A couple of Republican governors disappeared over the weekend. Rick Scott(R-FL.), Rick Perry (R-TX.) These two clowns that both have disasters going on in their states told no one that they were going or what they were going to do. There were other Governors missing in action, but I think most were up front as to where they went. This may come as a surprise to some, but they were at Koch brother’s conference in Vail Colorado, I guess when the man with the money calls you jump. The Press actually had to trace a number on a private plane owned by one of Perry’s big campaign donors to find out where he went. Perry has complained that President Obama has not paid enough attention to the fires in Texas. It seems the man in charge in Texas would at least stay around and do his job. Scott on the other hand may be more popular if he isn’t in the state. This is the most disliked Governor in the country. He has been spending his time lately trying to improve his image at home. Faking letters to the editor, and now his making robo calls telling the people of Florida what a good job he is doing.
The scary part of all of this and what has been happening since the last election is the corporate takeover of the government. These kinds of people have no regard for people, and by people I mean anyone who isn’t rich. The rest of the population is disregarded and looked upon as resource to be used and used up, and then move on.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I should be surprised, but I ‘m not. Michelle Bachmann makes some stupid comment, and now we have people trying to change Wikipedia to conform to here stupid statement. This happens, I think Sarah Palin has said stupid things and someone tries to change history to conform to her crazy outlook.
Here in Minnesota whenever Michelle Bachmann is mentioned the sycophants come out of the wood work to defend her. If you don’t know what a sycophant is the definition is a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite, or for the younger set, a brown- noser, asskisser, suck up, yes-man fanatic. These people do not know how to have a sane conversation about anything concerning her. Facts mean nothing to these people, they try and find analogies to lessen a stupid statement or just plain ignore it. If you want to see just read the letters to the editor in the St. Cloud Times in Minnesota, and read the comments. Some of these people must just sit at home and have no idea what is happening in the world the proverbial ostrich head in the sand syndrome.
Here in Minnesota whenever Michelle Bachmann is mentioned the sycophants come out of the wood work to defend her. If you don’t know what a sycophant is the definition is a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite, or for the younger set, a brown- noser, asskisser, suck up, yes-man fanatic. These people do not know how to have a sane conversation about anything concerning her. Facts mean nothing to these people, they try and find analogies to lessen a stupid statement or just plain ignore it. If you want to see just read the letters to the editor in the St. Cloud Times in Minnesota, and read the comments. Some of these people must just sit at home and have no idea what is happening in the world the proverbial ostrich head in the sand syndrome.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What has happened to the common sense people of the Midwest? We have politicians that are in power now that are completely nuts. Examples are easy to come by. Paul Ryan (R-WI.) the congressman who put forth a budget trying to take away most Medicare. He is still out there saying he is misunderstood. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN.) she is actually running for President. I don’t really have to say much about her she is well known for stupid things. Although I would like to say she is also dishonest. She is against earmarks she claims under no circumstances should the government be giving out money for special projects or things like that. Of course she has taken money from the government. One for a farm she is part owner in, and one for a business she and her husband owns. Of course she can justify things like that because she is so special and God talks to her regularly. Governor Scott Walker (R-WI.). He is well known for being in the pocket of big business along with the Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder (R-MI.), the Governor of Ohio John Kasich (R-OH.), and Mitch Daniels (R-IN.) the Governor of Indiana. We have a Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin who is under investigation for attempting to strangle another justice. He is well known because he was involved in a recent election He is David Prosser. My question is if you or I were accused of this assault do you think we would have not been brought in and interrogated? Steve King (R-IA.) A congressman from Iowa is a climate change denier. The Midwest is being hit hard by floods. Mr. King gets up in congress and states no one could predict these huge floods. Scientists have been stating for ten years that flooding in the Midwest was getting worse. It is convenient for him to ignore these reports and claim no one knew it was coming. I will have to give him credit for asking that the region be declared a disaster area so they can get federal funds to help, flying in the face of some of his other Republicans cohorts, i.e. Mitt Romney who said it was immoral to give money for the victims, or even Eric Cantor who stated money should not be given unless we can find other places to take it from.
I know there are many other people out there like them, this is what has got me worried. The takeover of one party by the fringe elements of our society who believe in everything conspiratorial.
I know there are many other people out there like them, this is what has got me worried. The takeover of one party by the fringe elements of our society who believe in everything conspiratorial.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
As long as I can remember, anytime we went to war or even a military intervention the government spoke as one. I know there were always a couple of people in office who would disagree, but they disagreed on principle. I very seldom agree with us going to war, or at least what we call war today. I have no problem with people disagreeing with war if they have a good reason. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) the senate minority leader said he would be more for a war if his party was the one taking us to war. Senator McConnell is morally bankrupt and ethically challenged. You believe in the reason for war or you don’t, political considerations should not be taken into account. The thing is he is not alone; there are people in both parties who would do this. The difference is that he was actually stupid enough to say it out loud.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
At the end of June the Minnesota State government is going to run out of money. Well not really. The Governor and the Legislature are at an impasse on how to proceed. The Governor wants to raise taxes on the richest two percent. The legislature wants to cut spending. The two bodies aren’t able to come together for the benefit of the people in the state. However the Republicans legislature has it all figured out. They plan to keep getting paid while they put thousands of people out of work, great bunch of people. Whether you agree with either of these competing agendas the idea of government is to serve the people, all the people to the best of your ability. Not to serve a political agenda, disregarding the people. To give you an idea of how the Republicans think. I was at the State Capitol earlier this year. In a meeting with one of the state legislatures the topic of jobs came up. She stated that government jobs are really not real jobs. There is no way to reason with someone like that. For the sake of the people the public employees (the state legislators) have to get over their goofy and sometimes mean spirited ways, and do what is right for the whole state.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Rick Scott (R) is the Governor of Florida. Most of his constituents think he is doing a very poor job 57%. The Governor has had a great idea. He wrote a letter on his web site. He wants the people who like him 29% to sign their name to his letter and then they will send it to the newspapers as a show of support for him. This guy is really something. He believes by a phony letter written by his staff, it will show that he is doing a wonderful job and people like him. All it does is show that he is a small petty individual who thinks this will keep him in office.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Rick Santorum is such a slime ball I really can’t figure out why anyone takes him seriously. So the hypocrite is against abortion for any reason. He believes a Doctor who performs an abortion should be jailed. Guess what? This slime ball and his wife had an abortion. Now it was for a good reason. His wives life was at stake. My question is, doesn’t he think this same dilemma happens all the time. I suppose he thinks that he is special and the rest of the people need to be led around by the morally superior people like himself.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I heard today that Anthony Weiner (D.NY.) is resigning today because of his penchant for sending racy pictures on twitter. Who cares? The media does, that is all I have been hearing or reading. Other than the double standard that seems to be in effect in the media about whose sex scandal deserves major play. Why are they focusing on this story in the wake of all the other things going on?
You have an all-out attack on the middle class going on in this country. We have corporations running just about everything. The Republicans are in the pocket of these corporations, and the media ignores it. We have Glenn Beck pointing at a picture of President Obama and asking why do you need a gun. This is crazy. I have heard the defense of Mr. Beck. He is just crazy like a fox. He really means that the Democrats want to take away your guns. I have challenged people to show me the evidence on that. Of course I have never had any shown to me.
You have a major government shut down looming, you have people in congress trying to roll back regulations for the environment, tobacco, child labor laws, and just about anything they can think of to support their corporate bosses. The scary part is that a lot of people in this country are buying into this stuff. There was an article a few weeks ago about letting the Republicans have what they want the list was amazing.This is the article.
All the issues that are the core of their conservative beliefs into reality, and make them the law of the land. Let conservatives who "want My America back" have it. And finally the nation will get to see the reality of Ronald Reagan's "Shining City on the Hill ™."
Give the Republican Party everything it wants.
Everything. Absolutely, completely, totally everything. No hedging. No compromising. The whole package. A true, conservative, Republican vision.
This is that America.
Eliminate Social Security.
Eliminate Medicare.
End unemployment insurance.
Make all abortion illegal.
Remove government oversight of Wall Street banks.
Remove government regulation of corporations.
Make collective bargaining by union employees illegal.
Cut benefit packages for schoolteachers, nurses and all public employees.
Stop government funding of social welfare programs, food stamps, and low-income public housing assistance.
Increase government subsidies to Big Oil companies.
Increase tax breaks for pharmaceutical company "direct-to-consumer" advertising.
Lower the tax rate for millionaires.
Eliminate taxes for corporations.
Allow corporations to stop providing health insurance for employees.
Remove government regulation of insurance companies.
Let cable companies set their own rates.
Let Internet providers block competitors.
Close the Department of Education.
Close the EPA and eliminate environment protection laws.
Get rid of FEMA, cut federal disaster aid.
End Affirmative Action.
Eliminate the requirement that suspects must be read their Miranda Rights.
Allow police to enter private homes without warrants.
Get rid of needing a court order for wiretaps.
Let anyone carry a gun and without registration.
Ban gay marriage.
Let police stop whoever looks illegal and require proof of citizenship.
No referring to the existence of homosexuals in schoolbooks.
Increase the defense budget.
Declare war against Iran and North Korea.
Continue fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Increase our military presence around the world.
All of this.
All of it.
And so much more. That's just the first 100 days.
No cherry-picking only the issues you like. That's the conservative agenda. That's their Shining City on the Hill ™.
That's your America.
The Republican Party's American Dream.
Consider it.
This isn't about single issues. This is about who the Republican Party is.
The Republican Party has long been able to flimflam the American public to vote against its self-interest because Democrats have always blocked enough of the GOP's worst far-right instincts. But if you want to see who the Republican Party truly is, then give them all of this, give them everything they want. In four years, the nation will feel so demeaned, the GOP will cease to exist.
And if Republicans try to flim-flam you by saying the same about Democrats, remember the truth: when Franklin Roosevelt had everything his way, the American public elected him four times.
Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
This was written by Robert Creamer
You have an all-out attack on the middle class going on in this country. We have corporations running just about everything. The Republicans are in the pocket of these corporations, and the media ignores it. We have Glenn Beck pointing at a picture of President Obama and asking why do you need a gun. This is crazy. I have heard the defense of Mr. Beck. He is just crazy like a fox. He really means that the Democrats want to take away your guns. I have challenged people to show me the evidence on that. Of course I have never had any shown to me.
You have a major government shut down looming, you have people in congress trying to roll back regulations for the environment, tobacco, child labor laws, and just about anything they can think of to support their corporate bosses. The scary part is that a lot of people in this country are buying into this stuff. There was an article a few weeks ago about letting the Republicans have what they want the list was amazing.This is the article.
All the issues that are the core of their conservative beliefs into reality, and make them the law of the land. Let conservatives who "want My America back" have it. And finally the nation will get to see the reality of Ronald Reagan's "Shining City on the Hill ™."
Give the Republican Party everything it wants.
Everything. Absolutely, completely, totally everything. No hedging. No compromising. The whole package. A true, conservative, Republican vision.
This is that America.
Eliminate Social Security.
Eliminate Medicare.
End unemployment insurance.
Make all abortion illegal.
Remove government oversight of Wall Street banks.
Remove government regulation of corporations.
Make collective bargaining by union employees illegal.
Cut benefit packages for schoolteachers, nurses and all public employees.
Stop government funding of social welfare programs, food stamps, and low-income public housing assistance.
Increase government subsidies to Big Oil companies.
Increase tax breaks for pharmaceutical company "direct-to-consumer" advertising.
Lower the tax rate for millionaires.
Eliminate taxes for corporations.
Allow corporations to stop providing health insurance for employees.
Remove government regulation of insurance companies.
Let cable companies set their own rates.
Let Internet providers block competitors.
Close the Department of Education.
Close the EPA and eliminate environment protection laws.
Get rid of FEMA, cut federal disaster aid.
End Affirmative Action.
Eliminate the requirement that suspects must be read their Miranda Rights.
Allow police to enter private homes without warrants.
Get rid of needing a court order for wiretaps.
Let anyone carry a gun and without registration.
Ban gay marriage.
Let police stop whoever looks illegal and require proof of citizenship.
No referring to the existence of homosexuals in schoolbooks.
Increase the defense budget.
Declare war against Iran and North Korea.
Continue fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Increase our military presence around the world.
All of this.
All of it.
And so much more. That's just the first 100 days.
No cherry-picking only the issues you like. That's the conservative agenda. That's their Shining City on the Hill ™.
That's your America.
The Republican Party's American Dream.
Consider it.
This isn't about single issues. This is about who the Republican Party is.
The Republican Party has long been able to flimflam the American public to vote against its self-interest because Democrats have always blocked enough of the GOP's worst far-right instincts. But if you want to see who the Republican Party truly is, then give them all of this, give them everything they want. In four years, the nation will feel so demeaned, the GOP will cease to exist.
And if Republicans try to flim-flam you by saying the same about Democrats, remember the truth: when Franklin Roosevelt had everything his way, the American public elected him four times.
Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
This was written by Robert Creamer
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I wish people would actually listen to what the GOP candidates say.
Romney wants to privatize FEMA. He thinks it is immoral for the government to aid disaster victims.
Bachmann wants to get rid of the EPA this is the agency that tries to keep our air and water clean. Bachmann has no sense of history. All she has to do is go back 30 years and look at the quality of our rivers.
Gingrich and Cain want to defund the National Labor Relations Board. Why? I guess any agency that might try and make things fair for workers has to go.
They want to get rid of oversight on Wall Street; I mean why would they want to do that? Wall Street has never done anything to us.
If you notice they are always attacking American workers. This comes at a time when workers share of the pie is at an all-time low, and companies’ profits are at an all-time high. With all the things that the Republican Governors have been doing to destroy the American worker, it isn’t hard to see whose pocket this guys are in.
Oh I forgot Rick Perry the Governor of Texas claims now that he is a Profit, but no one really knows it.
Romney wants to privatize FEMA. He thinks it is immoral for the government to aid disaster victims.
Bachmann wants to get rid of the EPA this is the agency that tries to keep our air and water clean. Bachmann has no sense of history. All she has to do is go back 30 years and look at the quality of our rivers.
Gingrich and Cain want to defund the National Labor Relations Board. Why? I guess any agency that might try and make things fair for workers has to go.
They want to get rid of oversight on Wall Street; I mean why would they want to do that? Wall Street has never done anything to us.
If you notice they are always attacking American workers. This comes at a time when workers share of the pie is at an all-time low, and companies’ profits are at an all-time high. With all the things that the Republican Governors have been doing to destroy the American worker, it isn’t hard to see whose pocket this guys are in.
Oh I forgot Rick Perry the Governor of Texas claims now that he is a Profit, but no one really knows it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Michelle Bachmann says she is running for President. She now says she will not run for her Congressional seat while she is running for President. My question is if she drops out of the Presidential race will she say God told her to do it, and then turn around and run for her old seat? Minnesota law says she has to June 5th 2012 to change her mind.
I am willing to make a wager right now that if she is out of the Presidential race early, and she doesn’t get an offer from fixed news to be on their channel she will be back in contention for her old seat. People like Bachmann know that when she is out of the limelight she is going to fade into the dark hole of people who thought they were someone,and aren't.
I am willing to make a wager right now that if she is out of the Presidential race early, and she doesn’t get an offer from fixed news to be on their channel she will be back in contention for her old seat. People like Bachmann know that when she is out of the limelight she is going to fade into the dark hole of people who thought they were someone,and aren't.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Herman Cain is running for President. He stated in an interview that President Obama was raised in Kenya. This is false, and has been proved false. Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin say some of the stupidest things and get away with them. Newt Gingrich told everyone not to quote what he actually said, because what he said wasn’t actually what he said. How anyone can take these people seriously is beyond me. I left out the Religious quack Santorum, and Romney who actually runs away from his own plan for health care in Massachusetts.
There is a blog I read. She stated that she will vote for anyone but Obama. I have challenged some of her statements in the past. She and her husband are Confessional Lutherans. Instead of backing up their statements they attack me for having the nerve to challenge them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Well maybe not people who would dare challenge their opinions. In their minds these are concrete unshakable facts.
There is a blog I read. She stated that she will vote for anyone but Obama. I have challenged some of her statements in the past. She and her husband are Confessional Lutherans. Instead of backing up their statements they attack me for having the nerve to challenge them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Well maybe not people who would dare challenge their opinions. In their minds these are concrete unshakable facts.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Who elected these clowns? Paul Broun (R-Ga.) doesn’t want to raise the debt ceiling, when told it will cost at least a quarter million public employee jobs he said a lot of government employees need to go find a real job. I personally heard this from a Minnesota state representative we were talking to she said public jobs are not real jobs anyway. Of course not, I mean prison guards or state police, people who plow the snow in the winter they are not real jobs according to these clowns. The public employees who should lose their jobs are these clowns. When is it going to sink in that these are the people who make things better for everyone?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
People, who know me, know I have been against the Iraqi war from the beginning, and I was only for the Afghanistan war a very short time. We accomplished our goal very soon after going in there. Of course these wars have become the longest in our history. President Bush lied us into the Iraqi war. President Obama said he would get us out of there maybe he will, but it’s been two years since he’s been in office. The Afghan war is still going strong. We need to bring those men and women home. We are not going to change anything there. Osama Bin Laden is dead. We as a nation are never going to be totally free of terrorism. It has been with us throughout are history, and it’s not going anywhere soon. A lot of people in other countries hate us, and we make an attractive target for all their problems. We have many home grown loony tune people who believe nothing other than the government is conspiring against them. We have politicians who want to serve and are serving in government who are not trying to make this country better. They are making money. That is the goal and their only goal. So why should the men and women who are dying for no specific reason be sacrificed for these people.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Anthony Weiner admitted today he sent inappropriate pictures on the internet. I have no problem with what anyone does online or off as long as it’s legal. Mr. Weiner (D-NY) at least never told me how to live my life and then go against everything he said he stood for. My problem with Mr. Weiner is that he is an idiot. What makes him think that no one would find out about this? This is not the first time a politician has done something that shows so much lack of common sense. My favorite President of the last several is Bill Clinton. He did the same thing showed no common sense, and Mr. Clinton is one of the most intelligent people around. So hopefully other politicians will learn a lesson, and use common sense.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Ann Myers, a sophomore in high school from New Jersey challenged Michelle Bachmann to a debate on the Constitution. She issued the challenge because of statements Bachmann made recently.
Some clown in the media tried to defend Bachmann by saying she was expressing an “originalist” view of the Constitution and besides Miss Myers was a dupe of the liberal left and left leaning educational institution.
Now a student from Louisiana has challenged her about her statements on evolution and the claim that Nobel Laureates support her. The student Zack Kopplin challenged her to back up those statements.
Michelle Bachmann wants to be President. High School kids know she is goofy. Why do her supporters keep their heads in the sand?
Some clown in the media tried to defend Bachmann by saying she was expressing an “originalist” view of the Constitution and besides Miss Myers was a dupe of the liberal left and left leaning educational institution.
Now a student from Louisiana has challenged her about her statements on evolution and the claim that Nobel Laureates support her. The student Zack Kopplin challenged her to back up those statements.
Michelle Bachmann wants to be President. High School kids know she is goofy. Why do her supporters keep their heads in the sand?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Most of the public thought Donald Trump was a joke when he expressed interest in running for President. Well Rick Perry the governor of Texas makes Trump look like a front runner. Perry is the guy who said maybe Texas should secede from the United States. If the Republicans think Perry is the answer, then they are in deep trouble. I know the field for the Republicans is bad right now. I mean for God’s sake Gingrich, Bachman, Pawlenty, Cain and my personal favorite Palin. Oh I forgot the Governor of New Jersey Christie. He just took a state helicopter to his son’s baseball game I guess cutting expenses doesn’t apply to things like that. If Republicans embrace Perry, I am sorry to say there isn’t much hope for this country in the future. I mean there has to be better people out there. The more I think about it the way Republicans have been attacking education. I guess they think if they keep people from learning anything their campaign of division and scare tactics will work.
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