Friday, September 21, 2012


For the last couple of weeks there has been a political commercial running where Mitt Romney is giving a talk and standing behind him are coal miners that look like they support him.  It has become known that those miners were not there voluntarily. The owner of the mine a big Romney backer told his workers to be there.  The owner said it was mandatory for them to be there.   When the owner was asked about that he said yes it was mandatory but they didn't have to go.  The word mandatory means compulsory. I am sure the workers that didn't support Romney would have faced consequences if they hadn't shown up.  Why is it that Romney and his minions can't be honest about anything?

Friday, September 14, 2012


I don't know about all the  people who have ran for President. I do know about the one's in my lifetime. Mitt Romney is by far the most unprepared and  unworthy person to run for the leader of the free world.  If we want to be the laughing stock of the world elect him.  The thing is after awhile with him in office no one will be laughing. He will destroy this country with his ignorance and his arrogance. Why do people who support this kind of  guy always look for the least qualified person instead of the best? President is the hardest job in the world, and anyone who doubts it is a fool.

Friday, September 7, 2012


I have to repeat myself. been harping on Mitt Romney as not being honest because when it’s pointed out that he said something untruthful he just keeps on repeating it anyway.  It could be a Mormon thing.  It’s okay to lie about or to someone as long as it isn’t another Mormon.  Now we have Paul Ryan. His acceptance speech was full of misstatement or as I like to call them lies. The scariest thing about that is when these things were pointed out a spokesman said we are not going to let facts dictate our campaign.  I guess if you have to lie to win the White House they think that is okay. Ask yourself this question. If they lie now what will they lie about in the future?