Monday, August 22, 2011


As the standard of living of the middle-class in the United States is falling, so is union membership.  There is a correlation between the two.  Unions made the middle class and you can be thankful that they did.  Most of us would not be living as well as we are if it wasn’t for the unions. Even non-union labor has benefited from unions.  Now unions are being demonized by the powerful in this country. They say that unions are the cause of all the troubles in this country at the moment. They have no problem with corporations that are sending jobs overseas,  or corporations that pay no income tax, or these same corporations that are sitting on billions of dollars rather than investing them at a time when this country needs all the jobs it can get.  Is this patriotism or is it greed, or maybe it is just political.  They would rather hurt this country than giving a helping hand to the current President. The time comes when you have to stand up and be counted. It is time to fight back.  Become more active in politics. Don’t take their word for anything. You can check out things so easily now.  When these politicians are coming after things that you have been paying into for your entire working life you know that isn’t right.  If you are young and think social security won’t be there for you, you have been brainwashed by the people who say that social security is doomed.  These very same politicians have been using the money from the social security trust for years.  Now they want to say oops sorry.  Medicare is a great thing, it has been demonized since its inception in the 1960’s all those terrible things that were going to happen never did. But that doesn’t stop them.  The politicians and the corporations that own them have an agenda.  Weaken workers by attacking unions, take away the safety net for people, and deregulate everything.  Let the environment go back to the way it was. You don’t have to go back that far and see the quality of some rivers and air in this country. Some rivers were completely dead.  Now they are almost back to their natural state.  Why would corporations be against keeping the environment clean?  They want to pollute because it is easier and cheaper. Greed!  Why keep out unions?  That is easy. They want to go back to the days when they had complete control over your life.  They had people living in their houses, buying from their stores.  The people were completely dependent on the companies.  If you think it can’t go back to them days, you are wrong. The time will come when you will have no choice. Thousands of people fought for unions, and many died to get them. This is not the time to go back a hundred years and repeat the process.

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