Tuesday, March 27, 2012


A week or two ago I found myself agreeing with Pat Robertson when he said marijuana should be legalized.  I said at the time I was uncomfortable about agreeing with him.  Since then he has affirmed my believe that this guy is completely and totally nuts.  A gay guy called him, and he had this to say about being gay. He is obsessed. He has a compulsion. I would think that it is somehow related to demonic possession…"  Before that he thought the Denver Broncos would be served right if Peyton Manning their new quarterback got hurt, because their replacing God’s Quarterback Tim Tebow. Hopefully I won't have to agree with this loon again.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Randy Hopper one of the state senators that were recalled in Wisconsin also got arrested for drunken driving later the same year.  Mr. Hopper being a good Republican who as a party preach taking responsibility for oneself and quit blaming others, what do you think he does when he goes to trial for the drunken driving charge, take responsibility?   No, Mr. Hopper says the unions and the people who had him recalled are responsible for this phony charge.  This is a typical creep who has no morals or ethics and when he can blame someone else for his bad behavior he does.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


In a conspiracy worthy of the crazy Republicans in this country, Syrian television has figured out that a soccer player by the name of Lionel Messi who plays for Barcelona is signaling arms smuggling routes with the way he kicks the ball in games.  I am sure the Republicans can go back in history and look at baseball games in the late fifties and early sixties and see that there was a conspiracy between some team  because they were signally that some Kenyan  was born  that was going to be President and they needed to forge a birth certificate.  This could be the reason that the birther controversy is back as a talking point for some Republicans.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have come to the conclusion that most Republicans have no idea what is happening in their party. They have so many conspiracy theories, and religious zealotry being promulgated by their representatives it is unbelievable.  They have decided to debase women at every turn, they still believe in the birther conspiracy, they want to do away with any safety net for this country, and of course they want to do away with labor unions.  Does anyone actually think they care about the people in this? They want to negate labors power and money when it comes fighting their handouts to business.   My real concern is that if they actually take control of government it will take decades to undo the damage they are going to cause.  So Republicans wake up and start standing up for your party and its real values.  

Monday, March 19, 2012


Craig Dubow the former CEO of  Gannett the owner of at least 80 newspapers around the country received a 32 million dollar severance when he retired with health concerns. What did this guy do to deserve that kind of compensation?  Stock prices fell from 72 dollars to 10, revenues dropped 1.7 billion dollars, and he laid off 20,000 employees. When times get tough guys like him say we have to cut cut cut. He lays off people, makes people work longer hours for less pay.  When they say shared sacrifice they mean everyone but them. It reminds me of the company I worked for.  They put us into bankruptcy, and then they treat themselves to a retention bonus, when they come out of bankruptcy another bonus, then when the company is sold they get a huge buy out. These people wonder why the regular people are starting to be so upset.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I find myself in the awkward position of agreeing with something Pat Robertson the old self-proclaimed evangelist said.  He is for the legalization of pot. I have been an advocate of legalization for years.  First let me say that I don’t use any drug of any sort including alcohol.  Pot is used casually by millions of people.  Why criminalize a drug that is being used, and isn’t going to be stopped by anything we do as a society.  If you want to put an age limit on it that's fine. We could use the same laws that are used for alcohol today.  The money saved in enforcement would be tremendous and I am sure there would be taxes on the sale of pot. This money could go to treatment or anything the state wants.  I am not sure Mr. Robertson is serious, because a man like him usually has an ulterior motive, but for now let’s take him at face value.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Eric Bolling the goof from Fox News is at it again. This is the guy who thought the new Muppets movie was a conspiracy to brain wash our children to hate big business, and he is the guy who said there were no terrorist attacks on the United States between 2000 and 2008.  His new conspiracy is that the Sandra Fluke controversy was all a plot by President Obama to mess with the GOP.  My question for this loon is how the left got Rush Limbaugh to take part? You would think the eventually Fox News would actually face reality, and the people who support the GOP would demand better from their party.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


What’s in the water in Minnesota?  Some of the elected officials are flat out crazy.  Everyone knows about Michele Bachmann.  Now we have Mary Franson.  She is a state representative.  She compared people who get food stamps to feeding wild animals. I am almost positive this is the same women who I met in a state capitol visit early last year.  She was meeting with a bunch of labor people and she has the nerve to tell us that state jobs are not real jobs.  Her reaction when confronted by some of those people in our midst was priceless.  She must have thought we were going to bow down to her superior mental abilities. After a state prison guard asked her what a prison guard does, and why doesn’t she think that is a real job she had absolutely nothing to say and said she was needed somewhere else, and slithered out of the room.  A typical answer from a Republican know nothing. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The Laurens County Republican Party in South Carolina has probably done the stupidest and funniest thing.  They have decided you have to sign a 28 point pledge to be part of their group. They are against all the standard things Republicans rail against, but they also want you to have abstained from sex before marriage, and you should never cheat on your spouse.  The funny part is that they say you can’t look at porn after you sign the pledge.  I guess you can look at all the porn you want before that.  They say they can’t force anyone to sign, but they will try and vet you before they allow you to run as a Republican.  If you don’t know what vet means. It means they are going to snoop into your background especially your sex life or lack thereof.  I am glad we have the sex police at work for the Republicans  because they need them.

Monday, March 5, 2012


I have been listening to the GOP self-destruct in the recent months.  I can’t help but wonder why, are this people that out of touch with the majority of the country, or does the money they are getting from the extremely wealthy play a role? They have taken a   delight in trying to making women second class citizens again.  The poor and the middle class are just after thoughts. I understand people can have different ideas about how things should go, but these racist misogynistic Republicans have taken it to the extreme. The real question for me is why anyone that is going to vote would actually vote for these mentally disturbed unethical jerks.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


A Catholic priest in Gaithersburg, MD.  denied the daughter of a deceased woman holy communion at the woman’s funeral mass, because she was gay.  The priest didn’t come to the gravesite. I am so sick of these so called men of God. They have double standards for anyone they don’t agree with.  This priest takes the cake. This gay woman is a devout catholic and should have been treated with respect at this emotional time.  Priests are not God, but they seem to think they are at times.  They have no credibility on anything having to do with sex.  By my reading of the Bible I think God would forgive anyone anything.  I think it is time for this bigot and hater of different cultures to be ex-communicated from the church.