Friday, January 3, 2014


If you want to see the meaning of delusional all you have to do is go to a web site called American Thinker. The name must be some kind of inside joke, because there is no thinking involved. Read the comments to any of the articles and you will see what I mean. They think they are the true saviors of this country and anyone who disagrees with them are working for the down fall of this country. They claim Democrats are evil, and anyone who tries to make things better for anything or anyone are doing a disservice to those causes. These are the same kind of people who would have fought against ending slavery, saying that they didn't see anything wrong with it. Sort of like the old bigot from Duck Dynasty who stated he never saw a black mistreated. These people think President Obama has had people killed. Even one clown insinuated that he had his grandmother killed. Does this remind you of the same stories that were circulated about the last Democratic President, Bill Clinton. That is why Benghazi means so much to them. They think they can tarnish Hillary Clinton by saying she didn't do anything to stop the deaths of those 4 state employees. My favorite article was one that was just posted today. The writer goes on this long rant about the President Obama's birth certificate. He claims he has proved that the long form that was released was a forgery. The fact of the matter is these people can't accept any reality that doesn't fit into their warped senses.

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