I really tried hard to ignore the old
guy from Duck Dynasty. It came down to the fact that so many of the
right-wing goofs are all in agreement with this guy, but they try to
hide their agreement under the guise of Freedom of Speech. A person
can say what they want. This has nothing to do with Freedom of
Speech. This old bigot can say what he wants. It has to do with if
other people can disagree with him. So many bigots, racists and
misogynists hide their hatred for people who are not like them in
religious scripture. I have yet to figure out how these people can
think they know what Jesus meant, especially when Jesus didn't write
the bible, and the passages in there are all over the place. My
favorite is Exodus 21:22 When men have a fight and hurt a pregnant
woman, so that she suffers a miscarriage, but no further injury, the
guilty one shall be fined as much as the woman's husband demands of
him. My take on that is that the unborn fetus's only value is the
money they can get for it. Back to the point. Racist's and haters
of all sorts will always be with us. That doesn't mean we as a
society have to accept their rants. If the people employing them want
to disassociate with them and their views, that is their right too.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
To follow up on my last post. Out
going mayor 'Michael Bloomberg when asked about a homeless 11 yr. Old
girl said “this kid was dealt a bad hand. I don't know quite why.
That's just the way God works...
Jack Kingston (R. GA) said that poor
children should have to sweep cafeteria floors so they can get a free
lunch at school. Maybe the well-to-do kids can have them do their
homework and maybe wash their clothes for them.
Stephen Fincher (R.TN.) tried to say he
was against food stamps. Of course he has no problem accepting almost
9 million dollars in farm subsides over the past decade. I guess
that is okay in his mind because he is a maker instead of a taker.
This compassionate conservatism at
work. The only thing these kind of people care about is themselves.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
If you want to know what's wrong with
the United States listen to this clown from Forbes magazine spout
some of the worst thinking I have ever heard. On the Daily Show
John Tamny stated that food stamps are cruel. He went on to say if
he was in charge he would stop the entire program. When asked what
he'd do about the people who were without food he stated that when
people saw children with distended stomachs suffering from
malnutrition that there would be a huge increase in charitable
donations to feed these people, of course it might be too late for a
lot of them. He also stated that it's better to be poor in this
country than any other country. I wonder why that is. It could have
something to do with the fact that this country tries to look out for
the needy. He also stated that he knows of no program that is
trying to help poor and hungry people in this country, He seems to
have forgotten the program that he wants to do away with. If you
call yourself religious or for that matter you call yourself a human
being and subscribe to this theory you should pray to the God you
believe in for forgiveness and hope that God is more caring that
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Have you ever noticed when the GOP does
or says something stupid. I'm sorry whenever the GOP opens their
respective mouths they always seem to say something stupid. When they
do however they never say it's their fault. Lets take Rand Paul. He
got caught stealing other peoples writings, but of course that wasn't
his fault. That was the haters and hacks attacking him. When
O'Reilly or Meygan Kelly or Limbaugh, or anyone at fox says anything
about anything and they get called out on it it's either race-baiting
or class warfare. These people can not take responsibility for
anything because they're so smart and the rest of us are ignorant. A
senator from Nebraska Mike Johanns got on the Senate floor and tried
to equate his inability to block every judicial nominee of the
President to the fight to end slavery. These people are living in a
universe far far away.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Rob Ford the mayor to Toronto had the
gall to run down Obamacare. What does he know about it. He is from
a different country. Well maybe not according to the tea party
people who believe Canada is really a part of the United States,
because Ted Cruz was born there. The mayor went on to say he never
offered to buy a tape showing him smoking crack calling it an
outright lie. He has such a great track record of truth. He denied
he ever smoked crack too.
Rick Santourm is at it again. The
first question I have is why his opinion means anything. He is not in
office, and I am willing to bet he never will be again, sort of like
Newt Gingrich another clown making a living lying about anything he
can that will make him a buck. Santourm said that Mandela's fight
against apartheid is the same kind of fight the GOP is waging to stop
Obamacare. I honestly have come to the believe these people are
completely crazy.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
The loser governor of Wisconsin Scott
Walker's campaign sent out a e-mail asking people to forgo Christmas
presents for their children. Instead he wants them to donate money
to Walker's campaign. This is the most pathetic thing I think I have
ever heard. This is a guy who claims to be all about the kids. The
e-mail says donate to him so his children and grandchildren have
economic prosperity, improved schools and freedom from Government
Lets think about that. This
Governor has turned down federal money for medicare and doesn't want
the people of his state to have health insurance, unless you have
plenty of money to start with. He attacks teachers at every turn.
These are the people who are trying to educate the children he claims
to care about. I guess the only thing he doesn't want for the
children is health, good teachers, and a real childhood.
The people of Wisconsin have
to wake up and get rid of this guy.
Friday, November 22, 2013
In the last election I had my dream team for the Republicans. Michelle Bachmann and Governor Perry from Texas. This was tongue and cheek just because Bachmann is completely crazy, and Perry is stupid as a rock. to my chagrin Romney and Ryan got the nod. I know it's early but I think my new dream team is going to be Rand Paul, and Steve King of Iowa. This was a hard choice because there are so many people in the Republican party who are scrambling to the lowest common denominator. I know this is a blanket statement, but from what I can tell most Republicans are not interested in the welfare of the country or the people in it, unless you're are wealthy and in big business or banking.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
It’s amazing how stores like Wal-Mart, K-Mart and the like
put money ahead of everything. Forcing
people to work Thanksgiving to satisfy their greed is despicable. They have no problem using their employee’s
regardless of what it does to family time.
They don’t pay their employee’s a living wage, but that‘s not good
enough maybe they can destroy Thanksgiving for these people as well.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
You would expect that kind of excuse from a 2nd
grader, but not from a sitting United States Senator. Rand Paul (R-KY) is the person in
question. He has been caught plagiarizing
a part of a lot of his speeches and op-ed articles. First he wouldn't acknowledge it, and then he blamed the people
pointing out his plagiarism. He called
those people “hacks and haters” What you see from Rand Paul is a petulant
little person who won’t admit when he’s wrong, and not as smart as he thinks he
is. He thinks other people are stupid, and he has to lead them down the right
path in life. Basically he’s unethical, and immoral.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
I’ve been sitting back the last few weeks watching the GOP
led shutdown of the government and the threatened default of the government on
its debt. What amazed me is the clowns
in the House of Representatives who brought this on, and then tried to blame
President Obama for the shutdown.
Michelle Bachman said it was one of the happy days of her life when she
voted to shut down the government. Of
course her decisions are based on her delusion that God talks to her, and tells
her what to do. One of the talking
points of the GOP was fairness. They
claimed they wanted everyone treated the same. When has the GOP ever cared
about anyone besides themselves? My
congressman Sean Duffy, who said that he finds it hard to get by on his salary
of $180,000 a year voted to let the government default. I guess he really doesn’t care about fairness
when Social Security and Veterans benefits were cut off; all the while he’s
getting paid. The other thing driving me
nuts is the attention being paid to Sen. Ted Cruz. When you have an
obstructionist, and egotist, ignore him.
He only wants attention. He doesn’t
care a bit about this country of its people.
Finally how do people who watched this debacle still think those GOP
losers are heroes? It’s like they only
read the crazy peoples letters to the editor and watch Fox News, they must all
be drinking the same contaminated Kool-aid.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
What President said “They talk loudly of deficits, and
Socialism, but they do not have a single job-creating program of their own, and
they oppose the efforts we are making”?
You would probably say President Obama, but it was President Kennedy 50
years ago. It goes to show that the
Republicans never change their tune.
They know one line and they stick to it, because they are without ideas
of their own. In my opinion they want to
see America in depression, and all that entails. The scariest thing is that they can convince
people all the gibberish they spew is right.
If people took the time to look at history they would find these people
on the wrong side most of the time.
Friday, August 30, 2013
The tea party/Republican party’s hypocrisy was never more evident when it was found out that Sen. Ted Cruz the darling of the tea party was born in Canada to an American mother and Canadian father. There is a tea party woman who has been raving for years that President Obama is not an American, and constitutionally can’t be President. Why you may ask? She claims that President Obama’s mother who is American married a man who wasn’t, and she claims he was born in that foreign country. Of course this has been proven false. When questioned about the similarity of Cruz’s situation and the President she said she doesn’t think of Canada as foreign soil, so it’s okay that Cruz runs for President. It just shows the alternative universe these kinds of people live in. The only thing real to them is their prejudices and hate. Facts don’t matter. They lie at every turn, and then say it was taken out of context if questioned. They just move on to the next made up conspiracy. Time to ignore these loons.
Friday, August 2, 2013
The media in this country are not doing their jobs. They are fixated on sex. Whether it’s gay marriage, which is basically a battle won, or their obsession with Anthony Weiner of New York. Weiner’s fate will be decided by the voter’s like it should be. The mayor of San Diego, Filner who is accused of groping women should be impeached or forced to resign or left in office. It’s up to the people of San Diego. Where the press is dropping the ball is in the cases of Governor Bob McDonald of Virginia who wants to tell you how to live your life, and claims to be a good Christian. He has been caught taking money and gifts from a con-man, which at first he denied taking, but now he says he will pay it back. This guy should be indicted and put in jail for taking bribes. How about the Governor of North Carolina a man who lied to the people when he said he wouldn’t sign any new antiabortion laws before the election and then does sign one. Why aren’t the news people pointing out the hypocrisy, and illegal things they are doing? This goes back to Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin and his acolytes who stripped public unions of some of their rights. Tom Brokaw of all people said the people of Wisconsin shouldn’t be surprised because Walker campaigned saying he would do that. Walker never campaigned on that. Brokaw and people like him didn’t do their homework. The news networks and newspapers are in the pockets of big business. Of course there are exceptions. There are people who are trying to investigate, but they are being drowned out by the company line.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
There was a rally against immigration yesterday. The GOP loony fringe was out in force. Michelle Bachmann; Louis Gohmert, Steve King, Dana Rohrabacher and Glen Beck. Beck is the only one who knows what he’s doing. He is making money off the crazies. The GOP congressmen who talked have never found a conspiracy they didn’t like. They’re the ones who along with the so-called religious leaders who believe President Obama is the anti-Christ, or a plant of the communists, or socialists or the fascists, whoever is in vogue that day. My problem with these people is really not their fault. It’s the fault of the people who elect these clowns. Are the people who vote for them stupid, or do they just not care about this country?
Friday, May 10, 2013
If you have been watching the Jodi Arias trial on television you may or may not have seen the parallels in Jodi Arias’s version of the truth and the Republican’s in congress version of the truth. I think the loony right-wing talking heads which includes Fox News make the decisions for the Republican Congressmen. Arias were convicted of pre-meditated murder even though her version of the truth was laughable. She did so much damage to other people with her lies and she shows no remorse what so ever. The Republican’s with their constant un-truths and suppositions are doing harm to this country and they don’t care if they hurt this country. They don’t believe facts because they don’t fit into their distorted version of reality. Denying the truth doesn’t make it false.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
This has been bothering me for quite awhile. Why do the networks pay any attention to Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsay Graham? McCain is constantly on the Sunday news programs spouting stupid things along with Graham. They are always trying to get us into more wars. Neither one has a clue on what we should do, but there all for committing our military to more peril. McCain has been living off the fact that he was shot down in Vietnam and held prisoner for years. That fact doesn’t make him an expert on military matters, which obviously he is not. Graham is just a cipher.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine? #2A
— Nate Bell (@NateBell4AR) April 19, 2013
— Nate Bell (@NateBell4AR) April 19, 2013
This is a tweet by some clown from Arkansas who would have been the first one hiding under his bed with his gun. Big mouth no guts!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Steve King the crazy Republican congressman from Iowa is upset because he hasn’t been invited to be a part of the Immigration talks. He doesn’t understand that even his fellow Republican’s think he is nuts. This guy wants to be a Senator from Iowa, and I am sure he thinks he should be President. Fact is he’s loony.
Friday, March 1, 2013
In the last few years the Republican’s in Congress try to outdo each other to see who can be the most obnoxious and disgusting person in the party. This Congress has at least two new contenders. Congressman Stockman of Texas and Senator Ted Cruz also of Texas. Stockman is the clown who brought Ted Nugent to the State of the Union address. Now he’s trying to say the White House is manipulating the people who are sending to his office, via Twitter, that they want background checks and gun show loop holes closed when buying guns. This guy just seems like he’s a little crazy. He fits right in with the house GOP. Ted Cruz is a different kind of person. He is a threat to this country. He Accused Chuck Hagel of being in bed with Iran. He has no proof of such a thing, but he thinks its okay to lie and slander people to fit his warped sense of what it is to be an American. Honor is lost on him. If you watch him when he talks he looks like one of those discredited evangelists’ of the past, with the same smirk on his face, like he’s the chosen one to lead us out of the wilderness.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Have you ever seen a more outrageous spectacle than the GOP? First you had the embarrassment of Rand Paul trying to intimidate Hillary Clinton, and then you had Ted Nugent at the State of The Union speech, Marco Rubio’s laughable speech, and the filibuster of Hagel for Secretary of Defense. These people do not care about this country they are in some cases nuts and in others trying to protect big business, and still others like John McCain, and Lindsay Graham that were once important people and now are just angry people who have no place else to go and still want to think they matter.
Friday, January 25, 2013
During Hillary Clinton’s testimony on Wednesday about
Benghazi the GOP embarrassed themselves especially the Sen. from Kentucky Rand
Paul. The President has proposed mental
health checks for gun buyers; I would suggest that Mr. Paul and some of his colleagues
be examined. There is no way they could pass a mental health test.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Republicans have this way of making up stories to fit any crazy conspiracy theory or political point they are trying to make, as evidenced with the attack on Hillary Clinton. She must be faking an illness so she doesn’t have testify about the Benghazi debacle. Clinton fell and hit her head which resulted in a concussion, now the doctors have found a blood clot in her head. The Republicans said she made all this up. If anyone thinks Hillary Clinton is afraid of these small minded and closed mined people they are crazier than I thought. The other thing just happened. The house failed to bring up the relief bill for the folks hurt by Superstorm Sandy. One of the Republican stooges on Fox News said it was Obama’s fault that it wasn’t brought up. Even my dog knows this is crazy, too bad the people who listen to these whackos don’t know that.
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