Saturday, June 21, 2014


Congressman Paul Ryan (R.-WI.) was showing his “moral outrage” at the IRS commissioner over some lost emails. He told the Commissioner that no one believes him when he said they were lost. It may be true that something fishy is going on, but for Ryan a habitual liar to call someone else dishonest is hilarious. Ryan makes up stories to make a point especially in his speeches. In fact he is the only person I have ever heard of that actually lied about the time it took him to run a marathon. Since this was the only race he has ever ran he should have not been confused. The funny thing is he said the time was a lot faster than it actually was. He lied about the jeep plant that was supposed to be moving to China. He requested stimulus money from the Obama administration they denied requesting those funds. The list of lies goes on and on. I wish people who vote for this despicable human being would look honestly at this guy.

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