I'm going to do something that the right-wing propaganda machine, (Fox News, talk radio, and unknowing and often lying right-wing pundits) are constantly doing, and something I despise. They compare liberals and Democrats to Nazi's or Communists. The real problem is the right-wings embrace of Joseph Goebbels Nazi propaganda machine.
Their goal is to de-legitimize this government. They want to take over. All you have to do is look at how they disparage the President. They have said he was unqualified, wasn't born in this country, and of course that he is secretly a Muslim.
Lets look at how the Nazi's acted. Liberals and undesirable can be interchanged with Jewish. Undesirables in this country are the minorities and the people who support their struggle.
The Nazi's burned books. We haven't gone that far yet, but the propaganda machine and their troops try to take out of history books anything they don't like. They wanted to tear pages out of biology text books, again about things they don't like. In Florida the legislators there want to make it mandatory that convicted criminal Dinesh D'Souza's movie is shown to all school children. They want to indoctrinate the children into their way of thinking.
Stand your ground laws are based on the false presumption that white people are being attacked by minorities and we should have the right to use deadly force when we feel threatened. I am waiting for the day when a black person shoots a white person, and uses that defense. I am sure the propaganda machine will find fault in that defense then.
We have a militarized police force that has no qualms killing unarmed people as long as they are a minority. It's always amazing that police investigations into deadly force seldom find that anything was done wrong. The justification for militarization is 9/11. The politicians have used scare tactics to justify all this. The Muslims are coming to rape your wife, and kill you and your children. They are all for torture as anyone can see by their support of it, and their denunciation of the Senate report. They say torture saved lives in this country, and you know these people are undesirables. When do the so-called undesirables in their minds from this country become fair game to them? We lost are right to privacy under that threat.
Voter ID laws and the like are meant to keep minorities from voting. The propaganda machine tries to make the argument that there is so much voter fraud, but they never produce the fraud. Pennsylvania's Mike Turzai (R-PA) famously said “voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania done” I'm sure he didn't mean that ID laws were going to allow more people to vote. Sometimes the truth slips out.
They attack other religions, mostly notably the Muslims. Most people don't really get upset about that because it isn't their religion. These people should be worried. The machine has recently attacked the Pope because of his economic view. Sarah Palin said that the Pope's statements sounded kind of liberal. Fox News editor Adam Shaw said “Catholics should be suspicious when bastions of anti-Catholicism in left-wing media are in love with him.” The assumption being that the media is left-wing, and they are anti-Catholic, and the Pope has some how become untrustworthy because he doesn't agree with their doctrine. The Catholic Church is being demonized.
Michigan wants to enact a law called the Freedom of Religion Act that makes it okay to discriminate against gays. Of course gays are part of the undesirables that the right-wing is protecting us from.
Executions have always been a topic that is fought about with good reasons on both sides up until now. The states are using drugs that they don't want anyone to know what they are. In fact some states are trying to pass laws that would keep secret from the public and the press everything related to executions. These drugs are causing in some case cruel and unusual punishment in direct conflict with the 8th amendment to the Constitution, just like the loss of privacy is in conflict with the 4th amendment to the Constitution. The propaganda machine doesn't see a problem with this because undesirables are being put to death. They also don't have a problem with an innocent person wrongly being put to death.
The people who think both parties are the same are going to wake up one day and ask what happened to this great country.
Their goal is to de-legitimize this government. They want to take over. All you have to do is look at how they disparage the President. They have said he was unqualified, wasn't born in this country, and of course that he is secretly a Muslim.
Lets look at how the Nazi's acted. Liberals and undesirable can be interchanged with Jewish. Undesirables in this country are the minorities and the people who support their struggle.
The Nazi's burned books. We haven't gone that far yet, but the propaganda machine and their troops try to take out of history books anything they don't like. They wanted to tear pages out of biology text books, again about things they don't like. In Florida the legislators there want to make it mandatory that convicted criminal Dinesh D'Souza's movie is shown to all school children. They want to indoctrinate the children into their way of thinking.
Stand your ground laws are based on the false presumption that white people are being attacked by minorities and we should have the right to use deadly force when we feel threatened. I am waiting for the day when a black person shoots a white person, and uses that defense. I am sure the propaganda machine will find fault in that defense then.
We have a militarized police force that has no qualms killing unarmed people as long as they are a minority. It's always amazing that police investigations into deadly force seldom find that anything was done wrong. The justification for militarization is 9/11. The politicians have used scare tactics to justify all this. The Muslims are coming to rape your wife, and kill you and your children. They are all for torture as anyone can see by their support of it, and their denunciation of the Senate report. They say torture saved lives in this country, and you know these people are undesirables. When do the so-called undesirables in their minds from this country become fair game to them? We lost are right to privacy under that threat.
Voter ID laws and the like are meant to keep minorities from voting. The propaganda machine tries to make the argument that there is so much voter fraud, but they never produce the fraud. Pennsylvania's Mike Turzai (R-PA) famously said “voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania done” I'm sure he didn't mean that ID laws were going to allow more people to vote. Sometimes the truth slips out.
They attack other religions, mostly notably the Muslims. Most people don't really get upset about that because it isn't their religion. These people should be worried. The machine has recently attacked the Pope because of his economic view. Sarah Palin said that the Pope's statements sounded kind of liberal. Fox News editor Adam Shaw said “Catholics should be suspicious when bastions of anti-Catholicism in left-wing media are in love with him.” The assumption being that the media is left-wing, and they are anti-Catholic, and the Pope has some how become untrustworthy because he doesn't agree with their doctrine. The Catholic Church is being demonized.
Michigan wants to enact a law called the Freedom of Religion Act that makes it okay to discriminate against gays. Of course gays are part of the undesirables that the right-wing is protecting us from.
Executions have always been a topic that is fought about with good reasons on both sides up until now. The states are using drugs that they don't want anyone to know what they are. In fact some states are trying to pass laws that would keep secret from the public and the press everything related to executions. These drugs are causing in some case cruel and unusual punishment in direct conflict with the 8th amendment to the Constitution, just like the loss of privacy is in conflict with the 4th amendment to the Constitution. The propaganda machine doesn't see a problem with this because undesirables are being put to death. They also don't have a problem with an innocent person wrongly being put to death.
The people who think both parties are the same are going to wake up one day and ask what happened to this great country.
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