Thursday, October 27, 2011


Rick Perry the one time front runner for the Republican nomination for President has fallen way down in the polls.  His take on the reason for that is that he hasn’t done very well in the debates. This is one of the few things this guy has been right about, but compared to the other mental midgets running he isn’t that much worse.  His solution to this is that he is thinking about not participating in future debates. This is a guy who wants to be the leader of the free world, and he is afraid to participate in debates.  How does he expect to lead the world?  This should be a big red flag for anyone even thinking of voting for this not ready for prime time player.

As I’m writing this I realize maybe we should thank Rick Perry for boycotting the debates, now if we could get the rest of the mental midgets to do the same it would be so nice. They haven’t had a coherent thought between them since these debates started.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It had been my hope to ignore these so called Presidential want a be’s for a while.  Rick Perry the lone star cowboy who is flat out an idiot had proposed a 20 % flat tax.  He can propose all the stupid things he wants.  The problem when confronted with the fact that it would cost low and middle class people more money, he answered.  “I don’t care about that”  These people that want to be President don’t seem  to understand that they are supposed to  be President to all the people, not just the select few who give him money.

Mitch McConnell who is not running for President, but is the minority leader in the Senate, said the other day it’s not his responsibility to prevent layoffs of firemen  and first responders by raising taxes on businesses.  This moron and he really is a moron doesn’t understand when those businesses start on fire the fireman he didn’t want retained will not be there to put out the fire. This is the guy who said the number 1 job of the GOP is to make President Obama a 1 term President.  The people and country be damned.

Finally I have to mention Michelle Bachmann, she really is a footnote to the campaign now, but that doesn’t mean she can still say stupid things.  There are so many lately, but she suggested if the people who don’t have insurance get sick they will have to rely on charity to have their bills paid, all 50,000,000 of them.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL.) has always claimed his parents came to this country in 1959 fleeing from Cuba and Fidel Castro.  Guess what?  Mr. Rubio has a strange take on his family history, and my guess it was for political reasons.  His parents actually came to the United States in 1956 which is before Castro.  He is trying to justify his lie now by saying well   you know they actually tried to move back to Cuba in 1959 so he really is right about them fleeing Castro in 1959. These kind of guys lie all the time and think nothing of it. When they are found out they just assume they can keep their followers in line, and surprising enough a lot of this guy’s followers will probably say, oh, it’s okay Marco, it doesn’t matter that you are a liar and will do anything to further your political career.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


A friend of mine who I have worked with the last few years has been working on a comic that he is putting on the internet.  He has worked consistently writing a story line and creating characters.  I wasn’t sure if he would ever get this off the ground, but he has.  The problem he will face is getting people to know it’s out there.  There is a link in my good sites spot on this blog. I would like it if you are into comics in any way to take a look,  and let him know what you think.  Comic a day is the name of this futuristic adventure.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Anita Perry the wife of Presidential hopeful Rick Perry said recently that her husband got a sign from God to run for President.  Michelle Bachmann also was told by God to run for President.  I am not sure if any of the other stooges running for President on the GOP side have gotten a sign.  My question is, why is Bachmann a joke in this campaign and why does Mrs. Perry claim that her husband is being brutalized by the other candidates and the press?  If God told her husband to run, wouldn’t you think that all of the things that are happening are pre-ordained?  I guess when it comes to God you only see God’s hand in the good, so I guess it must be the devil controlling everything negative, instead of her husband’s goofy ideas, and poor debates.  Now being a woman of God, shouldn’t she know what was coming and be ready for it? Also, Mrs.’ Perry is blaming President Obama for her son losing his job.  I wondered how that could be.  This is kind of hard to follow, but she says because of election laws her son can’t keep his job and still campaign for his father.  The kid quit his job voluntarily, so don’t blame anyone but himself.

Monday, October 10, 2011


No matter what you think about the Occupy Wall Street protests going on around the county.  I would like to point out the hypocrisy of the right-wing loons. Several of them have said interesting things.
  Karl Rove the GOP banker.  Occupy Wall Street is   “Left wing nuts whose goal it is to violate the law”

This is a man who worked in the George W. Bush White House.  I am pretty sure he is very adept at breaking laws.
Eric Cantor (R-VA.)  Said the movement is a “mob dividing Americans against Americans”
This is all this guy does is try and divide Americans of course he is on the side of the corporations, and he was all for the Tea Party Movement.  He thought they were great.

Peter King (R-NY.) Do not allow any legitimacy for Wall Street protests, or it will be like the 1960’s again.  They have no sense of purpose other than a basically Anti-American tone. 
The 1960’s protests were against war, and for civil rights I guess this goof doesn’t think these were good things.
Chris Wallace of Fox News said they are getting more coverage than they deserve. 
The Tea Party protests were hyped by him at every opportunity.  Of course he works for Fox, and these protests are against everything this phony news organization believes in.
Glenn Beck said they are Marxist Radicals and they will kill everybody
Okay I know Beck is just plain nuts.
There are plenty more of these nuts. But my goal is to point out the hypocrisy of these people.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Rep. Ritch Workman (R) a state legislator in Florida is trying to repeal a longstanding ban on "dwarf-tossing" Now why would anyone want to say something or do something so stupid.   His explanation is first that the government shouldn’t be making unnecessary rules to protect people , plus the dwarfs need the jobs,  you know if  people want to watch people being abused and exploited it should  be nobody else’s business.  The Little People of America have denounced this practice in the past.  I think my response to this idiocy would be to have a practice where stupid Republican legislators and there are so many, have to be in a dunking tub dressed in a clown suit so other people can abuse them. Hopefully a lot of them will be out of a job next year.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Rep. Steve King (R.IA) who I think is completely and totally crazy has outdone himself.  He wants to go back to the good old days when only property owners could vote. How this idiot gets re-elected to Congress is beyond my understanding.  His stance on voting leaves out women, minorities, who in the good old days were slaves, it leaves out anyone by definition who didn’t own property.  This is the mentality of the slave owners.  I know what is best for you and we will take care of you because you are not smart enough to know anything. He basis his logic on the fact if you don’t have property you have no stake in the country other than voting for things that you can get for nothing.  The people in Iowa have to wake up and get rid of this obnoxious jerk.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Republican Secretary of State, Scott Gessler of Colorado has decided that if you’re serving your country in a war and you didn’t vote in 2010, you are not eligible to vote this year in Colorado.  These are the kind of people who have no business being in politics.  They are supposed to be serving the people that elected them not trying to disenfranchise them.  I have talked about this many time, these people serve party instead of country.  These are the people who booed the gay soldier at the GOP debate. Not one of the people that want to be President stood up and said that was wrong during that debate.  They seem to want to ignore the people they don’t agree with.  The problem is if you want to President you are President of the whole entire nation not just a little sliver of bigots and greedy corporations.