Sunday, April 27, 2014


This is something that I had printed in a local newspaper.

For the last 6 years writers to this paper decry the Obama administration. They very seldom have any facts to backup their assertions. They use innuendo, and rumors from unreliable sources. They call his administration Socialist or Communist. They question his citizenship, and his religion. They call him a dictator. They have every right to espouse their conspiracy theories. The thing is, this has been an ongoing tactic of the conservatives. President Kennedy's administration was denounced on the house floor by a Congressman from Texas as assuming “almost unlimited power” and using “dictatorial tactics” to those used in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Kennedy was accused of being soft on communism, deferring to the Vatican because he was Catholic, being a bigamist, his war record was questioned. A popular radio show of the time said Kennedy by Executive Orders which bypass Congress has already created a body of laws to transform our Republic into a dictatorship. By-the-way the man who questioned the separation of church and state because Kennedy was Catholic became president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and a founder of the “Religious Right”, but when Reagan became president he thought separation of church and state was a figment of someone's imagination. Even the opposition to the Affordable Care Act uses the same arguments they used in their opposition to the enactment of Medicare. They claimed as they do now death panels would be created, and liberty lost. Does all of this sound familiar? Their arguments are as phony now as they were 50 years ago.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Cliven Bundy who has been in the news for the last few weeks, and the people who support him including a lot of the tea-party and republican shills on television got me to thinking what is wrong with these people. I came across a quote by Hubert Humphrey, former Vice-President of the United States who summed up these people pretty well. This quote is about 50 yrs. Old, but it fits perfectly into today's culture.

Whole communities “ can be affected with emotional instability, frustrations, and irrational behavior... that emotional instability that affects a significant, but small minority in our midst that some call extreme right, they still see the world in total black and white. They are still substituting dogma for creative thought. They are angry fearful, deeply and fundamentally disturbed by the world around them.”

I am sorry to say that these kinds of people will always be with us, but there is no reason that they be lionized like the right-wing pundits are doing. People might die, then the same people who lionized and pushed these people to greater anarchy will deny they ever had anything to do with it.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


I was listening to a sports talk show this morning when they played the spontaneous singing of the national anthem that happened last year at the Boston Garden the day after the bombing at the marathon. It is emotional to this day and makes you proud. That got me thinking about one of the stories in the news. This so called cattleman from Nevada who says he doesn't recognize the United States government. He is being promoted by Sean Hannity as a hero of some sort. All he is is a freeloading lunatic. He doesn't want to pay grazing fees for his cattle that graze on federal land. Hannity who claims he loves this country and blames President Obama for everything that happens including his dandruff, takes the side of a man who is a criminal. If someone dies in this standoff I personally am going to blame Hannity, and I hope the officials in this country do to. Hannity and this cattleman are two peas in a pod. Blowhards of the highest order.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


What is it with this clown? He professes to be a man of God, in fact in his sick mind God talks to him regularly. He asked on his show today for God to “deliver” the US from President Obama before it's to late. This man should be arrested for promoting violence against the President. Some of the sheep that listen to this kook will take him literally. I wish I could say that he is an anomaly, but this sick outlook on life seems to run rampant with Southern Baptists.