Since Bill O'Reilly and Brian Williams have been in the news lately about how they lied about their experiences for which Williams has stepped down at least temporarily, and the blowhard O'Reilly is still on the air denying he did anything wrong.
I thought I would give my take on why O'Reilly is still on the air. Instead of just looking at O'Reilly's lies lets look at what has happened in the country in the last 50 years. The Republicans decided long ago that the American people are stupid. I don't necessarily believe that, but things that have been worked and fought for are taken for granted now days. Civil rights is the most obvious. If you look at what has happened with voting rights you know what I mean. The Supreme Court says everything is fine now. We all know that is wrong, but the Republicans embrace it. Is it because they are all racists or do they see the advantage of keeping minorities from voting? The answer is a combination of both.
They have bought into the theory that white people are being oppressed. Take the fraternity in Oklahoma that was singing their racist song. These students in this fraternity have probably been singing this song for awhile and probably a lot of other people knew it. As far as I know no one did anything, they just tolerated it and gave those students a pass, all that does is embolden those students and people like them.
The dismantling of the labor movement is happening for the same reason. People think that there are laws on the books that will protect them. They are living in a fantasy world. If they have been paying attention they should know that the Republicans have been trying to dismantle (OSHA) the Occupation Safety Health Administration. They have also tried do away with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) both organizations that look out for working people. Unions are just another group that has to go because they look out for working people, especially when it comes to health and welfare. It's almost like we're going back to the 1800's when business ran everything and workers had no say what so ever. The Republican Senators especially, are almost totally bought and paid for by big business I don't give the national Democratic party a pass on this. They seem to have been if not complicit at least passive a lot of times. Back when Governor Scott Walker first went after public sector labor unions, I don't remember any Washington D.C. Democrats showing up to lend support to the unions. Again, all they do is embolden these people.
We have the global warming deniers who parrot the fringe element and when pressed will say that all the people who say global warming is real are making it up or fiddling with the data. They have gone so far as the Governor of Florida who wants all the officials in that state not to use the term global warming. If you don't say it it can't be real. It's called the ostrich's head in the sand defense. I don't think the majority of the people actually believe these crazy things, but they don't protest, they don't vote. They think that their lives are fine so they don't take things seriously.
This brings me back to O'Reilly. I know he is a liar and for my money always has been. But the people who support and watch him and his phony news channel don't think he has lied. They buy everything he says because he has made them believe that they are the victim. Is it because a lot of these people are so-called Christians who won't believe in anything that they can't justify in the Bible? Global Warming, union rights and voting rights are not mentioned in the Bible so they can't be very important.
I realize that most of he people here are involved, and take part, but there is a huge sector of society that doesn't who actually believe in the same things we do. There has to be a bigger focus in showing these people what is happening to our country and eventually to them.
I thought I would give my take on why O'Reilly is still on the air. Instead of just looking at O'Reilly's lies lets look at what has happened in the country in the last 50 years. The Republicans decided long ago that the American people are stupid. I don't necessarily believe that, but things that have been worked and fought for are taken for granted now days. Civil rights is the most obvious. If you look at what has happened with voting rights you know what I mean. The Supreme Court says everything is fine now. We all know that is wrong, but the Republicans embrace it. Is it because they are all racists or do they see the advantage of keeping minorities from voting? The answer is a combination of both.
They have bought into the theory that white people are being oppressed. Take the fraternity in Oklahoma that was singing their racist song. These students in this fraternity have probably been singing this song for awhile and probably a lot of other people knew it. As far as I know no one did anything, they just tolerated it and gave those students a pass, all that does is embolden those students and people like them.
The dismantling of the labor movement is happening for the same reason. People think that there are laws on the books that will protect them. They are living in a fantasy world. If they have been paying attention they should know that the Republicans have been trying to dismantle (OSHA) the Occupation Safety Health Administration. They have also tried do away with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) both organizations that look out for working people. Unions are just another group that has to go because they look out for working people, especially when it comes to health and welfare. It's almost like we're going back to the 1800's when business ran everything and workers had no say what so ever. The Republican Senators especially, are almost totally bought and paid for by big business I don't give the national Democratic party a pass on this. They seem to have been if not complicit at least passive a lot of times. Back when Governor Scott Walker first went after public sector labor unions, I don't remember any Washington D.C. Democrats showing up to lend support to the unions. Again, all they do is embolden these people.
We have the global warming deniers who parrot the fringe element and when pressed will say that all the people who say global warming is real are making it up or fiddling with the data. They have gone so far as the Governor of Florida who wants all the officials in that state not to use the term global warming. If you don't say it it can't be real. It's called the ostrich's head in the sand defense. I don't think the majority of the people actually believe these crazy things, but they don't protest, they don't vote. They think that their lives are fine so they don't take things seriously.
This brings me back to O'Reilly. I know he is a liar and for my money always has been. But the people who support and watch him and his phony news channel don't think he has lied. They buy everything he says because he has made them believe that they are the victim. Is it because a lot of these people are so-called Christians who won't believe in anything that they can't justify in the Bible? Global Warming, union rights and voting rights are not mentioned in the Bible so they can't be very important.
I realize that most of he people here are involved, and take part, but there is a huge sector of society that doesn't who actually believe in the same things we do. There has to be a bigger focus in showing these people what is happening to our country and eventually to them.