-rights or abortion as a gun to their head. They can't seem to refute that background checks are not gun control. They never mention the fact that abortion will not go away even if it is repealed. Back alley abortions will kill more women like it used to. They never push the Republicans on their warped reading of the Bible.
Democrats have to get tougher and quit trying to placate the Republicans
Sunday, November 16, 2014
The right-wing propaganda machine is out in full force. Today in the newspaper an op-ed article was written by Jay Ambrose. He's extolling the virtues of Republican Governors who stripped union rights from public employee's. He especially thinks Scott Walker from Wisconsin is a hero. He according to Ambrose reduced the “union's bullying powers,” even though the unions fought back by being “dirty as dirty gets.” The unions also according to Ambrose had immovable power “to distort democracy, devastate finances, render government operations less efficient and even, in some cases, cheat children out of the kind of education necessary for them to have a decent future.” He goes on to state that unions spent huge amounts of money to try and get elected people who supported them. I almost got a tear in my eye when I read that. The Republican party's outlay in the recent election dwarfs any money spent by the unions. The real reason for the attack on unions has nothing to do with what these fact twisters like Ambrose say. It has everything to do with the fact that unions are one of the last organizations that have any chance of competing with big business and billionaire donations to the Republicans.
To see Ambrose in proper perspective you have to look at some of his past propaganda. He thinks campus rape is an epidemic of hyperbole. He thinks global warming is not happening. He wants to restructure Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. We all know what that means he wants to privatize them. He conveniently forgets the fact that working people contribute to them through out their working lifetimes. He defends George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin killing. If you have been paying attention, you know Zimmerman has been in one scrap after another, and one of his big defenders now thinks Zimmerman targeted Martin because he was black. The list goes on-and-on, but you get the gist of where this guys head is.
The question that needs to be asked is why we are continually subjected to these rants from guys like Ambrose in this so-called liberal media?
To see Ambrose in proper perspective you have to look at some of his past propaganda. He thinks campus rape is an epidemic of hyperbole. He thinks global warming is not happening. He wants to restructure Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. We all know what that means he wants to privatize them. He conveniently forgets the fact that working people contribute to them through out their working lifetimes. He defends George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin killing. If you have been paying attention, you know Zimmerman has been in one scrap after another, and one of his big defenders now thinks Zimmerman targeted Martin because he was black. The list goes on-and-on, but you get the gist of where this guys head is.
The question that needs to be asked is why we are continually subjected to these rants from guys like Ambrose in this so-called liberal media?
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Haley Barbour used the
term tar baby when talking to his GOP cronies. He apologized if
anyone took offense. I know, and you should know he isn't sorry
about using that term, he's sorry because it became public. Barbour
has a history with racism. He is the same guy who defended the
Citizen Councils of the 50's and 60's. He said he doesn't remember it
being bad in those years for the minorities in his southern bastion
where blacks were kept in the shadows. Barbour is a bigot and always
will be a bigot, but he would like you to believe that he is sorry
when he says things like tar baby. The problem is he keeps saying
those things over and over.
Friday, October 24, 2014
When does the craziness
stop? Congressman Peter King of New York (do I even have to say he's
a Republican) has decided that the doctors and scientists are wrong
and Ebola is an airborne spread disease. I realize these kind of
people are nuts, but they are elected officials in the United States
and are spreading hysteria at every chance. They are completely
ignorant or outright lying. Ted Cruz's chief of staff tried to
equate the outbreak of Ebola in the U.S. To Obamacare. He might as
well blamed it on the partial eclipse of the sun yesterday, they have
the same amount of culpability. This goes on and on with this sleaze
balls. I know they have a right to state their ignorant views, but
there is no reason their views have to keep being reported in the
media. Lets ignore these fools.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
George Will the
self-anointed expert on rape, has anointed himself an expert on
Ebola. This clown who actually thinks he is important went into his
fear mongering role by saying Ebola experts think the disease is
spread in the air. The people who he claimed to get the information
from came out after Mr. Wills statement and said he totally took it
out of context. Other than the fact the most GOP pundits take things
out of context, the only thing served by his stupid utterance was to
spread fear amongst the population. I for the life of me can't figure
out why any news organization would hire this guy, or any newspaper
run his column. The guy is incompetent. In fact he has become a
laughing stock!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Billionaire and GOP donor
Peter Thiel says GOP candidates have a lower IQ. This statement is
fact in my opinion. He should have included many of the GOP office
holders in general. I do have to credit someone in the GOP, they
have hit upon a strategy that works for them. They pander to the
fears of the less intelligent in the country especially the southern
male. I don't mean to suggest that all southerns are stupid, but the
majority of the GOP's base are white males from the south. To a
smaller degree in the rest of the country. The GOP panders to them
in the sense they tell them that they are victims of liberals. They
tell them that they would be farther ahead in their lives if they
Democrats wouldn't be giving their jobs to minorities, or the
government would be better off if they would they would stop giving
out food stamps or welfare or taxing them so much. If you pay
attention to the GOP you see in their attacks that they only focus on
the so-called entitlement programs. If you pay attention you will
also see they give themselves all the benefits from the government
they can scoop up. All you have to do is look at the Farm Bill. They
cut food stamps, but left in payments to farms which many of the GOP
get. They see no problem with that. They try to make voting harder
because they are scared of the minority vote. They use the excuse
they are trying to prevent voter fraud. We all know that is a lie,
but the GOP base fall for that excuse. When you have a base who can
be swayed so easily it's no wonder the GOP can lie with no fear of
being held accountable.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
I have a brother who is
anti-government and is constantly telling me that the government is
broke. He is against everything the government does. I was having a
conversation with him the other day and for some reason he goes off
on his little rant. I have to preface this with the facts that he is
on Social Security and took out a student loan years ago. He never
paid back the loan. I mentioned this to him and he wouldn't take
responsibility for that loan. He blamed the government for giving him
that loan. This is the logic of most of these Republican goofs. They
always have to blame the government and take no responsibility for
their own actions. They hide behind religion or something in their
minds that exonerates anything they do, but accuses the other people
of causing harm. All you have to do is listen to the Republican
Senators and Congressman who constantly blame the government and say
they want smaller government, but will do anything to get a
government job. Talk about deadbeats, they get great benefits and a
great salary for working very little, and they take no responsibility
for anything. The welfare and safety of this country means nothing
to them, they are leeches of the first order.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
This has been in the news
the last few days. Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado
said that he and others have been talking to the Generals and trying
to get them to resign. We are at war! This guy should be arrested
and tried for treason. The resignation of generals in time of war
will lead to deaths of our serviceman and woman. This traitor should
be put on trial, and in my opinion shot for treason. Let me take that
back. He should be sent to gitmo where he and his buddies think it
is okay to keep people, and he can associate with other people who want to bring down this country.
Friday, September 5, 2014
that former Governor Bob McDonnell has been convicted of his crimes,
he will join former Governor Rod Blagojevich in prison. I was
wondering since we have so many other Governors, Chris Christie;
Scott Walker, Rick Perry to name a few warming up in the bull-pen to
join them, is there going to be a special prison to handle these
guys? We could call it the Holier Than Thou prison for people who set
themselves up as above the law, they only see crimes and misdeeds in
other people.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Mo Brooks (R-AL) says
there is a war on whites being waged by the Democrats.
Let me state for the
record that I am white. Mr. Brooks is an idiot, but what he is saying
fits into the GOP narrative of the last six years. The Republicans
want you to believe that you are under siege. The uneducated and the
not so uneducated flock to this kind of rhetoric. They need someone
to blame for their perceived lack of success. Voter suppression laws
that use the excuse of voter fraud are aimed at minorities. Basically
what the GOP is saying that minorities are stealing elections, of
course there is absolutely no proof of any wide spread voter fraud.
The attack on poverty programs are the same thing. Minorities are
laying around using your hard earned money for their drugs. If you
pay attention almost everything the Republicans do is aimed at
driving a wedge between whites and minorities, and for the record
Republicans think the working middle class and below are minorities,
and have no need for them. These Republicans in general are
Un-American. They would support the worst dictator in the world as
long as they get theirs.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
I've been trying to ignore
the news for awhile, but the crazies are running loose, and won't let
Republican Senator Ted
Cruz wants to auction off American public land to drillers and
miners. You know and he should know that that land would be
destroyed for everyone in this generation and our grand children's.
On a related subject.
Republican Congressman Sam Graves of Missouri introduced a bill that
would halt any new EPA rules that are in the works, and review all
previous regulations. This moron hasn't enough sense to look back
50yrs and look at the water and air quality and compare it to today.
Things have improved dramatically because of the EPA.
Finally John McCain the
publicity whore from Arizona went on another one of his rants against
some guy from immigration, because he was upset that he wouldn't be
allowed to take pictures with his cell phone when visiting the
children who are being rounded up that are entering this country
illegally. Of course McCain was yelling at the wrong person. The
right person said they don't want the children s' pictures used and
exploited, but McCain thinks of himself as some entitled person who
is beyond the rules set down for us mere mortals.
Friday, June 27, 2014
I was looking for the
dumbest thing said lately from a GOP moron. I have to say it was a
tough choice to choose, so I had to include 2. Fox News pundit Dr.
Keith Ablow said the World Cup was a distraction that President Obama
would love, like the President controls the timing of the World Cup.
The President doesn't need any distractions because the right-wing
loonies really have nothing but conspiracy theories about anything.
There phony attacks fizzle out all the time, but they just go on to
another made up so-called scandal.
Ann Coulter the Republican
pundit who is so desperate for attention will do or say anything to
see here name in print or spoken by some other TV personality. She
really topped herself yesterday. She said soccer in America shows
the country's “moral decay” She goes on to say the game is
foreign and liberal moms love it. Why does anyone print her articles
or pay any attention to this desperate, pathetic lonely woman?
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Congressman Paul Ryan
(R.-WI.) was showing his “moral outrage” at the IRS commissioner
over some lost emails. He told the Commissioner that no one believes
him when he said they were lost. It may be true that something
fishy is going on, but for Ryan a habitual liar to call someone else
dishonest is hilarious. Ryan makes up stories to make a point
especially in his speeches. In fact he is the only person I have ever
heard of that actually lied about the time it took him to run a
marathon. Since this was the only race he has ever ran he should have
not been confused. The funny thing is he said the time was a lot
faster than it actually was. He lied about the jeep plant that was
supposed to be moving to China. He requested stimulus money from the
Obama administration they denied requesting those funds. The list of
lies goes on and on. I wish people who vote for this despicable
human being would look honestly at this guy.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Fox News was the biggest
cheerleader for Cliven Bundy the crazy racist rancher. When two of
the people that were involved in that stand off killed 3 people, 2 of
whom were police officers, fox news didn't really cover or mention it
on their channel.
Scott Esk (R-OK) thinks
it's totally acceptable to put gays to death. He said if elected “
I look forward to applying Biblical principles to Oklahoma” I
guess he takes direction from the Muslims who want to do the same
thing to their people.
John Johnston a republican
from Indiana made the remark on a social media site regarding the
poor. “no one has the guts to just let them wither and die.”
David Brat the guy who
beat Eric Cantor in the Republican primary in Ohio said we have to
embrace Christian Capitalism or Hitler will come back.
Columnist George Will a
shill for the GOP says women are coming forward talking about rape
because victim hood has become “a coveted status that confers
What do all these things
have in common? All of these people and institutions who most people
consider crazy are now acceptable if not the norm in the GOP. They
have become the party of hate and are proud of it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
I have written several
times in the past about politicians who put politics ahead of
country. The new king of this disgusting practice is Richard Burr
(R-N.C.). This slime-ball wrote an open letter to the veterans
organizations in this country accusing them of protecting their
relationship with the Veterans Administration. Why you may ask would
he write this, because the veterans groups didn't call for the
Veterans Secretary to resign like he did because of the problems
within the department. Burr has the right to call for his
resignation, but he doesn't have the right to ridicule the veterans
groups for not calling for the resignation. The other thing this
clown Burr did was vote against an increase in funding for the
Veterans Administration last February. His Republican cohorts also
voted against this increase, but now they have the audacity to
criticize the department. Typical Republican, do nothing to help but
blame everything on the people who are trying to help. The veterans
groups didn't take this criticism lying down. The VFW said
"Senator, this
is clearly one of the most dishonorable and grossly
inappropriate acts that we’ve witnessed in more than
forty years of involvement with the veteran community and breaches
the standards of the United States Senate," they wrote. "Your
allegations are ugly and mean-spirited in every sense of the words
and are profoundly wrong, both logically and morally. Quite
frankly Senator, you should be ashamed."
I don't know if North Carolina can recall their senators, if they can he should be recalled. He is the most disgusting person. He also happens to be the lead Republican on the veterans committee in the Senate. Let me state this one more time. He is a slime-ball.
I don't know if North Carolina can recall their senators, if they can he should be recalled. He is the most disgusting person. He also happens to be the lead Republican on the veterans committee in the Senate. Let me state this one more time. He is a slime-ball.
Friday, May 23, 2014
I'm used to Republicans
defending big business at all costs, but this might be the worst
example of being in the pocket of big business, in this case big oil.
Vance Mcallister (R-La.) also known as the kissing congressman for
his escapades with one of his married staffers. In a hearing about
deteriorating oil pipes in Louisiana a picture was shown of a pipe
that was leaking and had been repaired with some duck tape and a
garbage bag. He had the nerve to ridicule the man who showed that
picture. He basically said the environmentalist are never happy. He
said some one showed initiative with that fix. I don't know about
you, but if I have a oil pipe leaking in my area I sure wanted it
fixed properly instead of with duct tape and garbage bags.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The United States Air
Force is reviewing a rule that doesn't allow religious proselytizing
by superiors involving men in their command. Some Republican's in
congress and some evangelical organizations are upset. They think it
should be okay. They see no problem with your commanding officer
inviting you to a bible study. These people who believe this is okay
are crazy. Can you imagine telling your commanding officer you're
not interested. Your fitness for duty evaluations are going to be
affected because you didn't want to participate. If you think that's
not true all you have to do is listen to these zealots and you will
see that is the only thing that matters to them. The welfare of the
service comes in a distant second. The Air Force has been a target
of the evangelicals for awhile. The Air Force Academy has had a
problem with this. The last thing this country needs is a religious
driven military service. More damage has been done in the world in
the name of religion, and that is what would happen when you let the
zealots be in charge.
Republican's in congress should know better, but I think they should
know better about a lot of things and they don't.
Monday, May 12, 2014
This is what's wrong with
politics today. I am sure that this happens regularly, but the thing
is the people doing it today have no problem with lying and don't
care if they get caught because the people who want to believe will
always believe. Facts and truth don't matter. I know that Democrats
do this, but the preponderance of this stuff happens on the right,
and it seems to be that it's the usual suspects doing it. They treat
their base as fools and idiots. They have no worries about donations
to their campaigns now that the billionaire clique has taken over.
This was sent out by Rand
Paul Republican Senator from Kentucky. “ In the coming weeks, I
will use whatever power this office holds [to ban guns].” President
Barack Obama. This is a complete lie. This is what he actually said.
“In the coming weeks, I'll use whatever power this office holds to
engage my fellow citizens -- from law enforcement, to mental health
professionals, to parents and educators -- in an effort aimed at
preventing more tragedies like this, because what choice to we have?
We can't accept events like this as routine.
How can any person want to
be represented by this liar?
Friday, May 2, 2014
The right-wing crazy
governors Sam Brownback of Kansas, and Chris Christie of New Jersey
cut taxes and gave breaks to business claiming that would help their
economies boom. Guess what? Kansas lost 45% of its tax income, and
New Jersey is the least solvent state in the union. Of course it
can't be these nitwits faults. They're trying to blame President
Obama. Typical Republicans. They're the victims. It never is anything
they do. The thing that bothers me most about this, is the fact that
people of these states elect these people to run their states. I
don't know if people are easily brainwashed or just stupid.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Over the last few years we
have had a lot of ignorant speech from certain Governors and some
state assemblies about seceding from the United States. Most of the
people promoting this are crackpots. I want to change the scenario
and ask that the state of Oklahoma to leave the union. I am not sure
what is wrong with the politicians and the people who elect them, but
they have to go. They have a Governor who thinks she is a dictator,
they have state senators who want to ban marriage for all because he
got all pissy about a federal judge over turning their ban on gay
marriage, they wanted to impeach the state supreme court because they
tried to stop an execution on legitimate grounds. We all know how
that turned out. Finally they have one of if not the most ignorant
United States Senators. I might have to apologize to ignorant people
because he is well beyond ignorant, he is brain dead.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
This is something that I had printed in a local newspaper.
For the last 6 years
writers to this paper decry the Obama administration. They very
seldom have any facts to backup their assertions. They use innuendo,
and rumors from unreliable sources. They call his administration
Socialist or Communist. They question his citizenship, and his
religion. They call him a dictator. They have every right to espouse
their conspiracy theories. The thing is, this has been an ongoing
tactic of the conservatives. President Kennedy's administration was
denounced on the house floor by a Congressman from Texas as assuming
“almost unlimited power” and using “dictatorial tactics” to
those used in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Kennedy was accused
of being soft on communism, deferring to the Vatican because he was
Catholic, being a bigamist, his war record was questioned. A popular
radio show of the time said Kennedy by Executive Orders which bypass
Congress has already created a body of laws to transform our Republic
into a dictatorship. By-the-way the man who questioned the
separation of church and state because Kennedy was Catholic became
president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and a founder of the
“Religious Right”, but when Reagan became president he thought
separation of church and state was a figment of someone's
imagination. Even the opposition to the Affordable Care Act uses the
same arguments they used in their opposition to the enactment of
Medicare. They claimed as they do now death panels would be created,
and liberty lost. Does all of this sound familiar? Their arguments
are as phony now as they were 50 years ago.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Cliven Bundy who has been
in the news for the last few weeks, and the people who support him
including a lot of the tea-party and republican shills on television
got me to thinking what is wrong with these people. I came across a
quote by Hubert Humphrey, former Vice-President of the United States
who summed up these people pretty well. This quote is about 50 yrs.
Old, but it fits perfectly into today's culture.
Whole communities “ can
be affected with emotional instability, frustrations, and irrational
behavior... that emotional instability that affects a significant,
but small minority in our midst that some call extreme right, they
still see the world in total black and white. They are still
substituting dogma for creative thought. They are angry fearful,
deeply and fundamentally disturbed by the world around them.”
I am sorry to say that
these kinds of people will always be with us, but there is no reason
that they be lionized like the right-wing pundits are doing. People
might die, then the same people who lionized and pushed these people
to greater anarchy will deny they ever had anything to do with it.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
I was listening to a
sports talk show this morning when they played the spontaneous
singing of the national anthem that happened last year at the Boston
Garden the day after the bombing at the marathon. It is emotional
to this day and makes you proud. That got me thinking about one of
the stories in the news. This so called cattleman from Nevada who
says he doesn't recognize the United States government. He is being
promoted by Sean Hannity as a hero of some sort. All he is is a
freeloading lunatic. He doesn't want to pay grazing fees for his
cattle that graze on federal land. Hannity who claims he loves this
country and blames President Obama for everything that happens
including his dandruff, takes the side of a man who is a criminal.
If someone dies in this standoff I personally am going to blame
Hannity, and I hope the officials in this country do to. Hannity and
this cattleman are two peas in a pod. Blowhards of the highest order.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
What is it with this
clown? He professes to be a man of God, in fact in his sick mind God
talks to him regularly. He asked on his show today for God to
“deliver” the US from President Obama before it's to late. This
man should be arrested for promoting violence against the President.
Some of the sheep that listen to this kook will take him literally. I
wish I could say that he is an anomaly, but this sick outlook on
life seems to run rampant with Southern Baptists.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
A recent article about
what states get back more Federal money than they put in showed that
most of the states are deeply Republican, and in the south, these
are the same people complaining about the government at every turn.
You have heard all the stupid things they complain about; socialism,
communism, nanny state and so on. A blogger that I have read put it
in perspective. “ If the USA were to cast off all the red states
then the welfare problem would cease to exist.” The Republicans
who lead these states are not looking out for the people, they want
to keep them poor and uneducated. There is another quote that kind of
fits these states. “ A hellhole inhabited by folks who were to poor
to leave or to ignorant to know that there were better places.”
They don't want health insurance for their poor, they don't want
unions for all the obvious reasons, because they offer a better live.
They foster divisions in race. What it comes down to is that the
only way this is going to change is for the people to wake up and
vote these people out of office. Of course the Republicans' know this
too. Why do you think they are restricting voting anyway they can?
Monday, March 24, 2014
I was reading a discussion
on “Library thing” which is a site to keep a record of books that
you own. The question that was being discussed was the moon landing
in 1969 real or fake. The people on this site are very well
educated. I was shocked that quite a few of them think it might have
been faked. Conspiracy theories are so common, but the fact is there
is no proof to support those theories. We can go back to the JFK, and
RFK assassinations; the moon landing, 9/11 was really staged by our
own government and so on. I'm willing to bet that 90% of these
people are the same people who think that President Obama is a Kenyan
and a Muslim. They believe in God which is good, but there is no
proof that God actually exists. They take this on faith. There is
more proof that all the so-called conspiracies actually happened, but
these people don't accept them. Why, you make ask? I think whatever
doesn't fit into their out look on life can't be true.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Of course if you're State
Senator Phil Jensen (R-SD) he doesn't think so. He thinks you should
be able to discriminate against anyone you want if you are in
business. He thinks businesses would go out of business when people
find out you discriminate. That never seemed to be the case in the
south during Jim Crow, but you know this self-appointed emissary from
God knows best. It's so obvious that this guy is unworthy to be in
any kind of position where he makes decisions that affect people. The
sad thing is that people elect these guys knowing that they're racists
of some sort. This kind of behavior is becoming normal with in the
GOP, and no one pays the price. In away I think the GOP likes these
things in the news because it keeps the public's mind off the fact
they have no ideas to help the country, and in fact they don't want
to improve the country. They just want to kiss the ass of the 1%.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Ken Langone, a GOP
mega-donor who co-founded Home Depot made a stupid remark like his
fellow billionaires who can't seem to help themselves when they
compare themselves to Jews in Hitlers' Germany in the 1930's. They
misconstrue the discussion about wealth inequality. They think it
has to do with “envy or jealousy." All it has to do with is that the
vast majority of people are being left behind do to no fault of their
Here is what they really
think and what they want. This is from a memo written by Citigroup
who by the way received 45 billion dollars from the government.
we are right, that the rich are going to keep getting richer over the
coming years Despite being in great shape, we think that global
capitalists are going to be getting an even greater share of the
wealth pie over the next few years, as capitalists benefit
disproportionately from globalization and the productivity boom, at
the relative expense of labor. For the poorest in society, high gas
and petrol prices are a problem. But while they are many in number,
they are few in spending power, and their economic influence is just
not important enough to offset the economic confidence, well-being
and spending of the rich. We expect the global pool of labor in
developing economies to keep wage inflation in check, and profit
margins rising – good for the wealth of capitalists, relatively bad
for developed market unskilled/outsource-able labor. This bodes well
for companies selling to or servicing the rich."
the rising wealth gap between the rich and poor will probably at some
point lead to a political backlash. Whilst the rich are getting a
greater share of the wealth, and the poor a lesser share, political
enfranchisement remains as was – one person, one vote. At some
point it is likely that labor will fight back against the rising
profit share of the rich and there will be a political backlash
against the rising wealth of the rich. This could be felt through
higher taxation (on the rich or indirectly though higher corporate
taxes/regulation) or through trying to protect indigenous laborers,
in a push-back on globalization – either anti-immigration, or
protectionism. We don’t see this happening yet, though there are
signs of rising political tensions.
rich know exactly what they are doing and why. The sad thing is that
many many people buy into this. They are so easily brainwashed
against their better interests.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Paul Ryan is backing away
as fast as he can from his most recent stupid statement. He said “
We got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities in particular of
men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about
working or learning the value and culture on work, and so there is a
real culture problem here that has to be dealt with.” He's
basically blaming the problems of the country on black and Hispanic
men who haven't got a job, maybe if he helped the President when his
jobs bill was put forward we would be lowering the unemployment
Then we have the Catholic
leader Austin Ruse who said that liberal academics should be “
taken out and shot “ Now he is claiming he really didn't mean
that,he loves everyone and so on. Another phony who got called out
and now is back peddling. This is so common among the Republican
goofs. A state senator Pat Garofolo said that 70% of the NBA could
fold and no one would notice except there would be a rise in street
crime. This of course is another attack on minorities that trys to
blame everything on them. He has since given what I would call an
insincere apology citing his work in the inner city.
Speaking of goofs, I think
maybe calling Pat Robertson a goof is to kind, I think maybe he is
just plain crazy. He has a history of saying stupid things. His most
recent one was when he said that God caused a brief power outage in
Washington D.C. To mock Senate Democrats who held a late night
discussion about climate change. It always amazes me that this guy
thinks he has a direct line to God, and of course God agrees with
everything that Robertson thinks.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Stuart Varney and Brian
Kilmeade two of the stooges at Fox News are playing the victim
again. They are upset because some states are still finding ways to
help the people of their states by giving food stamps to the needy.
They're upset because they are going around the law in their respective
small minds. I can't help but wonder why they are not upset when
states make up phony rules to limit abortion, or deny people
medicaid, and access to the Affordable Care Act. The simple answer to
this is that they are only interested in Republican talking points,
and don't care about most of the people in this country, only the 1% and the
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Chris Christie the
Republican Governor of New Jersey said in his speech at CPAC that
“media can’t define who we are” He should be happy that the
media is defining them because they are taking it easy on these
wacko’s. Lets start with the recent problems in the Ukraine. A
lot of the conservative wacko’s, including McCain, Rubio, Paul,
have actually praised Putin and denigrated President Obama. In my
opinion that is aiding and abetting a foreign power in a time of
crisis. It comes awful close to treason in my mind. What about the
wacko’s who claim that government is the problem, you know the
people Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Christie, Mitt Romney, all of
them would sell their soul's to be a bigger part of that government
they profess to detest. Then we have the unhinged wacko's Louie
Gohmert, Steve King, Steve Stockman, Michelle Bachmann, there are so
many of them I can't name them all, but you get the idea if you
follow politics. There is Paul Ryan a man who has a lot of trouble
with the truth. Finally I can't leave out Lindsay Graham a man that
is so pathetic. I'm not sure what category to put him in. He is a
little of all of them I guess. I actually worry for his safety
because I am sure he knows how pathetic he is. He might just end it
all. If people actually took the time to look into these people they
would be startled to find out that the media portrays them a lot
better than they deserve. You may ask what do these people have in
common? They are all Republican's and most are living off the
government they claim to despise,and they all have a disdain for the
average American.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Anyone who reads what I
write should know I am very pro-union. I am open to arguments from
people who are anti-union. I was reading a article on Yahoo about
the VW plant in Tennessee. I thought it was propaganda from the union
haters, so I went to the web page who actually wrote it. The thing
was the page has a very union friendly sounding name. It was all
propaganda against unions. They are entitled to their opinion. The
thing was though that I couldn't find a name of anyone on the page.
The articles were all written by the “editor” the contact page
had no one to directly contact. If you go to the union I belong to
United Steel Workers you can find everyone's name. So my question to
this web page is who is behind your page? When you hide your names
it would seem to me you are ashamed or just afraid to put your name
out there.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
John McCain (R-AR.)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC.) Mike Rogers (R.MI.) all took to the airwaves
to denounce President Obama's dealing with Putin's Ukrainian
excursion. McCain said that “the naivete of Barack Obama and John
Kerry is stunning.” Lindsay Graham said “Every time the president
goes on national television and threatens Putin or anyone like Putin,
everybody's eyes roll, including mine. We have a weak and indecisive
president, that invites aggression. President Obama needs to do
something.” and finally Mike Rogers said “ Putin is playing chess
and I think we are playing marbles-and I don't think it's even
close.” “They've been running circles around us.”
There used to be something
that was done in a time of crisis. You stood with your president at
least until you actually know what's going on. These 3 clowns are
constantly on television complaining about the President. John
McCain is like a little boy. He is has been crying and whining ever
since he lost the Presidency to Obama. He takes shots all the time.
Graham who really is an idiot and shouldn't be opening his mouth
about anything, especially the possibility of war. Mike Rogers is
another guy who claims he knows what's happening in the world. He
said that Americans weren't safe at the recent Olympics. If I was
Putin and was listening to these guys I would take assurance in the
fact that American is not talking with one voice. In fact I would be
ecstatic. By the way these war-mongers who haven't found a war they
didn't love, and spout their support for the troops, recently voted
against veterans benefits. That should tell you all you need to know
about these clowns.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Setting aside the bigoted
and the down right stupid tea party people. Why do the so-called
main stream Republicans detest everyone else in the country that
doesn't serve their purposes? The GOP is against just about
everything that makes this country great. Health care for all.
Against it. Extended unemployment benefits. Against it. Food Stamps
for needy people. Against it. Minimum wage. Against it. Everyone
has a vote. Against it. Environmental regulations to protect
society. Against it. Veterans benefits. Against it. Government that
works. Against it. There are plenty of other things they're against.
What do these things have in common? They benefit the majority of
people in this country. The only thing the GOP are for is businesses
having no regulations, and the 1% running the country to serve
themselves. The thing that is so sad is that so many people in this
country have bought into this demented outlook. I have so much
trouble understanding how a lot of these incompetent people get
re-elected. I think that most people don't even know what's going on
in this country. They work hard, and don't have the time to pay
attention until election time, and they listen to the ads on TV which
in general have no basis in reality. The GOP has come to realize
this, and can lie with no real consequences. There are news outlets
who go along with lies, and in some cases put them out themselves.
The news networks have become arms of businesses for the most part,
and ignore most of this stuff. When is the last time you have heard
a major network news organization focus on the lies? The same
discredited people are commenting on most of this stuff. Newt
Gingrich; Bill Kristol, George Will, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz etc. All
documented liars.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
All over the news for the
last year has been stories about food stamp cuts; minimum wage
increase, health insurance, and pay inequality. All of these things
should be talked about, but why does union organizing and the
benefits of unions get no time on the air? Unions would solve a lot
of these other problems with better pay, and health insurance for its
workers. The only time unions get mentioned is when they are brought
up negatively. The same old kinnard from the GOP about union dues.
We all know the reason why the GOP is trying to kill unions. Then
they have no one on the other side with any money to oppose them. A
perfect example of these GOP haters are Bob Corker a Republican
Senator from Tennessee who in my opinion lied about what Volkswagen
was going to do in the recent election to unionize the VW plant in
his state. He said he has been "assured"
that if workers at the Volkswagen AG plant in his hometown of
Chattanooga reject United Auto Worker representation, the company
will reward the plant with a new product to build.
The Governor of Tennessee
another Republican also threatened to with hold tax incentives to a
plant that was unionized. Mr. Corker should be made to tell who in
the company told him the story he put out. If he can't or won't he
should be expelled from the United States Senate. Then there is
Nikki Haley the Republican Governor of South Carolina who said "make
the unions understand full well that they are not needed, not wanted
and not welcome in the state of South Carolina” These people's only
concern is that they can keep the workers of their respective state
working for as little as possible, they do this to serve their
corporate masters. Workers don't mean anything to these people, and
any person who would turn away jobs because the employees might make
a decent living are beneath contempt.
Friday, February 21, 2014
The other day I posted
about military misbehavior. Today a retired Lt. Gen. William G.
Boykin said that The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 it says
when he comes back. Okay so far so good. But he goes on to say that
he checked this out, which I have trouble understanding because the
General is probably not in touch with the lord. He states that I
believe that sword he'll be carrying when he comes back is an AR-15
and if you don't have one go get one, You're supposed to have one.
It's biblical. This crackpot served in the military for many years.
You can't tell me that no one knew that this guy was and still is
crazy. There have been several generals who have gone off the deep
end when it comes to religion. They should have been booted out of
the service at the first sign of this nonsense. On a related matter
Tom Delay the ex-congressman from Texas said that God wrote the
Constitution. I guess again that he is in touch with the lord and
must have been told that James Madison was really God. The problem
with these nuts is that many people actually believe this stuff.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
This is the same
Republican clown from Arkansas who wondered how many Boston liberals
were hiding under their beds wishing they had an AR-15 during the
Boston marathon bombing. I don't know if this yokel is trying to put
himself at the head of the list of ignorant GOP lawmakers, but he's
giving it a shot. During a debate about a proposed Medicaid
expansion bill in his state. He said “we're trying to create a
barrier to enrollment.” I guess the whole idea in his mind is let
as many people as possible go without any medical insurance, which
means to most no health care at all. Typical Republican jerk.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
There was a headline today about
soldiers leaving army due to misconduct on the rise. If you have
been paying attention to the news for awhile there has been a string
of general officers that have had to resign for differing reasons
including drugs or sexual misconduct. Having served in the army it
is not hard to understand that officers and the enlisted have
problems. The thing that has happened it seems to me is that in
especially the officers corp this kind of behavior slowly became
tolerated, sort of like what happened in the Catholic Church. The
pedophile epidemic didn't just happen over night. It was overlooked
and tolerated by the hierarchy, and some of these pedophiles rose in
the church they accepted this culture and even condoned it. The same
thing has happened in the military. You don't have sexual deviants,
and drug users just pop up. Their fellow brethren knew they were
there but over looked their behavior. I am not sure how this is going
to be cleaned up, but for this country's sake it better be. Just
because these people have risen to a high level they should not be
treated with kid gloves, but booted out of the service.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
In Tennessee Republican
lawmakers are threatening to withhold tax incentives for a Volkswagen
automotive plant. Why you may ask? The lawmakers are up in arms
that the workers might decide to join the United Auto Workers union a
move that V.W. Is in favor of. I guess the Republicans think people
shouldn't be able to make their own decisions.
In South Dakota Republican
lawmakers blocked a measure that would have allowed state voter's to
vote on if they wanted the state to expand Medicaid under the
Affordable Care Act, which 63% if the people of that state want. The
Republicans have decided that the people shouldn't have a say in
their own lives. They know best because they say so.
In Wisconsin the Club for
Growth is suing to stop a state investigation of the 2011&2012
recall elections. They say their right to free speech, free
assembly, and equal protection under the law is being infringed on.
The investigation is looking into a illegal coordination between the
Club for Growth and the Republican candidates that were running for
office. I guess if I had something to hide I'd be worried too.
In Kansas Republican
Senator Pat Roberts won't release details about how much time
he actually spends in
state seeing that the good Senator doesn't actually maintain a home
there. I can see why he might be a little nervous about it.
These people are the
people who claim that voter fraud is rampant, and unions are
destroying this country. My take on this is that these people and
people like them are destroying this country in the name of a
political philosophy that is morally bankrupt.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Rand Paul “Doesn't
deserve to be in the United States Senate” Peter King a fellow
Republican stated that because Rand Paul lied about the National
Security Agency. He went on to say “Paul is really spreading fear
among the American people.”In fact Paul condones lying he just
calls it by another name. He stated “misinformation works” I'm
sorry, untruth is lying, of course a well documented plagiarist like
Paul who has no problem stealing other peoples work and claiming it
for himself has to justify his actions some how. One of Paul’s
other problems is his propensity to hire racists to work for him. The
latest is the so-called “Southern Avenger” who thought it was
okay that President Lincoln was assassinated. Or his Senate campaign
spokesman who made racist comments about lynching. Paul tried to use
his misinformation tactic to justify their actions. In fact Paul’s
father Ron has published newsletters with racist overtones. Ron Paul
says he didn't actually know what was in his newsletters that had his
name at the head of. I guess he taught his son the misinformation
tactic. When caught in something just lie, because that is what it
is. My point in all of this is why anyone would pay any attention to
anything this scum-bag has to say.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
A week or two ago a
billionaire Tom Perkins went on about the 1% were being victimized by
the other 99% and tried to compare his kind to the Jews of Nazi
Germany. Well here comes another goof Sam Zell he said he agrees with
Mr. Perkins, but he takes it a step further. He says the 1% work
harder than the rest of us. I would suggest Mr. Zell get his head
out of his ass and actually find out how hard the working class works
in this country,. The place I work especially in the summer work 12
hr. days in 100 degree heat 6 days a week. You come home from work
without any energy, but you still have to fix the things that need
fixing and spend quality time with your family, so don't tell me the
rest of us don't work hard. I have no problem with the 1% having more
money, but don't tell me you work harder and are more deserving.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Haley Barbour is a bigot
and an idiot. When he was going to run for President he said in
defense of the racist Citizen Councils of the 50's and 60's. “ I
don't remember it as being that bad” doesn't that remind you of the
old bigot from Duck Dynasty who said “ I never with my eyes saw the
mistreatment of any black person.” According to these two guys
when you are the ones not being mistreated I guess everything is all
right with the world that you live in. As for being an idiot he tries
to demean the mayor of Hoboken N.J. By calling her that LADY Mayor
several times like that has anything to do with her story about what
happened with the Christie administration and Sandy funds for her
city. He also stated that the media is exaggerating the story about
the bridge problems in N. J. that the Christie administration is
involved in again saying everything is exaggerated. I have a question
for him. How does he know these things? Maybe the U.S. Attorney
should pay him a visit to find out. Finally he is blaming MSNBC for
exaggerating the problems that were caused in Georgia because of the
snow storm. He said that the Governor took responsibility for his
failure to do anything, unlike President Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
It's like a dog whistle for the GOP. Blame everything on the media
and compare it to some made up conspiracy.
Friday, January 31, 2014
In my last post I talked
about Bill Kristol the no nothing pundit. He was raving about the
new health law the GOP was going to put out that would replace the
Affordable Care Act. He said it would be so good and really help
everyone. It lasted a couple of days. The GOP Senators who
introduced it didn't really seem to know what was in it. All it
basically did was raise taxes on most everyone. Kristol who was
raving about it obviously did know what was in it. He and people
like him just are trying to get rid of the ACA for no other reason
that it might actually help people, and they won't get any credit for
it. The sad thing is if the GOP would have went along with it, the
program would be much farther along and the credit would be shared
equally in the eyes of Americans. So we can wait for the relaunching
of the next GOP proposal. Bill Kristol probably won't know what's in
it, but that won't stop him from cheer-leading.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
I was watching a little of
This Week on ABC when Bill Kristol was on. He started to talk about
the GOP's plan for health care. I can't understand why he fancies
himself as an expert on anything. Far as I can tell he is one of he
most uninformed people on this earth or is a flat out liar. All
anyone has to do is check his record on the facts or his predictions
to find out he knows nothing. While I'm on the subject why is Newt
Gingrich on the air to spout his lies and distortions? He's on CNN,
which mystifies me because they actually called him out for
distorting the truth during the Republican Presidential debates. I
guess my question is why are the television networks and their cable
affiliates constantly having these kind of people on with a track
record of lies; distortions, and very bad predictions.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Victimization is something
that the right-wing of this country have used and still are using to
describe themselves. Thomas Perkins a venture capitalist wrote a
letter to the Wall Street Journal. He writes “ I would call
attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its
one percent, namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American
one percent, namely the rich.” Other than being one of the
stupidest things I’ve heard lately, he also is playing the victim.
(everyone is picking on me).
Right-wing pundits are
also claiming victim hood for former Gov, Bob McDonnell of Virginia,
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, and some clown named Dinesh
D'Souza who writes for conservative papers, and I don't think has
ever had an honest or sane opinion about anything. These three guys
are all having legal problems. In the minds of the pundits, and in
their own minds they are being victimized because they are
conservatives. Of course it has nothing to do with the fact their
lying,cheating scumbags.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
I wish someone could answer this
question for me. Why does the Republican party have so many
unbalanced people in it. It goes on and on. Every day it seems there
is another stupid statement coming out of someone's mouth. A couple
of days ago it was Joshua Black who said “I'm past impeachment.
It's time to arrest him and hang him high.” Mr. Black was referring
to a duly elected President of the United States. A few day's later
we get Susanne Atanus who said “God is angry we are provoking him
with abortions and same sex marriage and civil union's” her reason
for tornado's and and storms in the United States. Next Steve
Pearce “The wife is to submit to the husband” I guess that is
okay if you're a man in the United States. Then we have Mike Huckabee who said that women need “Uncle
Sugar” to provide for them because they cannot control their libido
or reproductive system without the help of the government. Then
today we have Mike Turner of Oklahoma who wants to ban all marriages
in the state because he is having a hissy fit that a court struck
down Oklahoma's ban on gay marriage. The only thing these people
have in common is that their all Republican's and of course their
Friday, January 24, 2014
Steve Stockman (R-TX.) is missing in
action. Stockman who is challenging John Cornyn to be the Senator
from Texas hasn't been seen for awhile. He has missed 17 straight
votes in the House. Stockman who in my opinion needs very intensive
psychiatric help is also the darling of the Tea Party. My personal
opinion he has been abducted by aliens. The reason is that even the
aliens can't believe this guy is real. My alternative explanation is
that he is hiking the Appalachian trail like a former governor of
South Carolina. The only problem is that I don't think Stockman
could actually find a woman to hike with.
Monday, January 20, 2014
This morning on Morning
Joe on MSNBC the network who the Christie administration claims is a
bastion of liberal ideas who is out to get them. Joe Scarborough and
his side kick Mika Brzezinski attacked the mayor of Hoboken about the
way she came forward and claimed that the Christie administration
tried to tie Sandy relief funds to her endorsing a certain
development that they wanted. Scarborough the host had the balls to
say he found the way the mayor brought these accusations more
disgusting that the way the administration might have tried to coerce
the mayor into endorsing the project they wanted. This is
disgusting. Trying to and it seems keeping money from the city to
prepare for the next disaster and help fix the recent disaster is the
far greater sin The thing that bothered me the most was Mika a self
confessed friend of Governor Christie and his wife questioning the
mayor's reasons for doing this now. She said she would have
confronted those persons who tried to intimidate her at the time.
From what I have seen of Mika she can't even stand up to Joe. He
pushes her around at his leisure and seems to really enjoy it. For
her to say that the mayor saying nice things about Christie and then
saying what his administration did at a later date is problematic is
asinine. People react to adversity in different ways. The mayor
wanted and needed the money for her city, at the same time she knew
what was asked of her was wrong. She had a moral dilemma. She dealt
with it in her own way. When the bridge scandal emerged she probably
thought she might have a better chance of being believed than when
she was first asked to do their bidding.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Tom Brokaw and Ruben Navarrette have
had enough of “bridgegate” Isn't that sweet. Navarrette a
political columnist whose bias will become apparent marches in lock
step with Rudy Guilani, It was just a prank,and an inconvenience.
Try telling that to the people who couldn't get to work or get
medical attention. Or how about being stuck on a bridge that is a
target for terrorism. He goes on to say that the media can't accept a
liar, at least not a Republican liar. Shows his bias for all to see.
His statement also seems to suggest that Christie is lying and he is
alright with it. Mr. Navarrette also tried to defend Governor
Christie's penchant for bullying, by naming several former
presidents and foreign leaders who he claims were bullies. Even if
this was true, Mr. Christie seems to have taken this to a more
despicable level.
Mr. Brokaw seems to think this is
getting to much coverage and wouldn't receive this coverage if this
were Nevada or any other place. If the Governor of Nevada was a
potential candidate for President I think it would, and it should. I
am beginning to wonder about Mr. Brokaw. He also said that the
governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker should not be criticized for the
attacks on unions. He said that he campaigned on that. He never did.
He sprung that on the people of the state shortly after taking
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
I never cease to be amazed at the
stupid and moronic things said by politicians. Case in point state
senator Lee Bright (R-SC) He is one of the Tea Party goofs in South
Carolina running to unseat Lindsay Graham himself not exactly a
rational human being. Mr. Bright thinks they should start impeaching
federal judges. You would think the judge maybe committed a crime,
or at least something worthy of impeachment. No! Mr. Bright's logic
is that if they don't agree with what ever stupid ideas he has that
is good enough for impeachment. His logic is if you can intimidate a
judge with impeachment the other judges wouldn't dare disagree with
you. I guess this guy doesn't realize that the judicial wing of our
government is an equal part of government. The Tea Party people
backing him don't understand government, and should be ashamed of
putting this guy up with a chance to be a United States Senator. We
have altogether to many of these incompetent fools in Congress
Sunday, January 12, 2014
In the past several months since this
fiasco in New Jersey concerning the George Washington Bridge and the
Christie administration has been going on I haven't commented on it,
because I don't know all the facts just like everyone else. I
couldn't resist commenting on former Major Rudy Guiliani's comment
though that this was “a stupid political prank that backfired” Is
it a prank that the kids couldn't get to school on time, and that
emergency vehicles couldn't get to the people that needed help in a
fast time. Is it a prank to make people late for their jobs, or to
tie up a town into gridlock? If Mayor Guiliani thinks these things
constitute pranks, maybe someone ought to look into his
administration and see what he did that he said were just pranks. As
far as Governor Christie goes, my opinion is well known. Check out my
post from 9/30/11 THE BULLY.
Friday, January 10, 2014
I find this hilarious. This shows the
hypocrisy of Jack Kingston (R-GA) In a previous post I mentioned how
this clown wanted to make the poor kids at school sweep the floors to
get a free lunch. Now according to Georgia's WSAV channel 3, Mr.
Kingston and his staff have expensed nearly $4200 in meals to his
congressional office. These lunches are paid for by the American
taxpayer. I think Mr. Kingston and people like him are getting a
free ride in this country. They sure don't want to make this country
better. They fight tooth and nail to get into congress, but they do
nothing when they get there. They get lavish expense accounts, they
know if and when they leave congress they might get a good job as a
lobbyist for some outfit that they have been doing special favors
for. They work something like 1 in 3 days. It's a disgrace to
Congress and a disgrace to the people who go to Congress to try and
do right by this country.
Monday, January 6, 2014
George Will the well known columnist,
and political commentator,who also is a right wing stooge for the
loonies in this country recently said that New Yorkers will be
begging for someone new with in 3 years to be their mayor. He reason
is that the new mayor is a liberal Democrat. This may or may not be
true, but to listen to Mr. Will he knows because he has such a great
track record on these kind of things. Mr. Will is well known for how
should I say this to be nice. He
twists facts and plays with statistics to validate any view that he
has or is being paid to have. He even gets stupid. He claimed once
that President Obama used a personal pronoun in his speeches more
that anyone before. Of course he came to be known that he used it
less than the previous President. He also predicted with great
certainty that our President would be Romney, by a huge electoral
vote of 321 to 217, the actual vote was 332 to 206 for President
Obama. He also claimed that Romney would win Minnesota because there
was a marriage amendment on the ballot and it would bring out the
evangelicals. I think we can say he was on the wrong side of
history. Mr. Will is entitled to his opinions, but why does the
mainstream media pay any attention?
Saturday, January 4, 2014
I am always amazed at the people
running for office. Erick Bennett is running in the Republican
primary challenging Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. Mr. Bennett was
convicted of domestic violence. He does get credit for the spin he's
putting on the conviction. He says since he never admitted the
assault it shows how much character he has, and he will bring that
character to Washington if elected. All it shows is the same thing
that all these wing-nuts have in common. I am always right and
everyone else is wrong.
Friday, January 3, 2014
If you want to see the meaning of
delusional all you have to do is go to a web site called American
Thinker. The name must be some kind of inside joke, because there is
no thinking involved. Read the comments to any of the articles and
you will see what I mean. They think they are the true saviors of
this country and anyone who disagrees with them are working for the
down fall of this country. They claim Democrats are evil, and anyone
who tries to make things better for anything or anyone are doing a
disservice to those causes. These are the same kind of people who
would have fought against ending slavery, saying that they didn't see
anything wrong with it. Sort of like the old bigot from Duck Dynasty
who stated he never saw a black mistreated. These people think
President Obama has had people killed. Even one clown insinuated that
he had his grandmother killed. Does this remind you of the same
stories that were circulated about the last Democratic President,
Bill Clinton. That is why Benghazi means so much to them. They think
they can tarnish Hillary Clinton by saying she didn't do anything to
stop the deaths of those 4 state employees. My favorite article was
one that was just posted today. The writer goes on this long rant
about the President Obama's birth certificate. He claims he has
proved that the long form that was released was a forgery. The fact
of the matter is these people can't accept any reality that doesn't
fit into their warped senses.
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