Friday, January 31, 2014


In my last post I talked about Bill Kristol the no nothing pundit. He was raving about the new health law the GOP was going to put out that would replace the Affordable Care Act. He said it would be so good and really help everyone. It lasted a couple of days. The GOP Senators who introduced it didn't really seem to know what was in it. All it basically did was raise taxes on most everyone. Kristol who was raving about it obviously did know what was in it. He and people like him just are trying to get rid of the ACA for no other reason that it might actually help people, and they won't get any credit for it. The sad thing is if the GOP would have went along with it, the program would be much farther along and the credit would be shared equally in the eyes of Americans. So we can wait for the relaunching of the next GOP proposal. Bill Kristol probably won't know what's in it, but that won't stop him from cheer-leading.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I was watching a little of This Week on ABC when Bill Kristol was on. He started to talk about the GOP's plan for health care. I can't understand why he fancies himself as an expert on anything. Far as I can tell he is one of he most uninformed people on this earth or is a flat out liar. All anyone has to do is check his record on the facts or his predictions to find out he knows nothing. While I'm on the subject why is Newt Gingrich on the air to spout his lies and distortions? He's on CNN, which mystifies me because they actually called him out for distorting the truth during the Republican Presidential debates. I guess my question is why are the television networks and their cable affiliates constantly having these kind of people on with a track record of lies; distortions, and very bad predictions.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Victimization is something that the right-wing of this country have used and still are using to describe themselves. Thomas Perkins a venture capitalist wrote a letter to the Wall Street Journal. He writes “ I would call attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its one percent, namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American one percent, namely the rich.” Other than being one of the stupidest things I’ve heard lately, he also is playing the victim. (everyone is picking on me).

Right-wing pundits are also claiming victim hood for former Gov, Bob McDonnell of Virginia, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, and some clown named Dinesh D'Souza who writes for conservative papers, and I don't think has ever had an honest or sane opinion about anything. These three guys are all having legal problems. In the minds of the pundits, and in their own minds they are being victimized because they are conservatives. Of course it has nothing to do with the fact their lying,cheating scumbags.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


I wish someone could answer this question for me. Why does the Republican party have so many unbalanced people in it. It goes on and on. Every day it seems there is another stupid statement coming out of someone's mouth. A couple of days ago it was Joshua Black who said “I'm past impeachment. It's time to arrest him and hang him high.” Mr. Black was referring to a duly elected President of the United States. A few day's later we get Susanne Atanus who said “God is angry we are provoking him with abortions and same sex marriage and civil union's” her reason for tornado's and and storms in the United States. Next Steve Pearce “The wife is to submit to the husband” I guess that is okay if you're a man in the United States. Then we have Mike Huckabee who said that women need “Uncle Sugar” to provide for them because they cannot control their libido or reproductive system without the help of the government. Then today we have Mike Turner of Oklahoma who wants to ban all marriages in the state because he is having a hissy fit that a court struck down Oklahoma's ban on gay marriage. The only thing these people have in common is that their all Republican's and of course their nuts.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Steve Stockman (R-TX.) is missing in action. Stockman who is challenging John Cornyn to be the Senator from Texas hasn't been seen for awhile. He has missed 17 straight votes in the House. Stockman who in my opinion needs very intensive psychiatric help is also the darling of the Tea Party. My personal opinion he has been abducted by aliens. The reason is that even the aliens can't believe this guy is real. My alternative explanation is that he is hiking the Appalachian trail like a former governor of South Carolina. The only problem is that I don't think Stockman could actually find a woman to hike with.

Monday, January 20, 2014


This morning on Morning Joe on MSNBC the network who the Christie administration claims is a bastion of liberal ideas who is out to get them. Joe Scarborough and his side kick Mika Brzezinski attacked the mayor of Hoboken about the way she came forward and claimed that the Christie administration tried to tie Sandy relief funds to her endorsing a certain development that they wanted. Scarborough the host had the balls to say he found the way the mayor brought these accusations more disgusting that the way the administration might have tried to coerce the mayor into endorsing the project they wanted. This is disgusting. Trying to and it seems keeping money from the city to prepare for the next disaster and help fix the recent disaster is the far greater sin The thing that bothered me the most was Mika a self confessed friend of Governor Christie and his wife questioning the mayor's reasons for doing this now. She said she would have confronted those persons who tried to intimidate her at the time. From what I have seen of Mika she can't even stand up to Joe. He pushes her around at his leisure and seems to really enjoy it. For her to say that the mayor saying nice things about Christie and then saying what his administration did at a later date is problematic is asinine. People react to adversity in different ways. The mayor wanted and needed the money for her city, at the same time she knew what was asked of her was wrong. She had a moral dilemma. She dealt with it in her own way. When the bridge scandal emerged she probably thought she might have a better chance of being believed than when she was first asked to do their bidding.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Tom Brokaw and Ruben Navarrette have had enough of “bridgegate” Isn't that sweet. Navarrette a political columnist whose bias will become apparent marches in lock step with Rudy Guilani, It was just a prank,and an inconvenience. Try telling that to the people who couldn't get to work or get medical attention. Or how about being stuck on a bridge that is a target for terrorism. He goes on to say that the media can't accept a liar, at least not a Republican liar. Shows his bias for all to see. His statement also seems to suggest that Christie is lying and he is alright with it. Mr. Navarrette also tried to defend Governor Christie's penchant for bullying, by naming several former presidents and foreign leaders who he claims were bullies. Even if this was true, Mr. Christie seems to have taken this to a more despicable level.
Mr. Brokaw seems to think this is getting to much coverage and wouldn't receive this coverage if this were Nevada or any other place. If the Governor of Nevada was a potential candidate for President I think it would, and it should. I am beginning to wonder about Mr. Brokaw. He also said that the governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker should not be criticized for the attacks on unions. He said that he campaigned on that. He never did. He sprung that on the people of the state shortly after taking office.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I never cease to be amazed at the stupid and moronic things said by politicians. Case in point state senator Lee Bright (R-SC) He is one of the Tea Party goofs in South Carolina running to unseat Lindsay Graham himself not exactly a rational human being. Mr. Bright thinks they should start impeaching federal judges. You would think the judge maybe committed a crime, or at least something worthy of impeachment. No! Mr. Bright's logic is that if they don't agree with what ever stupid ideas he has that is good enough for impeachment. His logic is if you can intimidate a judge with impeachment the other judges wouldn't dare disagree with you. I guess this guy doesn't realize that the judicial wing of our government is an equal part of government. The Tea Party people backing him don't understand government, and should be ashamed of putting this guy up with a chance to be a United States Senator. We have altogether to many of these incompetent fools in Congress already.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


In the past several months since this fiasco in New Jersey concerning the George Washington Bridge and the Christie administration has been going on I haven't commented on it, because I don't know all the facts just like everyone else. I couldn't resist commenting on former Major Rudy Guiliani's comment though that this was “a stupid political prank that backfired” Is it a prank that the kids couldn't get to school on time, and that emergency vehicles couldn't get to the people that needed help in a fast time. Is it a prank to make people late for their jobs, or to tie up a town into gridlock? If Mayor Guiliani thinks these things constitute pranks, maybe someone ought to look into his administration and see what he did that he said were just pranks. As far as Governor Christie goes, my opinion is well known. Check out my post from 9/30/11 THE BULLY.

Friday, January 10, 2014


I find this hilarious. This shows the hypocrisy of Jack Kingston (R-GA) In a previous post I mentioned how this clown wanted to make the poor kids at school sweep the floors to get a free lunch. Now according to Georgia's WSAV channel 3, Mr. Kingston and his staff have expensed nearly $4200 in meals to his congressional office. These lunches are paid for by the American taxpayer. I think Mr. Kingston and people like him are getting a free ride in this country. They sure don't want to make this country better. They fight tooth and nail to get into congress, but they do nothing when they get there. They get lavish expense accounts, they know if and when they leave congress they might get a good job as a lobbyist for some outfit that they have been doing special favors for. They work something like 1 in 3 days. It's a disgrace to Congress and a disgrace to the people who go to Congress to try and do right by this country.

Monday, January 6, 2014


George Will the well known columnist, and political commentator,who also is a right wing stooge for the loonies in this country recently said that New Yorkers will be begging for someone new with in 3 years to be their mayor. He reason is that the new mayor is a liberal Democrat. This may or may not be true, but to listen to Mr. Will he knows because he has such a great track record on these kind of things. Mr. Will is well known for how should I say this to be nice. He twists facts and plays with statistics to validate any view that he has or is being paid to have. He even gets stupid. He claimed once that President Obama used a personal pronoun in his speeches more that anyone before. Of course he came to be known that he used it less than the previous President. He also predicted with great certainty that our President would be Romney, by a huge electoral vote of 321 to 217, the actual vote was 332 to 206 for President Obama. He also claimed that Romney would win Minnesota because there was a marriage amendment on the ballot and it would bring out the evangelicals. I think we can say he was on the wrong side of history. Mr. Will is entitled to his opinions, but why does the mainstream media pay any attention?

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I am always amazed at the people running for office. Erick Bennett is running in the Republican primary challenging Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. Mr. Bennett was convicted of domestic violence. He does get credit for the spin he's putting on the conviction. He says since he never admitted the assault it shows how much character he has, and he will bring that character to Washington if elected. All it shows is the same thing that all these wing-nuts have in common. I am always right and everyone else is wrong.

Friday, January 3, 2014


If you want to see the meaning of delusional all you have to do is go to a web site called American Thinker. The name must be some kind of inside joke, because there is no thinking involved. Read the comments to any of the articles and you will see what I mean. They think they are the true saviors of this country and anyone who disagrees with them are working for the down fall of this country. They claim Democrats are evil, and anyone who tries to make things better for anything or anyone are doing a disservice to those causes. These are the same kind of people who would have fought against ending slavery, saying that they didn't see anything wrong with it. Sort of like the old bigot from Duck Dynasty who stated he never saw a black mistreated. These people think President Obama has had people killed. Even one clown insinuated that he had his grandmother killed. Does this remind you of the same stories that were circulated about the last Democratic President, Bill Clinton. That is why Benghazi means so much to them. They think they can tarnish Hillary Clinton by saying she didn't do anything to stop the deaths of those 4 state employees. My favorite article was one that was just posted today. The writer goes on this long rant about the President Obama's birth certificate. He claims he has proved that the long form that was released was a forgery. The fact of the matter is these people can't accept any reality that doesn't fit into their warped senses.