Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The talking heads of that channel were bemoaning the fact that GM was going to build a small car plant in Michigan. They had a conniption fit about the fact that the unions there caused them to file for bankruptcy in the first place. Are these people just stupid or intentionally ignoring the mismanagement of GM management for the last 40 yrs? The union workers didn't make bad investments, or design flawed cars. Management thought they could do anything they wanted. The arrogance of power is not uncommon among the corporate elite. One of the reasons they get away with this stuff because people like those commentators are apologist's for them. As most of you have seen a lot of these corporate CEO's and the like have given themselves retention bonuses. They don't want their key people going somewhere else. These are the same people who have brought ruination on their companies. The union is always a easy scapegoat for them because the financial commentators never seem to see managements indiscretions.

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