Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Ok) Pat Robertson and Glen Beck are defending the person who lost the Presidency in the Ivory Coast last year. This man refuses to leave. Sen. Inhofe claims the election was rigged. The defeated former President is hiding in a bunker at this time. He and his forces have been accused of war crimes. But so has the elected Presidents forces in this bloody conflict. Why is Sen. Inhofe defending this man who lost the election? I hate to say it but religion rears its ugly head again. The Fellowship, also called The Family is a Christian right wing organization that has ties with the loser of the election. This is the organization that Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC), Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) and Rep. Chip Pickering (R-MS) belong to. What do these guys have in common? They all were caught cheating on their wives recently. This organization also has ties to Uganda, and a bill there that would allow the government legally to kill homosexuals.

Why is it that when you belong to an organization like The Family it is okay to do anything you want and never suffer the consequences amongst your peers? Is it that the so called religious people can’t see their own flaws, but sure can tell you about yours?

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