Wednesday, August 16, 2017


The people who are twisting themselves in to pretzels trying to defend Trump's stupid racist comment on the Charlotteville's violent march and demonstration are complete and utter fools or they are part of the white pride movement. White pride is also a code for KKK, or Nazism.

The KKK is an organization who terrorized thousands of people over the generations. They lynched many. It is not just blacks, it is Jewish, and Catholic people, and I am sure we can add gay.

The nazi's are responsible for millions and millions of deaths. World War 2 was fought because of them. The nazi's also exterminated millions of people because they thought they were morally superior to them.

Trump said that there was many good people who marched in the marches who didn't agree with them. Sorry to say that anyone that would associate with those people is not a innocent bystander. There is only two reasons for them being there. They are complete idiots or they agree with the philosophy of the nazi's or KKK.

They also want you to believe that they were they to stop the removal of Robert E. Lee's statue. Lee was a traitor to our county who fought to over throw it. He was a slave holder like many of the people of the time, but after the war he also fought against blacks getting the vote. He still thought he was morally superior to them. If it wasn't for Grant's intervention he would have been tried for treason. People say the taking down of the confederate statues is trying to wipe history clean. That is so phony. The history is still there, there is no reason to have monuments to them. I have never seen a statue to Hitler or Mussolini, but we still know the history.

The politicians who are sticking up for Trump have real lack of character and morally are disgusting people. Just because he happens to be of the same party does not mean you shouldn't put country before party.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that; I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

This is the oath that all elected Federal officials take. The operative words in this oath are I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

While watching the last two hearings in Congress, one House of Representatives, and one Senate hearing, I have come to the conclusion that many of the Congressman and Senators have never thought about the oath they have taken, or if they have they are blatantly disregarding it. During the hearings the Republican Senators and Congressman for the most part didn't ask any questions regarding the reason the hearings were being held. Russian intrusion into our election is an attack against this country. The intelligence committees say there is no question that the Russians did it. The Republicans on the committees were only interested in leaks or things that were not related to the inquiry in any form. They paid lip service to the problem, but when it came to investigate. Nothing!

If you are the President wouldn't you want to see that this was investigated, of course that presumes that you were not involved. The actions of the President and the Senators and Congressman suggest they are involved in a cover up. The one thing I know is that cover ups never stand. The truth will come out. The Senators and Congressmen who are trying to deflect and obfuscate are risking their careers and maybe even jail time. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and these people come to their senses and try to get to the bottom of this attack. All they have to do is follow the oath that they swore.

Monday, February 27, 2017


The christian right those so called people with high ethical values who somehow can look the other way when Trump (who I consider a sexual predator), and I am no angel, but this guy is a pig. They have no problem with anything he does. His wife who has nude photographs, which I don't have a problem with, but I am not a phony christian like so many of Trumps voters, they turn a blind eye to that.
The blatant racism of this man is out there for everyone to see, again the christian right turns a blind eye and even tries to justify his actions. His urging his supporters to punch someone, he said he would pay their fines. Of course he never did. The christian right again thinks this is fine. My point in this is that the so called christian right is phony. They have no ethical or moral code other than getting someone who isn't a Democrat elected.

I heard often during the campaign that Trump would act differently if elected. It's pretty obvious that isn't going to happen. He has no idea how to act like a person who represents the United States of America. The entire country. He has no idea that Freedom of the Press is a 1st Amendment right. Come to think of it, the right doesn't really acknowledge the Constitution other than the 2nd Amendment, and then they only know what the NRA tells them to think.

The people who now are complaining about losing their Affordable Health Care refused to believe that the Republicans would come after it, or that these same people would put people in charge of Cabinet departments who really want to dismantle them. Take the Environmental Protection Agency, the put a clown in charge who is going to set back the environment back a hundred years.

The biggest problem I have is that they have no problem with possible collusion with the Russians. They know the Russians have hacked and disseminated material that affected the election. That a lot of Trump's people were in contact with Russian intelligence before the election. I know voters are sometimes loath to admit they were wrong, but sticking you head in the sand isn't what's best for the country. The worst offenders in this are the elected Republican Senators, and Congressman who support Trump and are trying to stop any investigation in his actions.

There are many other things, but I think you get the idea.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


It should be an easy answer, but the Republican Congress doesn't have the right answer. They believe that party comes before country. Lets take Jason Chaffetz of Utah who is chair of a committee that is tasked with investigating wrong doing. He has no intention of looking into General Flynn's possible treason at worse, or incompetence at the least. What could possible be his reason other than it might look bad for Republican's. The fact is that this possible treason could go all through the Trump administration. Everyone knows that if this was a Democrat he would be all over television ranting and raving about how he was going to get to the bottom of it. For those who forgot he spent most of the last 2 years investigating Hillary Clinton to no avail. Other Republican's like the speaker Paul Ryan tried to brush this off because he claimed Trump asked for Flynn's resignation. Of course a Trump spokesman said that Flynn resigned and Trump accepted. If these people have sold this country out to Russia, maybe someone should have the balls to confront them from their own party.

To the people who support these guys, maybe you should quit sticking your heads in the sand and do what is right for the country instead of the party. Register your disgust and ask for the investigation.