Sunday, November 16, 2014


The right-wing propaganda machine is out in full force.  Today in the newspaper an op-ed article was written by Jay Ambrose.  He's extolling the virtues of Republican Governors who stripped union rights from public employee's.  He especially thinks Scott Walker from Wisconsin is a hero.  He according to Ambrose reduced the “union's bullying powers,” even though the unions fought back by being “dirty as dirty gets.” The unions also according to Ambrose   had immovable power “to distort democracy, devastate finances, render government operations less efficient and even, in some cases, cheat children out  of the kind of education necessary for them to have a decent future.”  He goes on to state that unions spent huge amounts of money to try and get elected people who supported them. I almost got a tear in my eye when I read that. The Republican party's outlay in the recent election dwarfs any money spent by the unions.  The real reason for the attack on unions has nothing to do with what these fact twisters like Ambrose say. It has everything to do with the fact that unions are one of the last organizations that have any chance of competing with big business and billionaire donations to the Republicans.
To see Ambrose in proper perspective you have to look at some of his past propaganda.  He thinks campus rape is an epidemic of hyperbole.  He thinks global warming is not happening.  He wants to restructure Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. We all know what that means he wants to privatize them. He conveniently forgets the fact that working people contribute to them through out their working lifetimes. He defends George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin killing.  If you have been paying attention, you know Zimmerman has been in one scrap after another, and  one of his big defenders now thinks Zimmerman targeted Martin because he was black.  The list goes on-and-on, but you get the gist of where this guys head is.
The question that needs to be asked is why we are continually subjected to these rants from guys like Ambrose in this so-called liberal media?

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