Thursday, September 8, 2011


All you have to do is listen to the Republicans talk or watch what they do or don’t do.  I know there must be responsible Republicans, but they are becoming rarer and rarer.  If you listen to their debates or just watch their actions you have to come to the realization these people are intent on bring down the United States as we know it.  They block everything in congress; they don’t want to attend the President’s speech tonight.  You have most of the candidates trying to do away with almost all Government programs.  They see no need for them.  They do have one thing in common.  Let’s give all the money to businesses while at the same time doing away with all regulations that keep them somewhat under control.  They don’t believe in science. They sure as hell don’t care anything about the people in this country that aren’t rich.  You have the goof from Texas bragging about all the people he has put to death.  Doesn’t bother him if he has put an innocent man to death.  So much for God fearing as he claims to be. They want to do away with the department of education.  Why?  Well let’s see that means they can press their religious agenda, the hell with the Constitution.  Republicans in general want to do away with the things that make the life of middle class people in this country tolerable.  Why shouldn’t they in their minds they don’t use the public schools, they only eat the best food, they drink only bottled water. Facts to these people do not matter. In their minds if something doesn’t agree with their warped sense of reality it can’t be true.  All you have to do is watch Fox to prove me out. Hopefully the people are going to stand up for themselves come election time and kick these bozos out of office before it is too late.

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