Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I have a brother who is anti-government and is constantly telling me that the government is broke. He is against everything the government does. I was having a conversation with him the other day and for some reason he goes off on his little rant. I have to preface this with the facts that he is on Social Security and took out a student loan years ago. He never paid back the loan. I mentioned this to him and he wouldn't take responsibility for that loan. He blamed the government for giving him that loan. This is the logic of most of these Republican goofs. They always have to blame the government and take no responsibility for their own actions. They hide behind religion or something in their minds that exonerates anything they do, but accuses the other people of causing harm. All you have to do is listen to the Republican Senators and Congressman who constantly blame the government and say they want smaller government, but will do anything to get a government job. Talk about deadbeats, they get great benefits and a great salary for working very little, and they take no responsibility for anything. The welfare and safety of this country means nothing to them, they are leeches of the first order.

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