William Donahue head of the Catholic League was trying to sell his book, and was talking about Catholicism. Let me be honest. I think this guy is an arrogant jerk, and I have absolutely no respect for him. He was relating his answer to the question that was posed about the Catholic Church’s scandal. He said that was easy to answer. All people are sinners and they should be forgiven. At no time did he actually mention the pedophile priests. He doesn’t seem to understand it isn’t just the priests that are the scandal; it’s the Catholic Church’s hiding of the problem. They covered up at every opportunity, and even today try to minimize it. They transferred suspected pedophile priests to other parishes so they could abuse more young boys, or they retired many and kept their month shut about them. Donahue is the same guy who tried to justify the priest’s crimes by saying these really weren’t children but teenagers. I guess in his mind that makes a difference. Their trust in an authoritative and spiritual figure was taken advantage of and a lot of these kids lives will never be the same. Mr. Donahue is just as responsible for covering up these sexual crimes against children as the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
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