Tuesday, January 26, 2016


The Republicans said at the beginning of this election cycle they had so many great candidates, I think the term they used was “deep bench”. Lets look at some of them.

Donald Trump; The establishment hates him, the moderates hate him. The only group he has in his corner are the crazies. They have flocked to him.

Jeb Bush; Not much to say other than he is an incompetent boob.

Marco Rubio; Honestly how can anyone think this guy is ready for prime time. He is a Senator who doesn't do that job, what makes anyone think he can handle being President?

Ted Cruz; This guy will do and say anything to try an win. He actually just lied about his health care coverage. Not to be trusted in anyway shape or form.

The rest of the clown car are just that clowns.

The Oscar controversy; I'm sorry but this diversity argument is BS. I keep hearing about all these old white guys who make up the academy. Aren't they the same guys who have nominated Wil Smith, Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker, Halle Berry, etc. Their performances warranted a nomination. If your performance or movie doesn't measure up so be it.

Facebook; If you take the time to look at peoples Facebook pages you'll find so many untrue posts. The people who post untrue things could easily find out of they're true, but since it doesn't fit the point they're trying to make they can't be bothered. Recently I saw a picture of Hillary Clinton shaking hands with Osama Bin Laden. The caption was remember this when voting. The picture was absolutely photo-shopped. In fact at one time it had Condoleeza Rice shaking Bin Ladens hand.

Planned Parenthood; The so-called videos showing PP. In a terrible light have actually been debunked, but that doesn't stop the GOP crazies.

Benghazi; The Republicans have spent millions of dollars and found nothing, but they still keep bringing it up. The reason just like the Planned Parenthood videos is to try and play to the right wing loons.

The Flint water crisis; The Governor and his ilk denied it, then they said it wasn't as bad as it was made out to be, then they tried to blame the Flint City Council who actually had no power since the state take over. Now Governor Snyder is trying to blame it on a couple of civil service employees. He also wants the Federal Government to pay for everything, Typical Republican blame everyone and everything. I always thought the Republicans were the party of personal responsibility?