Monday, August 1, 2011


Congressman Doug Lamborn(R-CO.) was talking about the debt ceiling debate.  He said he didn’t want to be associated with the President.  It’s like touching a tar baby and you get it, you’re stuck. Tar baby is a racist term that I haven’t heard in years, but Mr. Lamborn thinks it’s okay to use.  Or  how about Marilyn Davenport a member of the Orange County Republican Party, and Tea Party activist, who circulated an email with the words  “Now you k now why –no birth certificate under a picture of chimpanzee’s with President Obama’s picture super imposed over the little chimp. Rush Limbaugh has so many where to start. Here is a couple. He called President Obama, Barack the Magic Negro.  To a female black caller. He said “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”  Or how about Haley Barbour the Governor of Mississippi reminiscing about segregation in the south when he was growing up.  He said things weren't so bad, of course he wasn’t black.

This is the state of the Republican Party.  These people are supposed to be leaders, but instead are fostering hate.

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