Tuesday, June 28, 2011


What has happened to the common sense people of the Midwest? We have politicians that are in power now that are completely nuts. Examples are easy to come by. Paul Ryan (R-WI.) the congressman who put forth a budget trying to take away most Medicare. He is still out there saying he is misunderstood. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN.) she is actually running for President. I don’t really have to say much about her she is well known for stupid things. Although I would like to say she is also dishonest. She is against earmarks she claims under no circumstances should the government be giving out money for special projects or things like that. Of course she has taken money from the government. One for a farm she is part owner in, and one for a business she and her husband owns. Of course she can justify things like that because she is so special and God talks to her regularly. Governor Scott Walker (R-WI.). He is well known for being in the pocket of big business along with the Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder (R-MI.), the Governor of Ohio John Kasich (R-OH.), and Mitch Daniels (R-IN.) the Governor of Indiana. We have a Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin who is under investigation for attempting to strangle another justice. He is well known because he was involved in a recent election He is David Prosser. My question is if you or I were accused of this assault do you think we would have not been brought in and interrogated? Steve King (R-IA.) A congressman from Iowa is a climate change denier. The Midwest is being hit hard by floods. Mr. King gets up in congress and states no one could predict these huge floods. Scientists have been stating for ten years that flooding in the Midwest was getting worse. It is convenient for him to ignore these reports and claim no one knew it was coming. I will have to give him credit for asking that the region be declared a disaster area so they can get federal funds to help, flying in the face of some of his other Republicans cohorts, i.e. Mitt Romney who said it was immoral to give money for the victims, or even Eric Cantor who stated money should not be given unless we can find other places to take it from.
I know there are many other people out there like them, this is what has got me worried. The takeover of one party by the fringe elements of our society who believe in everything conspiratorial.

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