Rick Perry’s smugness when answering the question about
whether he lost any sleep over the executions he has authorized shows me this
man is not fit to be President or even dog catcher. Any rational person would
or should agonize a little that he possibly put an innocent person to death.
People like him and the people who applaud him never take into consideration
that maybe one of those people might be one of their relatives. There are so many of the so-called guilty
that have been proven innocent in the last few years. How can you be so smug and say all of those
people were definitely guilty. I for one
am not completely against the death penalty.
Still if I was the Governor of any state I would want to make sure as much
as possible that there was no question about the person’s guilt. Anyone that has been involved with or taken
part in any criminal trials should know there is so much that is not exactly on the up
and up. All prosecutors are not honest
they have the win at all costs mentality.
Many of the so-called experts will say anything to make a buck, and some
of them have been found to be fabricating evidence even in death penalty cases.
Eye-witness evidence is proven not to be all that reliable. Rick Perry and people who have the power
should agonize a little; it shouldn’t be easy to put someone to death.
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