Mike Huckabee saying stupid things about President Obama, and Natalie Portman. Wait it's not his fault it's the fault of the left-wing media for blowing it out of proportion. A TYPICAL HYPOCRITE.
US Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin a Republican, stopped a town hall meeting because the people weren't being respectful. This is the same guy who thought the tea party disruptions of town hall meetings were fine. I guess when they happen to Dem's its okay. HYPOCRITE.
Peter King of New York A Republican is holding hearings on Radical Muslims in the U.S. I guess it's okay if done right. But this is the same guy who supported the Irish Republican Army it was an actual terrorist organization. He defends this by saying they aren't a threat to the U.S. Sorry a terrorist is a terrorist. HYPOCRITE.
Rush Limbaugh denying he ever paid actors to pose as callers to his show. The problem is no one has accused him of doing this. IDIOT.
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