Saturday, March 15, 2014


Paul Ryan is backing away as fast as he can from his most recent stupid statement. He said “ We got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities in particular of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and culture on work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with.” He's basically blaming the problems of the country on black and Hispanic men who haven't got a job, maybe if he helped the President when his jobs bill was put forward we would be lowering the unemployment rate.

Then we have the Catholic leader Austin Ruse who said that liberal academics should be “ taken out and shot “ Now he is claiming he really didn't mean that,he loves everyone and so on. Another phony who got called out and now is back peddling. This is so common among the Republican goofs. A state senator Pat Garofolo said that 70% of the NBA could fold and no one would notice except there would be a rise in street crime. This of course is another attack on minorities that trys to blame everything on them. He has since given what I would call an insincere apology citing his work in the inner city.

Speaking of goofs, I think maybe calling Pat Robertson a goof is to kind, I think maybe he is just plain crazy. He has a history of saying stupid things. His most recent one was when he said that God caused a brief power outage in Washington D.C. To mock Senate Democrats who held a late night discussion about climate change. It always amazes me that this guy thinks he has a direct line to God, and of course God agrees with everything that Robertson thinks.

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