Friday, December 21, 2012


Since the tragedy in Connecticut you have been hearing about how teachers should be armed.   These people have no sense.  Think about some of the videos you have seen where police stop someone for a traffic violation.  When occasionally a weapon is drawn and shots are fired, how many times do you see anyone hit?  These police are trained in weapons and are supposed to be the best.  All those misses that occur would more than likely kill innocent by-standers and very possible end up with the shooter having an extra weapon.   These people w ho want to arm everyone are flat out crazy.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Michigan Republicans are making the state a right-to-work state.  That means that if you go to work at a place that has a union you can work there without joining the union, and don’t have to pay dues.  What’s wrong with this you may ask? One reason Republicans want this is to defund unions to the best of their ability.  Unions are one of the last organizations that compete with the business community at election time.  They would also like to see wages fall so business can pocket a little more money.  To hell with their employee’s.  The thing that bothers me most though is the people who choose not to join and pay dues still get the benefits and protection of the union. It is the reverse of taxation without representation.  Republicans try and say it will help their state’s economy.  All you have to do is check out the right-to-work states, and you will find that most of them are at the bottom of the economic ladder in this country.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Ever since the election ended you’ve been hearing from the democratic talking heads on how the Republican Party has to reach out to different constituents to expand their voter base.  My question is who the hell cares what the Republican’s do or don’t do?  The Democrat’s should be trying to figure out how to connect to more white working class males. The Democratic polices should appeal to the working class. The Dem’s have to figure out how to get their message through.  The Democrat’s have to take on the NRA.  The NRA’s argument against Democrat’s is a lie. The Democrat’s haven’t tried to push through any gun-control legislation that would affect the second amendment. It’s time to face these bozo’s down.  In the uproar in Wisconsin last year about union rights the National Democratic Party was nowhere to be found including President Obama.  They should have been in the forefront of the fight.  The Democrat’s can’t be complacent, they have to be proactive and be a little less compromising and stand up for the working class in this country.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Now that the election has been over for a few days, the right wing blame game is in full throttle.  Of course it was Romney’s fault, he wasn’t conservative enough. Never mind the fact the GOP electorate chose him, and forgetting the fact he really didn’t have a plan for anything, and in my opinion wasn’t a very truthful person.  Who do they think would have done better, Santorum or Gingrich? Don’t make me laugh. Romney and his advisors were pathetic.  They said stupid things and the next day said stupider things.  People like Dick Morris and Karl Rove the Fox propaganda station said the polls were wrong except for theirs. Guess what?  The polls were exactly right, and theirs was wrong. I guess they want to blame the storm for their downfall too.  Oh, I forgot it must be Gov. Christie’s fault too.  The President was doing his job and Christie was trying to help his state and his people, reprehensible according to the right-wing loons.   If President Obama hadn’t been sleep walking in the first debate this would have been a bigger blow out that it was.   If the GOP doesn’t stop listening to the Limbaugh’s and the Fox propaganda machine they are never going to win much of anything.  Good people with good ideas should matter more that agendas. 

Friday, November 2, 2012


I keep coming back to my main issue with Mitt Romney. He is not an honest person.  He tells lies constantly.  Let’s take the last one.  Chrysler is going to ship their jeep production to China.  Of course it’s not true, but that doesn’t stop Romney and his crowd from repeating it over and over.   The Chrysler chairman comes out and says it’s not true.  Doesn’t do any good Romney still repeats it. Romney is not honest.  If you have noticed Romney has not answered any questions from the press in 3 weeks.  I’ve come to the conclusion that he is really not his own man.  He is totally bought and paid for by big business and the billionaires. We can’t have a President who will say and do anything no matter if it’s true or not.


Does anyone else think Sen. John McCain is suffering from the onset of mental illness?   I realize that several of the GOP are nuts, but McCain at one time was considered a statesman.  I noticed that when he ran for President he started going off the track.  I wonder if the pressure of running for President got to him, all you have to do is listen to him. He has so much anger in him directed at President Obama. 

Friday, October 19, 2012


Land of the Free Home of the Brave only applies to the Republican nut jobs that are currently running for office.  Their calling for employers to tell their employees to vote for Romney.  If you are working at a factory or any place that an owner or boss can threaten you with downsizing if you don’t vote the way you want is extortion or blackmail or anything else you want to call it.  It is a sign of desperation on some of these losers part.  Can you imagine if Democrat’s were doing something like that? Republicans that would condone something like that should be run out of their districts on a rail.

Friday, October 12, 2012


The thing about the debate was that Mr. Ryan didn't have answers for how he would implement his programs.  He said that they would work with congress and figure it out later.  Trust him is their motto.   President Reagan used to say trust but verify.  I think that is important here because these two Republicans are not giving anyone answers, and from the things they have said in the past they can't  be trusted on anything.

One side light from last night.  A women was being interviewed from the crowd.  She said President Obama wasn't American.  The man asked her if she didn't think Obama was born here. She said yes but he's a communist.  He asked to clarify that, all she said was check it out.  Typical Republican nut job. Throw things out and have no prove to back them up.

Friday, September 21, 2012


For the last couple of weeks there has been a political commercial running where Mitt Romney is giving a talk and standing behind him are coal miners that look like they support him.  It has become known that those miners were not there voluntarily. The owner of the mine a big Romney backer told his workers to be there.  The owner said it was mandatory for them to be there.   When the owner was asked about that he said yes it was mandatory but they didn't have to go.  The word mandatory means compulsory. I am sure the workers that didn't support Romney would have faced consequences if they hadn't shown up.  Why is it that Romney and his minions can't be honest about anything?

Friday, September 14, 2012


I don't know about all the  people who have ran for President. I do know about the one's in my lifetime. Mitt Romney is by far the most unprepared and  unworthy person to run for the leader of the free world.  If we want to be the laughing stock of the world elect him.  The thing is after awhile with him in office no one will be laughing. He will destroy this country with his ignorance and his arrogance. Why do people who support this kind of  guy always look for the least qualified person instead of the best? President is the hardest job in the world, and anyone who doubts it is a fool.

Friday, September 7, 2012


I have to repeat myself. been harping on Mitt Romney as not being honest because when it’s pointed out that he said something untruthful he just keeps on repeating it anyway.  It could be a Mormon thing.  It’s okay to lie about or to someone as long as it isn’t another Mormon.  Now we have Paul Ryan. His acceptance speech was full of misstatement or as I like to call them lies. The scariest thing about that is when these things were pointed out a spokesman said we are not going to let facts dictate our campaign.  I guess if you have to lie to win the White House they think that is okay. Ask yourself this question. If they lie now what will they lie about in the future?

Friday, August 24, 2012


I have written about this before.  Why are Republicans specifically unable to tell the truth?  They'll say or do something and then deny they did it.  You go down the list starting with Romney and Ryan to congressman and state officials, and it's a common theme.  Oh, they say I didn't say or mean that.  It is so disenchanting as an American to see the incompetence and flat out dishonesty in our new breed of people who want to be part of the government.  I don't exclude Democrat's, but it seems to me the preponderance of the dishonesty is coming from the Republican side.

Friday, August 10, 2012


The state of Louisiana is providing state funding for some private schools.  It has come to light that several of these schools are faith based, and have some strange ideas they want to teach.  The one that jumped out at me was the one statement from a text book that says the book The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck perpetuates the “rumor” of foreclosure of homes and high unemployment in the 1930’s.  It’s like the depression never really happened.  These are the same kind of people who deny the Holocaust.  For some reason facts mean nothing and reality is whatever they say.  Is it any wonder that the Republicans are against education for the masses?   They want to keep their base stupid. They are easier to brainwash with all their crazy ideas.   You don’t have to look hard in the Republican Party to find the deniers of science or history, just check out Michelle Bachmann or Steve King.  These people are nuts.

Friday, July 20, 2012


William Donahue head of the Catholic League was trying to sell his book, and was talking about Catholicism.  Let me be honest. I think this guy is an arrogant jerk, and I have absolutely no respect for him.  He was relating his answer to the question that was posed about the Catholic Church’s scandal.  He said that was easy to answer. All people are sinners and they should be forgiven.  At no time did he actually mention the pedophile priests.  He doesn’t seem to understand it isn’t just the priests that are the scandal; it’s the Catholic Church’s hiding of the problem.  They covered up at every opportunity, and even today try to minimize it.  They transferred suspected pedophile priests to other parishes so they could abuse more young boys, or they retired many and kept their month shut about them.  Donahue is the same guy who tried to justify the priest’s crimes by saying these really weren’t children but teenagers.  I guess in his mind that makes a difference.  Their trust in an authoritative and spiritual figure was taken advantage of and a lot of these kids lives will never be the same.  Mr. Donahue is just as responsible for covering up these sexual crimes against children as the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

Friday, June 29, 2012


The Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Health Care Act. I wasn’t surprised, but I was surprised who the 5th vote was. Justice Roberts. I have to give him credit for voting on the law instead of his political leanings. Unlike Thomas, Alito, and scalia who only vote on political leanings instead of the law. Of course the Republicans will cry and whine and try and make political hay out of the ruling, but they have to get over it and move on and actually try and do something for this country instead of being obstructionist.

By-the-way I intentionally left scalia’s name uncapitalized, he doesn’t deserve it.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Most politicians say things that are untrue.  Most politicians when shown their mistake will retract what they said, or at least stop repeating the lie.  Most politicians are not Mitt Romney.  He says things that have been proven wrong, and what does he do, he keeps right on repeating the lie.  Is this the kind of person this country needs as President?  Someone who will lie and continue lying because it serves his purpose.  This is the same guy who tries to have it both ways with Donald Trump.  Trump is a birther moron, and runs around spouting his inane conspiracy theories about President Obama.  Romney says he thinks the President is an American citizen, but won’t renounce Trump.  Why?  Trump brings in money.  Romney seems to have no ethics or backbone.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Plutomony 2

Every state that has a Republican majority has been trying to restricting voters rights and attack labor.  This has been a big thing for awhile.  Last year I had a little article that I posted called Plutomony.  I wish anyone who reads this would go back and look at that post.  The rich and powerful had a plan and it's taking shape and no one seems to understand that we are losing our country to a bunch of fatcat bozo's who don't care about anything except exploiting the earth and workers for their own gains.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Rep. James Lankford (R-OK) Thinks it is just fine to fire someone if their are gay.  These are the kind of people who think if someone is different than themselves there has to be something wrong with the other person.   He denies that employers should be able to fire someone  if they are a different color than him, but I think this is the type of guy if it was legal wouldn’t have anyone of color or even women working for him.  A racist is a racist.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I'm sick and tired of the Republicans from Romney to Boehner and all the rest that claim they love this country, that do nothing other than give lip service to the wackos in their party like Allen West, Rush Limbaugh, and Ted Nugent who say things that are completely not true or libelous, or dangerous. They are so scared of offending the lunatic fringe. These are the kind of people that other nuts listen to and think they are being spoken to personally to do something, and that something is usually violent.  It is time for the Republicans to stand up and tell these people they are wrong and to stop, and the Republicans won't stand for it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


A week or two ago I found myself agreeing with Pat Robertson when he said marijuana should be legalized.  I said at the time I was uncomfortable about agreeing with him.  Since then he has affirmed my believe that this guy is completely and totally nuts.  A gay guy called him, and he had this to say about being gay. He is obsessed. He has a compulsion. I would think that it is somehow related to demonic possession…"  Before that he thought the Denver Broncos would be served right if Peyton Manning their new quarterback got hurt, because their replacing God’s Quarterback Tim Tebow. Hopefully I won't have to agree with this loon again.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Randy Hopper one of the state senators that were recalled in Wisconsin also got arrested for drunken driving later the same year.  Mr. Hopper being a good Republican who as a party preach taking responsibility for oneself and quit blaming others, what do you think he does when he goes to trial for the drunken driving charge, take responsibility?   No, Mr. Hopper says the unions and the people who had him recalled are responsible for this phony charge.  This is a typical creep who has no morals or ethics and when he can blame someone else for his bad behavior he does.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


In a conspiracy worthy of the crazy Republicans in this country, Syrian television has figured out that a soccer player by the name of Lionel Messi who plays for Barcelona is signaling arms smuggling routes with the way he kicks the ball in games.  I am sure the Republicans can go back in history and look at baseball games in the late fifties and early sixties and see that there was a conspiracy between some team  because they were signally that some Kenyan  was born  that was going to be President and they needed to forge a birth certificate.  This could be the reason that the birther controversy is back as a talking point for some Republicans.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have come to the conclusion that most Republicans have no idea what is happening in their party. They have so many conspiracy theories, and religious zealotry being promulgated by their representatives it is unbelievable.  They have decided to debase women at every turn, they still believe in the birther conspiracy, they want to do away with any safety net for this country, and of course they want to do away with labor unions.  Does anyone actually think they care about the people in this? They want to negate labors power and money when it comes fighting their handouts to business.   My real concern is that if they actually take control of government it will take decades to undo the damage they are going to cause.  So Republicans wake up and start standing up for your party and its real values.  

Monday, March 19, 2012


Craig Dubow the former CEO of  Gannett the owner of at least 80 newspapers around the country received a 32 million dollar severance when he retired with health concerns. What did this guy do to deserve that kind of compensation?  Stock prices fell from 72 dollars to 10, revenues dropped 1.7 billion dollars, and he laid off 20,000 employees. When times get tough guys like him say we have to cut cut cut. He lays off people, makes people work longer hours for less pay.  When they say shared sacrifice they mean everyone but them. It reminds me of the company I worked for.  They put us into bankruptcy, and then they treat themselves to a retention bonus, when they come out of bankruptcy another bonus, then when the company is sold they get a huge buy out. These people wonder why the regular people are starting to be so upset.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I find myself in the awkward position of agreeing with something Pat Robertson the old self-proclaimed evangelist said.  He is for the legalization of pot. I have been an advocate of legalization for years.  First let me say that I don’t use any drug of any sort including alcohol.  Pot is used casually by millions of people.  Why criminalize a drug that is being used, and isn’t going to be stopped by anything we do as a society.  If you want to put an age limit on it that's fine. We could use the same laws that are used for alcohol today.  The money saved in enforcement would be tremendous and I am sure there would be taxes on the sale of pot. This money could go to treatment or anything the state wants.  I am not sure Mr. Robertson is serious, because a man like him usually has an ulterior motive, but for now let’s take him at face value.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Eric Bolling the goof from Fox News is at it again. This is the guy who thought the new Muppets movie was a conspiracy to brain wash our children to hate big business, and he is the guy who said there were no terrorist attacks on the United States between 2000 and 2008.  His new conspiracy is that the Sandra Fluke controversy was all a plot by President Obama to mess with the GOP.  My question for this loon is how the left got Rush Limbaugh to take part? You would think the eventually Fox News would actually face reality, and the people who support the GOP would demand better from their party.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


What’s in the water in Minnesota?  Some of the elected officials are flat out crazy.  Everyone knows about Michele Bachmann.  Now we have Mary Franson.  She is a state representative.  She compared people who get food stamps to feeding wild animals. I am almost positive this is the same women who I met in a state capitol visit early last year.  She was meeting with a bunch of labor people and she has the nerve to tell us that state jobs are not real jobs.  Her reaction when confronted by some of those people in our midst was priceless.  She must have thought we were going to bow down to her superior mental abilities. After a state prison guard asked her what a prison guard does, and why doesn’t she think that is a real job she had absolutely nothing to say and said she was needed somewhere else, and slithered out of the room.  A typical answer from a Republican know nothing. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The Laurens County Republican Party in South Carolina has probably done the stupidest and funniest thing.  They have decided you have to sign a 28 point pledge to be part of their group. They are against all the standard things Republicans rail against, but they also want you to have abstained from sex before marriage, and you should never cheat on your spouse.  The funny part is that they say you can’t look at porn after you sign the pledge.  I guess you can look at all the porn you want before that.  They say they can’t force anyone to sign, but they will try and vet you before they allow you to run as a Republican.  If you don’t know what vet means. It means they are going to snoop into your background especially your sex life or lack thereof.  I am glad we have the sex police at work for the Republicans  because they need them.

Monday, March 5, 2012


I have been listening to the GOP self-destruct in the recent months.  I can’t help but wonder why, are this people that out of touch with the majority of the country, or does the money they are getting from the extremely wealthy play a role? They have taken a   delight in trying to making women second class citizens again.  The poor and the middle class are just after thoughts. I understand people can have different ideas about how things should go, but these racist misogynistic Republicans have taken it to the extreme. The real question for me is why anyone that is going to vote would actually vote for these mentally disturbed unethical jerks.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


A Catholic priest in Gaithersburg, MD.  denied the daughter of a deceased woman holy communion at the woman’s funeral mass, because she was gay.  The priest didn’t come to the gravesite. I am so sick of these so called men of God. They have double standards for anyone they don’t agree with.  This priest takes the cake. This gay woman is a devout catholic and should have been treated with respect at this emotional time.  Priests are not God, but they seem to think they are at times.  They have no credibility on anything having to do with sex.  By my reading of the Bible I think God would forgive anyone anything.  I think it is time for this bigot and hater of different cultures to be ex-communicated from the church. 

Monday, February 27, 2012


I was going to write something about all the stupid things that Rick Santorum has been saying lately.  Then I realized he always said stupid things, but he has ratcheted it up a notch recently.  My personal opinion is since he has become almost the front runner for the GOP nomination for President he has become scared.    He really doesn't want to be President, He wants to preach his odd brand of religion. The only thing for him to do is say all the stupid things he can think of. If we assume he's sane, which is a big assumption. Then  that is the only explanation for his outlandish statements recently.  Personally I would love to see him win the nomination.  I don’t see how he could get elected. 

Friday, February 24, 2012


Karen Santorum said it was “Gods Will” that her husband Rick is running for President. Why is it that almost all the GOP Presidential candidates said that God told me to run?  Are all these guys’ nuts, or do they think the electorate is that gullible?  From some of the dumb and outright lies they spew I am sure they think the electorate is stupid.  They pander to the fearful and the religious pious.  If President Obama wins again how does the right wing justify that if God is on their side?

Thursday, February 23, 2012


  Indiana lawmaker Rep. Bob Morris (R-Fort Wayne)    has decided that the Girl Scouts of   America are a "radicalized organization" that "sexualizes" young girls and promotes homosexuality. Other than the fact that this guy‘s brain is scrambled.  I have to ask again what is wrong with the water in Indiana.  Over the past year or so several Indiana lawmakers have said some of the stupidest things. I might amend that.  Republicans in general stay the stupidest things.  I still wonder how these people get into office.  Isn’t anyone paying attention?  They say things that are patently untrue, and when it’s pointed out they just ignore it or say they didn’t mean their statements to be factual.  People have to wake up and pay attention.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Bishop R. Walker Nickless, of the Sioux City, Iowa diocese  speaking recently about the health care mandate that insurance companies have to pay for contraceptive services. He stated the power of evil—the devil—can certainly look—is looking everywhere to find places where they can—where the power of evil can make a difference. What is the so called man of God’s answer? “And that’s why we’ve got to stand up and violently oppose this.”  I don’t know what he means by violently, but it seems to be a little bit nuts and the Catholic Church ought to look into this man’s sanity.  If Bishops of the church were so concerned about people especially children they ought to look at themselves for all the horrible things they have perpetrated on the young and then tried to cover it up.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I recently wrote a letter to the editor in a local newspaper.  It pertained to another person’s take on President Obama’s State of the Union speech.  The rules for this paper are you can’t actually refer to the person writing the other letter or be insulting in anyway.  The final passage of my letter was as follows:
If the GOP gets its way, there will be two classes of people in this country — them and the rest of us.  I was referring to the fact they are trying to push this class warfare theme.  Of course class warfare only applies to things they agree with, and ignores their attacks on the middle class; poor, and labor and unions.  So I get a call from a loony right-wing nut that goes on a rant about how I don’t know anything and I better wake up before it’s too late.  I guess I could have taken this as a threat, but what I take from it is that statement I made about them and the rest of us true.  Disagreement is an idea they can’t accept or abide by when it comes to them.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Rick Santorum is living in an alternative universe.  He has said many stupid things, but I think he might have topped himself.  Commenting on the phony war on religion that the GOP is running against the Obama administration. Mr. Santorum had this to say. They are taking faith and crushing it. Why? Why? When you marginalize faith in America, when you remove the pillar of God-given rights, then what’s left is the French Revolution. What’s left is the government that gives you right, what’s left are no unalienable rights, what’s left is a government that will tell you who you are, what you’ll do and when you’ll do it. What’s left in France became the guillotine. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re a long way from that, but if we do and follow the path of President Obama and his overt hostility to faith in America, then we are headed down that road.  This moron doesn’t seem to get that is what he is trying to do.  He has no problem interfering in your sex life and telling you if you can or should use contraceptives.  His idiotic argument never takes into consideration that he isn’t God.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Michele Bachmann the crazy loon from Minnesota was asked who she thought was the best candidate for the GOP presidential nomination.  Michele being so humble stated "I was. I was the perfect candidate," Then she went on to say, “America had their chance with the perfect candidate.  I know self-confidence is needed but this woman is completely nuts.  The sad thing is some people in her district thinks she walks on water.  Maybe this next election she will be put back where she belongs.  The only problem is I for the life of me can’t figure out where she belongs.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The inmates are running the asylum.   Alabama State Senator Shadrack McGill (R) said the Bible says that increasing teacher salaries would only lead to less qualified teachers.  He thinks if you have the calling to teach money shouldn’t matter. 

3 State Reps. in Washington State; Matt Shea(R) Cary Condotta (R) and Jason Overstreet ( R ) introduced a bill that would make the dollar unconstitutional.

Mitt Romney the front runner for the GOP nomination for President said he is not concerned about the very poor.  We have a safety net for them he stated.  Of course Romney wants to weaken a lot of the safety net.

Allen West ( R ) Fla.  Told a crowd that they needed to tell Democrats like President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) to take their ideas and "get the hell out of the United States of America."   Of course now he says he didn’t actually say that, and it was taken out of context.  This clown does this quite regularly and then blames the media for taking it out of context. 

The real question is how these loons get elected in the first place. Is the electorate completely out of whack?

Sunday, January 29, 2012


The Culture and Media Institute, which aims to "preserve and help restore America's culture, character, traditional values, and morals against the assault of the liberal media elite, are attacking Miley Cyrus for “disgusting and sleazy behavior”.  This is what is wrong with these holier than thou groups.  They attack Miley because she is an easy target.  I have never heard them attack all those Republicans who have a propensity to cheat on their wives or who make racist statements.  Like Newt Gingrich who has no shame when it comes to his various wives. Or Joe Walsh a congressman from Illinois who refuses to pay his ex-wife child support. No problem with those guys, but poor Miley she is such a bad influence that she has to be singled out by this sick group.

Friday, January 27, 2012


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) suggested that people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil rights instead of dying in the streets.  This is one of the more stupid things the bully of New Jersey has said. If he thinks that during that time of protests that people, and by people he means black people would have won any kind of civil rights, he’s crazy.  Being a minority almost assures you that you are not going to gain anything. Of course no one wants to die or get arrested for what you believe in, but that was the only way for people to be seen the same under the law.  I would suggest to Mr. Christie that we have a referendum on whether very obese people can shoot their mouths off at will and hold office. I don’t think his answer would be the same.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Michele Bachmann in June of last year when she announced that she was going to run for President stated she was not going to actively run for her congressional seat in Minnesota.   Guess what?  Now that she found out what everyone else knew, that she is the punch line for every political joke in this country, she has decided to run for Congress again. She is so much the quintessential political whore. She has to be in the limelight.  She hasn’t done a thing in her terms in Congress, and there is no expectation that she ever  will if elected again.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Tim Thomas the goalie for the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League has refused to go to the White House with the rest of his team to meet President Obama.  This is a tradition in recent years to have winning teams come to the White House.  This is Thomas’s right, but the reason he gives is so phony.  He states this isn’t political.  Then we come to find out Glenn Beck is sort of like a hero to this guy.  Leaving aside that Glen Beck is completely nuts, he should have said he doesn’t agree with the President’s policies, or if he wants to be like his hero he could have said he is a racist and doesn’t want that man to be President.  The real sad thing is that he and his sort buy into what people like Beck, or Limbaugh say, and never actually check out if the things these guys say are true. It’s not hard.  The reason they don’t is they want to believe.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today the dream died.  My dream team is no more.  Way back when this circus known as the GOP primary’s started I stated that my dream team for the next election was Rick Perry, and Michelle Bachmann.  Today Perry dropped out thus killing my last hope for one of these two people to run for President.  My hope was based on the fact that these two people had to be the dumbest people on earth.  What we are left with are 4 men who in varying degrees are challenged by different t things. Ron Paul seems to be an all-out racist.  Santorum seems to be focused on sex, and by that I mean anyone else’s sexual activities.  Romney is just a rich guy who hasn’t a clue about how the rest of us live, and will take any position at any time to please the person who is asking.  That leaves Gingrich.    His problem is all of the above.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The quest to find 540,000 people to sign the petition to recall Governor Scott Walker (R) of Wisconsin has succeeded.  The people who turned in the petitions claim over 1 million people have signed the petition.   I am glad to say I was one of them.   Now the next step is to find a qualified person to run against him.  This may be the hardest thing to accomplish.  There are several possibilities, but they might have to be talked into it. If the people of Wisconsin fail to recall this guy I am really worried about the future of our country.   

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Speaker Mike O’Neal (R) Kansas House speaker  had to apologize about an email he sent to his fellow Republicans.  The email characterized Mrs. Obama as Yo Mama and the Grinch. What does this jerk do next; he emails another one to his colleagues. This one was a Bible Verse Psalm 109.  Part of the verse states “Let his days be few” and calls for his children to be without a father and his wife to be widowed.  To me or to any normal thinking person means he wants the death of President Obama.  O’Neal says he only means he wants the end of the Presidents days in office. This is why this country is screwed up and the Republican Party in general are people who should not be taken seriously and I mean for God’s sake these guys especially should be thrown out of office and ostracized.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning asked Mitt Romney if he thought the questions being asked about Wall Street and the distribution of wealth was fair or not. Mr. Romney’s answer was it was purely an “envy-oriented” attack on “millionaires and billionaires and executives and Wall Street”:  Other than the moronic quality of that answer, it goes into the insight of these kinds of people.  First no one should have the right to question their decisions.  These are the kind of people who know what is best for you.  They never take responsibility for their actions, because most of them never think they can do anything wrong. The questions about Wall Street or the distribution of wealth has nothing to do with envy.  The questions are being asked about ethics morality and honesty.  All the people are asking is that if they are being cheated they want the cheaters to suffer consequences.  They have trouble understanding how the people who cause so much grief in this country walk off with huge paydays, and never suffer the consequences. Romney has a silver spoon life.  I don’t begrudge him any of it. The problem is he hasn’t a clue about how the rest of us live. If you have listened to some of his comments you will soon understand how out of touch he is.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


When Governor Walker of Wisconsin decided to try and take away union rights, and claim it was only done to help the economy of Wisconsin he always stated he would create a business climate in Wisconsin that would bring in so many businesses and jobs.  Well as everyone knows his policies are not to everyone’s liking.  Hopefully he will be recalled this year. Back to his claim about jobs in the state.  The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia found that Wisconsin was last in job creation among the 50 states.  All this guy has accomplished in office is to take money out of peoples pay checks, and cause the state to be ridiculed.  Good job Governor Walker!  Maybe in your next job working for Fox or the Koch brothers, forget the Koch brothers they don’t want a clown like you either, you can screw some other people who won’t fight back.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Everyone is aware of the troubles with labor in Wisconsin.  The Republicans said it was about the budget.  We all know that is a flat out lie.  Now a person was sent home from his state job because he wore a T-shirt with a union logo on it.  The next day the state said it was okay to wear those kinds of shirts.  Since there was no uniform of any kind required this was a blatant attempt by someone in the state to keep any mention of unions out of their facility.  If it wasn't for public outcry the person with the shirt would probably still be off work.   Governor Walker has been running around the state lately saying he should have taken more time to explain his policies.  Does anyone actually think this guy would be saying anything like that if he wasn’t in the process of being recalled?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


In the recent months I have been trying to point out that the majority of Republicans are nuts. So I thought maybe I would make a New Year’s resolution and try and be a kinder gentler person to the GOP.  Then I read that the Republicans in Virginia want to require that all people that vote in the primary there sign a loyalty oath that they will support the eventual Republican nominee in the general election.  If they don’t sign this oath they cannot vote in the primary.   So much for kinder gentler.  These people are nuts and there doesn’t seem to be any hope for them. They have no concept of what Democracy is or what the United States of America is supposed to stand for.

Monday, January 2, 2012


The Iowa GOP caucuses are coming up soon.  All you have heard in the last couple months is who is up or who is down.  The reason in my opinion for this is none of the candidates are capable, but that is beside the point.  My question is why does the media and pundits focus on this so-called election?  First of all it is just a caucus and the winner of this laughable event is more than likely going to be someone who has no chance to be elected in November. Most of the people who win this event are gone by the time South Carolina comes around, and even the news media likes to point that out.  This is just a waste of time for everyone who doesn’t live in Iowa.