The people who are twisting themselves
in to pretzels trying to defend Trump's stupid racist comment on the
Charlotteville's violent march and demonstration are complete and
utter fools or they are part of the white pride movement. White
pride is also a code for KKK, or Nazism.
The KKK is an organization who
terrorized thousands of people over the generations. They lynched
many. It is not just blacks, it is Jewish, and Catholic people, and
I am sure we can add gay.
The nazi's are responsible for millions
and millions of deaths. World War 2 was fought because of them. The
nazi's also exterminated millions of people because they thought they
were morally superior to them.
Trump said that there was many good
people who marched in the marches who didn't agree with them. Sorry
to say that anyone that would associate with those people is not a
innocent bystander. There is only two reasons for them being there.
They are complete idiots or they agree with the philosophy of the
nazi's or KKK.
They also want you to believe that they
were they to stop the removal of Robert E. Lee's statue. Lee was a
traitor to our county who fought to over throw it. He was a slave
holder like many of the people of the time, but after the war he also
fought against blacks getting the vote. He still thought he was
morally superior to them. If it wasn't for Grant's intervention he
would have been tried for treason. People say the taking down of the
confederate statues is trying to wipe history clean. That is so
phony. The history is still there, there is no reason to have
monuments to them. I have never seen a statue to Hitler or
Mussolini, but we still know the history.
The politicians who are sticking up for
Trump have real lack of character and morally are disgusting people.
Just because he happens to be of the same party does not mean you
shouldn't put country before party.