Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It had been my hope to ignore these so called Presidential want a be’s for a while.  Rick Perry the lone star cowboy who is flat out an idiot had proposed a 20 % flat tax.  He can propose all the stupid things he wants.  The problem when confronted with the fact that it would cost low and middle class people more money, he answered.  “I don’t care about that”  These people that want to be President don’t seem  to understand that they are supposed to  be President to all the people, not just the select few who give him money.

Mitch McConnell who is not running for President, but is the minority leader in the Senate, said the other day it’s not his responsibility to prevent layoffs of firemen  and first responders by raising taxes on businesses.  This moron and he really is a moron doesn’t understand when those businesses start on fire the fireman he didn’t want retained will not be there to put out the fire. This is the guy who said the number 1 job of the GOP is to make President Obama a 1 term President.  The people and country be damned.

Finally I have to mention Michelle Bachmann, she really is a footnote to the campaign now, but that doesn’t mean she can still say stupid things.  There are so many lately, but she suggested if the people who don’t have insurance get sick they will have to rely on charity to have their bills paid, all 50,000,000 of them.

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