Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This is stretch I know, but the comparison is something I couldn’t resist.  I assume everyone has heard of the fire department in Tennessee that was called to a house fire where they stood by and watched the house burn down.  The reason was that the people living there hadn’t paid the $75.00 fee.  Tennessee is a right to work state which means that if you work anywhere that has a union you don’t have to join, and pay dues.  The only thing that is different about the fee the fire department wants and the union dues you don’t have to pay is that the person who doesn’t pay the union dues still gets representation from the union no matter what.  I am willing to bet that the people who came up with the fee for the fire department  and stand by letting a house burn down would be all up in arms if the union didn’t represent the non-dues paying  person .

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