Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I never cease to be amazed at the stupid and moronic things said by politicians. Case in point state senator Lee Bright (R-SC) He is one of the Tea Party goofs in South Carolina running to unseat Lindsay Graham himself not exactly a rational human being. Mr. Bright thinks they should start impeaching federal judges. You would think the judge maybe committed a crime, or at least something worthy of impeachment. No! Mr. Bright's logic is that if they don't agree with what ever stupid ideas he has that is good enough for impeachment. His logic is if you can intimidate a judge with impeachment the other judges wouldn't dare disagree with you. I guess this guy doesn't realize that the judicial wing of our government is an equal part of government. The Tea Party people backing him don't understand government, and should be ashamed of putting this guy up with a chance to be a United States Senator. We have altogether to many of these incompetent fools in Congress already.

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