Chris Christie the
Republican Governor of New Jersey said in his speech at CPAC that
“media can’t define who we are” He should be happy that the
media is defining them because they are taking it easy on these
wacko’s. Lets start with the recent problems in the Ukraine. A
lot of the conservative wacko’s, including McCain, Rubio, Paul,
have actually praised Putin and denigrated President Obama. In my
opinion that is aiding and abetting a foreign power in a time of
crisis. It comes awful close to treason in my mind. What about the
wacko’s who claim that government is the problem, you know the
people Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Christie, Mitt Romney, all of
them would sell their soul's to be a bigger part of that government
they profess to detest. Then we have the unhinged wacko's Louie
Gohmert, Steve King, Steve Stockman, Michelle Bachmann, there are so
many of them I can't name them all, but you get the idea if you
follow politics. There is Paul Ryan a man who has a lot of trouble
with the truth. Finally I can't leave out Lindsay Graham a man that
is so pathetic. I'm not sure what category to put him in. He is a
little of all of them I guess. I actually worry for his safety
because I am sure he knows how pathetic he is. He might just end it
all. If people actually took the time to look into these people they
would be startled to find out that the media portrays them a lot
better than they deserve. You may ask what do these people have in
common? They are all Republican's and most are living off the
government they claim to despise,and they all have a disdain for the
average American.
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