I have heard the dumbest thing I think I have ever heard. Marco Rubio (R-FL.) said programs like Social Security and Medicare weaken us as a nation because people don’t have to worry about the future so they don’t save because that is the government’s job. If this idiot has ever worked for a living he would know that people are working all the hours they can to make ends meet. All the while they are paying into Social Security and Medicare. In my entire life I have never heard anyone say they didn’t have to work or work hard because they had the government to take care of them. He thinks that society in general will take care of the needy and sickly. I would ask this goof if he is going to pay for my heart transplant or pay for my cancer treatment. I don’t think that is going to happen is it. Social Security is not the gold at the end of the rainbow. It just helps in your retirement. Of course Republicans like him think that all employers should pay very little and offer no benefits. Then we could go back to the time before these programs when the life expectancy was about 60yrs. Then we wouldn’t really have much of a need for these programs would we? Of course this guy is living off the government dime.
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