Friday, February 28, 2014


Setting aside the bigoted and the down right stupid tea party people. Why do the so-called main stream Republicans detest everyone else in the country that doesn't serve their purposes? The GOP is against just about everything that makes this country great. Health care for all. Against it. Extended unemployment benefits. Against it. Food Stamps for needy people. Against it. Minimum wage. Against it. Everyone has a vote. Against it. Environmental regulations to protect society. Against it. Veterans benefits. Against it. Government that works. Against it. There are plenty of other things they're against. What do these things have in common? They benefit the majority of people in this country. The only thing the GOP are for is businesses having no regulations, and the 1% running the country to serve themselves. The thing that is so sad is that so many people in this country have bought into this demented outlook. I have so much trouble understanding how a lot of these incompetent people get re-elected. I think that most people don't even know what's going on in this country. They work hard, and don't have the time to pay attention until election time, and they listen to the ads on TV which in general have no basis in reality. The GOP has come to realize this, and can lie with no real consequences. There are news outlets who go along with lies, and in some cases put them out themselves. The news networks have become arms of businesses for the most part, and ignore most of this stuff. When is the last time you have heard a major network news organization focus on the lies? The same discredited people are commenting on most of this stuff. Newt Gingrich; Bill Kristol, George Will, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz etc. All documented liars.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


All over the news for the last year has been stories about food stamp cuts; minimum wage increase, health insurance, and pay inequality. All of these things should be talked about, but why does union organizing and the benefits of unions get no time on the air? Unions would solve a lot of these other problems with better pay, and health insurance for its workers. The only time unions get mentioned is when they are brought up negatively. The same old kinnard from the GOP about union dues. We all know the reason why the GOP is trying to kill unions. Then they have no one on the other side with any money to oppose them. A perfect example of these GOP haters are Bob Corker a Republican Senator from Tennessee who in my opinion lied about what Volkswagen was going to do in the recent election to unionize the VW plant in his state. He said he has been "assured" that if workers at the Volkswagen AG plant in his hometown of Chattanooga reject United Auto Worker representation, the company will reward the plant with a new product to build.

The Governor of Tennessee another Republican also threatened to with hold tax incentives to a plant that was unionized. Mr. Corker should be made to tell who in the company told him the story he put out. If he can't or won't he should be expelled from the United States Senate. Then there is Nikki Haley the Republican Governor of South Carolina who said "make the unions understand full well that they are not needed, not wanted and not welcome in the state of South Carolina” These people's only concern is that they can keep the workers of their respective state working for as little as possible, they do this to serve their corporate masters. Workers don't mean anything to these people, and any person who would turn away jobs because the employees might make a decent living are beneath contempt.

Friday, February 21, 2014


The other day I posted about military misbehavior. Today a retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin said that The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 it says when he comes back. Okay so far so good. But he goes on to say that he checked this out, which I have trouble understanding because the General is probably not in touch with the lord. He states that I believe that sword he'll be carrying when he comes back is an AR-15 and if you don't have one go get one, You're supposed to have one. It's biblical. This crackpot served in the military for many years. You can't tell me that no one knew that this guy was and still is crazy. There have been several generals who have gone off the deep end when it comes to religion. They should have been booted out of the service at the first sign of this nonsense. On a related matter Tom Delay the ex-congressman from Texas said that God wrote the Constitution. I guess again that he is in touch with the lord and must have been told that James Madison was really God. The problem with these nuts is that many people actually believe this stuff.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This is the same Republican clown from Arkansas who wondered how many Boston liberals were hiding under their beds wishing they had an AR-15 during the Boston marathon bombing. I don't know if this yokel is trying to put himself at the head of the list of ignorant GOP lawmakers, but he's giving it a shot. During a debate about a proposed Medicaid expansion bill in his state. He said “we're trying to create a barrier to enrollment.” I guess the whole idea in his mind is let as many people as possible go without any medical insurance, which means to most no health care at all. Typical Republican jerk.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


There was a headline today about soldiers leaving army due to misconduct on the rise. If you have been paying attention to the news for awhile there has been a string of general officers that have had to resign for differing reasons including drugs or sexual misconduct. Having served in the army it is not hard to understand that officers and the enlisted have problems. The thing that has happened it seems to me is that in especially the officers corp this kind of behavior slowly became tolerated, sort of like what happened in the Catholic Church. The pedophile epidemic didn't just happen over night. It was overlooked and tolerated by the hierarchy, and some of these pedophiles rose in the church they accepted this culture and even condoned it. The same thing has happened in the military. You don't have sexual deviants, and drug users just pop up. Their fellow brethren knew they were there but over looked their behavior. I am not sure how this is going to be cleaned up, but for this country's sake it better be. Just because these people have risen to a high level they should not be treated with kid gloves, but booted out of the service.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


In Tennessee Republican lawmakers are threatening to withhold tax incentives for a Volkswagen automotive plant. Why you may ask? The lawmakers are up in arms that the workers might decide to join the United Auto Workers union a move that V.W. Is in favor of. I guess the Republicans think people shouldn't be able to make their own decisions.

In South Dakota Republican lawmakers blocked a measure that would have allowed state voter's to vote on if they wanted the state to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, which 63% if the people of that state want. The Republicans have decided that the people shouldn't have a say in their own lives. They know best because they say so.

In Wisconsin the Club for Growth is suing to stop a state investigation of the 2011&2012 recall elections. They say their right to free speech, free assembly, and equal protection under the law is being infringed on. The investigation is looking into a illegal coordination between the Club for Growth and the Republican candidates that were running for office. I guess if I had something to hide I'd be worried too.

In Kansas Republican Senator Pat Roberts won't release details about how much time

he actually spends in state seeing that the good Senator doesn't actually maintain a home there. I can see why he might be a little nervous about it.

These people are the people who claim that voter fraud is rampant, and unions are destroying this country. My take on this is that these people and people like them are destroying this country in the name of a political philosophy that is morally bankrupt.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Rand Paul “Doesn't deserve to be in the United States Senate” Peter King a fellow Republican stated that because Rand Paul lied about the National Security Agency. He went on to say “Paul is really spreading fear among the American people.”In fact Paul condones lying he just calls it by another name. He stated “misinformation works” I'm sorry, untruth is lying, of course a well documented plagiarist like Paul who has no problem stealing other peoples work and claiming it for himself has to justify his actions some how. One of Paul’s other problems is his propensity to hire racists to work for him. The latest is the so-called “Southern Avenger” who thought it was okay that President Lincoln was assassinated. Or his Senate campaign spokesman who made racist comments about lynching. Paul tried to use his misinformation tactic to justify their actions. In fact Paul’s father Ron has published newsletters with racist overtones. Ron Paul says he didn't actually know what was in his newsletters that had his name at the head of. I guess he taught his son the misinformation tactic. When caught in something just lie, because that is what it is. My point in all of this is why anyone would pay any attention to anything this scum-bag has to say.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


A week or two ago a billionaire Tom Perkins went on about the 1% were being victimized by the other 99% and tried to compare his kind to the Jews of Nazi Germany. Well here comes another goof Sam Zell he said he agrees with Mr. Perkins, but he takes it a step further. He says the 1% work harder than the rest of us. I would suggest Mr. Zell get his head out of his ass and actually find out how hard the working class works in this country,. The place I work especially in the summer work 12 hr. days in 100 degree heat 6 days a week. You come home from work without any energy, but you still have to fix the things that need fixing and spend quality time with your family, so don't tell me the rest of us don't work hard. I have no problem with the 1% having more money, but don't tell me you work harder and are more deserving.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Haley Barbour is a bigot and an idiot. When he was going to run for President he said in defense of the racist Citizen Councils of the 50's and 60's. “ I don't remember it as being that bad” doesn't that remind you of the old bigot from Duck Dynasty who said “ I never with my eyes saw the mistreatment of any black person.” According to these two guys when you are the ones not being mistreated I guess everything is all right with the world that you live in. As for being an idiot he tries to demean the mayor of Hoboken N.J. By calling her that LADY Mayor several times like that has anything to do with her story about what happened with the Christie administration and Sandy funds for her city. He also stated that the media is exaggerating the story about the bridge problems in N. J. that the Christie administration is involved in again saying everything is exaggerated. I have a question for him. How does he know these things? Maybe the U.S. Attorney should pay him a visit to find out. Finally he is blaming MSNBC for exaggerating the problems that were caused in Georgia because of the snow storm. He said that the Governor took responsibility for his failure to do anything, unlike President Obama, and Hillary Clinton. It's like a dog whistle for the GOP. Blame everything on the media and compare it to some made up conspiracy.