I like Elizabeth Warren. I would like it if she were my Senator. That being said, this call for her to run for President is disturbing. In my opinion she is not qualified to be President at this time, maybe in the future she would be. The same goes for Senator Bernie Sanders. I voted twice for President Obama, but I would have liked someone a little more battle hardened. The Republicans have gone down the path of exclusion in recent years. Senator Warren, from the get-go would alienate many many people, and make them feel excluded. Her manner is that of college professor, she goes into the I am the teacher and you are the student mode, much to often for my likening. She would have the problem of trying to get along with Congress. When I say Congress I mean her own party in Congress.
President Obama has had the same problem, and you can see where that has gotten us.
Erica Sagrans the campaign manager for Ready for Warren says that Warren “is the kind of Democrat that the Democrats have been yearning for.” This may be true to a point. She may say all the right things, but I don't think the electorate would buy into it. The problem is, I think, she will be perceived as a egghead with no back bone when it comes to foreign policy. There was a woman Martha Coakly from Elizabeth Warren's very own liberal state of Massachusetts who lost the Governors race, and who in my opinion, Elizabeth Warren would be looked at the same way by the country as a whole. This is the same problem President Obama faces. Of course, it isn't true, but the people in this country are constantly hearing this from the media in this country. I think she would make a terrific Secretary of the Treasury. This is her strong suit, and a perfect fit.
Hillary Clinton would not be my first choice for President, but I am more amenable to her. She does have experience. She was a Senator, and a Secretary of State. I am pretty sure she could stand up to all the criticisms she would receive. She is tough, and not afraid of taking on her opponents. I do have problems with her, but I can't think of any person that I wouldn't have problems with. Bill Clinton's Presidency restored our economy and did a lot to make us a better country. Except for the NAFTA treaty I was on board with him. Hillary is her own person, but I think she actually wants what's best for this country unlike the Republicans.
The main problem with the Democrats is that they don't appeal to the whites in this country. This is a topic that most people shy away from, but it has to be addressed. I think I understand why the party doesn't appeal to whites. If you listen to the Democrats talk, what do you hear coming out of their months? They constantly talk about immigration; minimum wage, student loan reform, gun-control, and abortion. These are all good things that should be talked about, with the exception of the minimum wage none of this appeals to the white working class in this country. The working class who doesn't have a lot of time to analyze every issue hear that Democrats want to take their guns away, and raise taxes to support people who are sitting around doing nothing, and getting government checks. This isn't right, but look at the recent past. Wisconsin had huge labor issues with the Republican Governor. The national Democratic party mostly ignored them. The same goes for Ohio, and Michigan. The Democratic party is perceived by most of the working class in this country as a party of give me something for nothing. This isn't true, but the democrats have to make themselves heard about issues that mean something to them. There are Democratic politicians that do this, but on a much smaller scale. The national party should take their cues from this people.
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